CNN's Pamela Brown talks to Republican Sen. John Kennedy about comments made by President Donald Trump during an interview with journalist Bob Woodward in which he admitted to downplaying the threat of the coronavirus because he did not want to "create a panic." #CNN #News
‘I’m not going to let you do this’: CNN anchor spars with senator over Trump audio

“will you let me finish?” His words to every prostitute he’s ever bought.
As of early April, Trump has told 23.3 lies per day in 2020, a 0.5-lie increase since 2019. What’s more, Trump has averaged 23.8 lies per day since the first case of COVID-19 was reported in the US — another 0.5-lie increase. Even during a pandemic, when the public needs to trust and rely on him the most, deception remains a core part of the president’s playbook.
@frank magadan Not that there is anything wrong with that.
Keanan. At least you agree she never let him finish an answer. We can start there.
@J Hutch that is because he kept repeating the answer over and over and over this senator is a moron
Holy crap listening to the president himself on audio tape is now considered “gotcha” journalism. What world do we live in.
@Eco Geek You’re too dumb to comment!
@FairyPixel How do you get to that opinión of me ? Your the one that said that I am whats wrong or causing the problem an i not right? Your the one that threw the first stone. I don’t know you but from your comment I came to the conclusion that you lean to the left. I’m a right leaning conservative republican hispanic and I’m not the problem, nor is anyone from the right. Republicans or right leaning people are not out there burning down cities because of a lie. A lie you ask? Yes a lie, its all bs created by the left and all the left leaning msm outlets. They push the narratives that fit their agendas. The left has no thought process , they are being told what to say and how to act. Republicans gather for an event? It’s a white supremacist rally and they are all dying of covid. The left goes out and protests and riots? Nothing to see here folks move along. And get this , now I’m racist , thats right me , a hispanic white male is racist now just because I’m a republican. Show me one video , just one where you see Republicans rioting , burning , assaulting people on the left , just one. And no , don’t show me one where the person on the right is defending themselves from being attacked from the left. It’s all a lie the democrats are a bunch of hypocrites and they have everyone fooled except the right leaning folks. I’m sry if that offends you but it’s a fact. Now , I’m no fan of trump , I did not vote in 2016 and I’m not voting this term either , but i do want him and this country to do good , i want security and a good place to raise my family, the world is changing, heading in the wrong direction, the life we’ve grown custom to is no longer but there’s always a small glimmer of hope that we can do better and make good positive steps in the right direction
Fat mama in progress
@Eco Geek hey babe!
@Eco Geek yes, the democrats are a wild bunch of anarchists and crooks
“I didn’t want the public to panic.”
Meanwhile, he’s screaming “Antifa, BLM, Deep State, Cities are Burning, Suburbs are being Destroyed, Defund the Police”
I see you talking out both sides of your mouth. Antifa,,deep state are both destroying any/every thing in its way
blm by name only is peaceful. The real
Meaning ends their. The activists/rioters
arsonists hide under the blm banner. While
at same time burn cities block by block. Every business is fair game “they will get
Insurance money, if you really knew
Joe/harris 1st move ask Omar. Police are
Expendable and the DNC wants this to happen,but wants the Trump Admin to somehow be blamed
Laugh it up now
You WILL be sorry
So are you
@NONI 321
If you only knew how you look
Spewing DNC rhetoric
@Joe Rogers
Slow your roll rogers
Your trying to take the blame using your relatives to throw in our faces.
Very few of US had anything to do with
How they were treated quit feeling sorry for
Yourself. Quit putting your spin on what we
Did/was done it doesn’t help any family member to relive their lose and because of you continue to suffer
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” – Upton Sinclair – literally a hundred years ago…
How can these people live with themselves?
Soulless ghoul
It’s all about the Benjamins, $$$
@The Inquisitor
That’s EXACTLY what she is. Not Complicit like those Fox and friends dolts.
Because Trump was trying to not cause a panick that’s what leaders do
@JETPAC MOZi A true leader would have been honest, discussed the risks and proper precautions and then would have modeled the appropriate way to respond. Much better for thousands of people to die unnecessarily than to tell the truth, right?
Matthew 12:28
But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you.
He can not be clearer with “not interested in this….”
I knew in January this was airborne and easily transmitted because I have more news sources than these idiots monopolizing our newsfeeds.
Omg it’s airborne lol who didn’t know that
The senator lost his key element of human being
Its not what you say that matter. Its what you do. And Trump did well on fighting the corona virus in my opinion.
These are the leaders of a “great” nation. Clowns
the media, cnn msnbc nbc abc they are the leaders for the democratic party. they are in the back pocket of the media. they lead the nation in fake news which make THEM the clowns. thank god we have a wonderful president in office right now. t20
When the script they handed you doesn’t work lol…
That’s right she don’t like his answer and wont let him speak his mind on the question she asked. She demands the answer she wants not the ones he wishes to give. Ok so she says Trump was on the record on the tapes. Well while the senator is on TV with her giving his answer he is on the record. Let the man talk. This why no one likes CNN because there politically bias there not reporting the news or stories the way they happen. They report only the ones they can make fit there political views.
I thought we panicked when I could not get toilet paper. When stores were cleaned out.
I never understood the run on toilet paper!
It would have been worst than that if Trump would have been a hysterical libtard
JETPAC MOZi you are correct, he is definitely the right man at the right time. He has for sure made people show their true colors,
Is it Trump’s guilt too that stores run out of toilet paper
Huckleberry from Louisiana sure is a genius
Just amazing really
yes we really love sen john kenedy
The media making it impossible to govern again
Anyone from Communist News Network is gonna spin anything he says and it’s never gonna stop just remember fake news
Was he speaking about the virus or something else because I didn’t hear anything about coronavirus only he didn’t want people to panic
Another tiresome Trump apologist terrified of a mean tweet.
To quote “I don’t think science can answer this behaviour”
sen kennedy is a very smart man.