Ilhan Omar Greeted With Cheers, Trump Flip Flops On ‘Send Her Back’ | The Last Word | MSNBC

The day after a crowd chanted 'send her back' at a Trump rally, Rep. Ilhan Omar was greeted with a different kind of chant when she arrived home in Minnesota: cheers from constituents. Lawrence O’Donnell discusses Trump's attempt to flip flop on the chant with Neera Tanden and Renee Graham.
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Ilhan Omar Greeted With Cheers, Trump Flip Flops On 'Send Her Back' | The Last Word | MSNBC


  1. As a Texan, I find it remarkable, that immediately after the United States earns its first African American president, of two terms, whom is a rather astute individual with a calm & collected demeanor; we get our first full-fledged White Trash Dictator-wannbe which has an overt history of lambasting said previous president.

    1. The trouble is, both Obama and Lawless Donald are corporatists who are good at hoodwinking the public into supporting them, all the while pooping up the oligarchs. Q-Anon (MAGAites) think there’s a conspiracy against them, and they’re right; they just have yet to identify the real puppet masters.

    2. Loco Brodie 😂 I agree, but I’d rather say it this way: Bush was the most corrupt and stupid President ever, until this one said “hold my beer” 😉

  2. He’s stimulating American industry. Someone has to produce the millions of buses that Trump needs to throw his supporters under.

    1. @Mr. Unknown “anti symetic” You do *NOT* know (1) Jews are *not* “symetic”; (2) Jews, Arabs, Ethiopians, & other groups speaking Semitic languages are all Semites, no?

  3. We’re stuck in a cycle of insanity. Guess what next week trump will say something that offends everyone and then he’ll lie and say he never said it

    1. just like how he was never friends with that pedophile or how he never touched (or even knew) any of those women or how he didn’t know they were killing kids at the border….

  4. Gotta distract from having pedophile pals and those pesky videos of Dear Leader partying with Epstein. Well played Cadet Bone Spurs, well played.

    1. @Brandon delcox looks to me like Donald and Epstein are best friends, did you not see the video?

    2. Jeremy Backup Bill Clinton hung around Epstein and was even elected President! Send her back to the Dessert!

    3. Can anyone explain why MSNBC, CNN, ABC are consistently getting the lowest ratings but FOX has the highest ratings (worldwide) for the best 10 Years? ( I wonder, if this comment gets censored)

  5. You mean the man who claimed to have the biggest inauguration ever despite photographic evidence and still maintains that there were millions of illegal votes without any proof is again denying reality? How weird…

    1. He still says the Central Park 5 are guilty. Actually, I don’t think he believes it, he just wants someone else to. He’s racist thru and thru.

    2. @CARL Echevarria don’t forget how the inauguration was all probably just a giant scam too. they raised more than any other previous campaign from shady donors and they somehow spend all of it on third rate performers and a tractor display? no sign of the money yet.

    1. The “right thing” would be to arrest, charge, convict, sentence and publicly hang Trump, Trump jr. & Jared Kushner…

  6. Vote blue those White hate supremacist rallies are chilling but this is not nazi Germany and that demented man will be voted out big time on nov 3rd 2020.

    1. Never forget that Hitler and the Nazis were also voted in, when Germany was a Democracy. It can happen again if people refuse to learn the lessons of history.

  7. This is the United States staring at itself in the mirror. This is what this nation has always been.

    1. @Humphrey Smith “The doorstep to the temple of wisdom is a knowledge of our own ignorance.” … demeaning people isn’t helpful to proving your point or working toward any kind of solution to societal ills. The OP and the person whose comment you disparaged are just as factually correct as your mean-spirited lecture. Acknowledging faults is vital to change. Trump’s administration is a political and civil wake up call to many… that is one silver lining of this corrupt sh!t stain of a presidency.

    2. A PART of the USA. The part no one has dealt with, because no one can stand looking in the mirror and facing it. Until that part is confronted and healed, Trumps will keep appearing it and wreaking havoc. Face your history honestly and heal it.

  8. It would not surprise me to learn that Trump has a couple of people planted in the audience to lead his chants.

    1. @arjaygee, “reportedly”? You mean reported by the same FAR-LEFT loons who said Trump could never be nominated and taht he could never be elected? O’Donnell is such a PUTZ!

    1. Why pick on Trump for being a Christian (Born Again or not) he is but a minion in the bigger scheme of things. The people whose fruit you should be inspecting are all the “Evangelical” pastors who are supporting this administration and the Republican Party as they have an agenda of their own which they are forcing down the throats of gullible people.

    2. blah, blah, racist, blah, blah, xenophobe, blah, blah, orange man bad, blah, transphobe, blah, blah, free stuff, blah, free health care for the Western Hemisphere, blah blah, open borders, blah blah, ignore homeless citizens living in Democratically controlled cities. Make America a third world shithole. This is the Democratic Party 2020 platform. They won’t express it this way, but do not kid yourself. This what they advocate.

    1. In the beginning I thought Barack Obama was Trump’s Boogeyman. It turns out, even from the grave, John Mccain is still kicking him in the slots.

    2. exactly. I didn’t vote for him, but he was a fellow military vet, and more than that, he was a decent statesman.

  9. “I didn’t say that. They did”.
    See? It’s not his fault. It’s ALWAYS someone else’s fault.

    1. @Andrew ey:
      He’s a baby in a big, bloated, racist, misogynistic, greedy, ignorant, water buffalo-man’s body.

    2. EddieRay724 millions are saying it.millions agree.enough millions that he’ll be elected in 2020 by millions.

    3. this is proof… not *just* the trump is enemy
      any not against the trump are enemy
      not only to this nation
      but, all the peoples of this earth, trumpanzies are enemy, therew is no middle ground, no other side of the coin, no gray area

      trumpanzies are not humans
      trumpanzies have zero human rights
      putting trumpanzies down no more sin than stepping on ants
      the war will come, millions will die, survival is all that matters… GEAR UP!

  10. Ilan Omar is the most famous politician on Earth right now thanks to racist trumps bullying.

    1. She never married her brother. It was a hoax, and u gossipers took it and ran with it. Pathetic.

    1. Ansell Ortell, I would argue just the opposite. Trump has done more for the US than Obummer did in 8! — JD

    2. @John Donahue yeah…for instance trumps EPA just approved the use of a pesticide that will decimate bees! Oh …wait…you said trumps done more FOR this country…hmmmmm…yeah, no……

    1. Trump supporters at that rally are too stupid to even realise they have been thrown under the bus.

  11. It is so depressing to live in America these days. Trump and the republican party are gaslighting the entire United States and it’s disgusting.

    1. Doubly so for those of us in NC with common decency. Every time I see my state on national news, it’s for crap like this. And this is a PURPLE state with gerrymandered districts – not deep red Trump country.

    2. Party of gaslighting is not the Republican party. You only have to look at the militant left in this country being allowed to run amuck to see that there is one party of hatred in this country. One party for intolerance. The Democrat party.

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