Ignatius: We ‘Gave Up’ Nation Building In Afghanistan Long Ago

The Washington Post's David Ignatius discusses President Biden defending the United States' withdrawal in Afghanistan amid mounting criticism. 

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Ignatius: We 'Gave Up' Nation Building In Afghanistan Long Ago


  1. Afghanistan president–
    I just left my people with a helicopter full of cash 😂😂😂😂 I’m fixing to eat and live real nice!

  2. It was a impossible war from jump start.yoy are dealing with a people who believes dying is not only a honor but belief! Death is the give up. 20 years should explain it. We were only giving the afghans the right to be who we wanted them to be. That’s why they would rather be under the rule of their own people than us.

    1. @Clay Joking about what? Before you decide to get into this, are we going to have a conversation or do you just wish to argue, because I won’t be bothered with silliness.

  3. “Nation building” was never America’s job anyway. Believing that it could be done was also America’s hubris.

    1. @Larb You think “America” built Japan? Okay. You attribute the success of Japan’s society post world war 2 to American actions? Amusing. But believe what you want.

    2. @Hybris51129 We learned nothing from the fall of the Roman Empire.
      Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it.

    3. @Tidbit nation building isnt a necessity. When you are attacked, you crush the enemy completely, and you leave. You don’t build them roads and schools. You destroy and leave. That is how you fight a war and win.

    4. @Larb We did it with Japan because Japan is an industrial nation capable of being beneficial to America as an ally – today Japan has the 5th most powerful military.. Same as Germany (the Marshall Plan).

  4. Afghan president Ghani fled from Afghanistan: four cars were filled with money, they tried to shove another part of the money into a helicopter, but not everything fit. And some money was left lying on the tarmac (US tax dollars).

  5. We fight in my back yard. My back yard get messed up. Fight in your back yard your back yard get messed up. Does the pentagon know something we don’t know? Time will tell.

  6. Leaving was never in question..leaving 10000 Americans and countless allies to fend for themselves is definitely in question!!
    Not to mention weapons, humvee’s, helicopters, all in the hands of the enemy.

    1. @Eric Burton common sense stuff that will indeed not be picture perfect. You really think they will let that happen lol come on 😂 if the troops were to have “stayed” and done all that, they wouldn’t even make it to help 10 civilians. Lol talibans are stronger than ever. It’s better to withdraw and come up with a plan and then make things happen.

    2. @Jay we have millions of innocent people being slaughtered in the US, he is the president of the US so we should protect the US before anyone else.

    3. @False Alias and yet i hear people complaining biden didnt evacuate in winter or early spring. I really don’t think evacuating in august changed things that much

  7. If trump had done this : “omg we left allies behind how could we do this dictator nationalist!” But it’s Biden so it’s okay

    1. @Adler Haaland Trump was horrible you bozo. Did you forget Trump was the one who implemented the idea of pulling out troops knowing the Taliban would take over?

    2. @Sleepyhead-.- trump would have done it right. Evacuate Americans first (duh.) Don’t leave billions of weapons behind (duh.) Then drop a half dozen nukes on your way out.

    1. Wow this is pathetic corporate Media never question it the trillions of dollars and Soldier lives being lost on this endless wars ….

    1. @Greg Thornton no he means robotic like you know .. not a human. Heartless. Monotone. Lifeless!

      Jesus Christ open spiritual eyes because you are spiritually blind.

    2. You mean he’s waxing… and like Botox in the bottom half of his face. To look like 20! While the top half looks 80! And he is speaking voodoo, mumbo jumbo. LOL…

    1. @Freddy Krueger Anyone wanting to stay there is a clown who loves war more than America itself. I remembered trump supporters angry that that infrastructure bill passed. But some of them seem to forget and are happy to send it to any Howe country and waste trillions there in another 10 years instead of getting flat tires every 6 months. China is outpacing us. Their roads are so modern and railways. You can’t defeat an ideology. Similar like how no one can convert you Trump supporters into democrats. Relax and go grab a gun and fight since you love it soo much

    1. Anyone wanting to stay there is a clown who loves war more than America itself. I remembered trump supporters angry that that infrastructure bill passed. But some of them seem to forget and are happy to send it to any Howe country and waste trillions there in another 10 years instead of getting flat tires every 6 months. China is outpacing us. Their roads are so modern and railways. You can’t defeat an ideology. Similar like how no one can convert you Trump supporters into democrats. Relax and go grab a gun and fight since you love it soo much

  8. You abandoned the very people who helped our troops !!!! Did the dementia set in early and you forgot the whole *INNOCENT CIVILIAN SITUATION*

    1. Why should our troops keep fighting for people who are not fighting for themselves. I’m glad this ended. I been in this war since 2003. When knew this was coming years ago. Thanks trump and Biden for pulling out.

    1. He wrote a BIG L on the last 20 year’s of failed War Policy, which includes each sitting POTUS since we went to war in 2001! They were all a part of it! War makes money for and capitalist society. Any one of them could have called it off, but nope, not a single one did until 20 years later! That is a whole military career worth of active war zones!!

    2. @Nuts Flexmore honey, take a break from twitter. It’s not going to make you any smarter. ☕️💅🏻

    3. @Nuts Flexmore it doesn’t matter who put us there, just KNOW that BOTH SIDES KEPT US THERE for 20 year’s!!

    4. @Lightning Thunder
      Plenty of blame to go around, that’s True. I’m just not going to let the Republicans turn it into a political weapon when we’re cleaning up something they started.

  9. This should have happened way down the road when they were ready to fight off these guys. What a joke, man.

  10. This administration is a disgrace and an insult to those who lost their life and sacrifice while serving in Afghanistan, period.

    1. Wow this is pathetic corporate Media never question it the trillions of dollars and Soldier lives being lost on this endless wars ….

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