‘If This Were A Case Other Than The President, They’d Already Have Been Indicted’ | Deadline | MSNBC

Former FBI Director James Comey looks ahead to Robert Mueller’s public testimony and tells Nicolle Wallace he believes there is sufficient basis to charge the president with obstruction, but Mueller is too principled to do so
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‘If This Were A Case Other Than The President, They'd Already Have Been Indicted’ | Deadline | MSNBC


    1. James Logan : Watch what happens, from the moment Mueller opens his mouth to speak? Have you noticed how, “quiet,” the Trump Troll Army are, right now? That’s because they’re all using their official holidays up. When Mueller speaks, we will see the BIGGEST outpouring of Trump Trollery in the history of the internet. I promise you. Watch and see

    2. @Fayette That is just the problem. There are so many scandal that they are forgotten. Before the scandal can be approprietely investigated, there is a new one that needs attention.

    3. @The One Yes he is. Wearing a tan suit, using mustard and putting his legs on the table in the oval office is of course far worse than Trumps behaviour in Helsinki and his sharing of top secret information with a russian in the oval office. Sarc off.

    1. vegastjg : Never trust an Orange man. That’s just not a natural color. Unless you’re an Orange, or an alien 😡

  1. I hope the Dems are prepared for the mud slinging repulsive republicans will throw tomorrow. But what I want to see is Matt Gaetz making a fool of himself.. Now how did he get his degree again?

    1. @Jimmy Jazz But Yes! How could we forget Hilarys email,repubs will no doubt be screaming that all day.

    2. @Trumpocalypse they are all Patriots. Constitution Loving nationalist. World champions. Unlike the two family dictatorship of bush Clinton and their puppet Obama. Thank God Obama did not hand the presidency back to his boss Hillary

    1. @Olivia Brooks You might wanna be checking recent Seth Rich stories, because it appears thats one murder Hillary may not be able to shake off as easily as she first thought. He and his brother were the wikileaks sources, not Russia.

    2. @JOE you said “facts” but facts can be proven. Can you prove any of your outlandish accusations or is this just your opinion?

    3. You morons are brain washed by fake news. Good luck with that. I feel bad for you all. Comey has been lying yet you will just sheeple along. Sad.

  2. Gee, I read the report. It’s easy to read. Nothing “high brow”. Just about what happened when and with whom. And guess what? There IS collusion with Russian in that report, and Trump DID obstruct justice at least 10 times. If you just can’t read the report, then listen to Mr. Mueller testify tomorrow.

    1. @Julio Gonzalez Republicans will only try to attack and discredit Mueller.
      Attack the Messenger if the message is not what you want it to be.
      And for sure do not investigate the content of the message. In that case there is a change that you have to admit that the message is true.

    2. @We are all connected only partially accurate. Flynn’s trial is almost over. There’s just sentencing left and it was all thanks to judge who delays that. So new team is aiming at throwing whole sentence away, not fighting a case. And the status of cooperating witness has been withdrawn by the prosecution some time ago, now. And this is completely aside the fact that Flynn’s lawyers found a bunchaton of new evidence. So carefully with assumptions…

    3. @Okkie Trooy That Flynn did not lie is known for nearly two years now (Strzok himself confirmed that). Unfortunately for Flynn lying to the FBI is a crime where only proof is FBI’s word. And so happened that Flynn was found guilty of that based on a memo from an interview with said agent Strzok where he was asked about that conversation with Flynn… 6 months later. Original memo from the original questioning by Strzok/Pientka is nowhere to be found…

  3. The whole Republican Party is now complicit on obstructing justice. Way to go Republicans party above country!

    1. @Kay Can you break down the word “comprehend” and explain the roots of its parts? I don’t expect much. It’s your biggest word so far.

    2. @Chloe Key after all unlike you I have a real reason to hate you. You and the Democrat party is just like the deaf community. The deaf community didn’t care about anything I said, includes when I was in severe depression and having suicidal thoughts. Just because I’m a WHITE MEN. And they were pathetic enough to try to retain their holds on me, even trying to force me to go to galladuet and tried to arrange marriage with a deaf white girl. All while doesn’t believe anything I says JUST LIKE YOU MISERABLE DEMOCRATS.

    3. @this avatar is hated by democrats We oppose you because you support the career criminal that you put in charge of our country. Watch the Mueller testimony.

  4. Sadly, Trump is a criminal who has always gotten away with it, and it continues into his presidency. The Republcan Senate will do nothing to stop him. Our whole Constitution has been made a mockery by these people.

    1. @TheRaoulsdaddy nope. Most of what I says is personal theories. It’s you Democrats that shows all the flaws of socialism.

    1. T Shaw : Watch what happens, from the moment Mueller opens his mouth to speak? Have you noticed how, “quiet,” the Trump Troll Army are, right now? That’s because they’re all using their official holidays up. When Mueller speaks, we will see the BIGGEST outpouring of Trump Trollery in the history of the internet. I promise you. Watch and see

  5. Trump: “I’m the most transparent president in American history.”
    American Public: “Yep, we can see right through you.”

    1. @PURPLE QUEEN48 who cares about his tax returns. I am more interested in the $1500.00 less taxes I paid this year. KAG

    1. Dee Dee : Quiet, isn’t it? . . . Trump Troll-wise, I mean? . . . 🤔 Watch what happens, from the moment Mueller opens his mouth to speak? Have you noticed how, “quiet,” the Trump Troll Army are, right now? That’s because they’re all using their official holidays up. When Mueller speaks, we will see the BIGGEST outpouring of Trump Trollery in the history of the internet. I promise you. Watch and see

  6. What can the American people do to get Mitchell McConnell out of the way impeding trial in the Senate?

    If he weren’t there having shown his behavior Trump would already be impeached, convicted, and ousted.

    At this point I do not see how he can change course with any vestige of integrity.

    I knew Barry Goldwater. Barry Goldwater was a friend of mine. Mitch McConnell is no Barry Goldwater.

    McConnell loves power even more than the country. Prospect of blocking impeachment of a President is the obstruction of a lifetime.

    1. We need to all donate to his opponent Amy McGrath for the 2020 election. I don’t even live in Kentucky, so I can’t vote, but I can donate to his opponent’s campaign. It may be a lost cause, but I’m clinging to any thread of hope.

  7. 9:43 Words Comey didn’t apply to Clinton in 2016: “I asked the FBI to do it discreetly because we don’t want to smear innocent people especially in the middle of a political election year.”

    1. Indeed, he should feel sick to his stomach. He personally interfered in the election process in Trump’s favor.

    2. Im not trying to change your mind and I’m sure I won’t anyway. Clinton’s case was public. Comey therefore had to inform everyone on the progress the fbi was making and if they had started an investigation. The Trump investigation was from a secret private source and was brought to the FBI from a different part of government. Not allowing him to publicize the investigation in the same way he did with Clinton. On top of this the. Linton investigation was directly linked to her. At the beginning of the Trump investigation it wasn’t even about Trump because they hadn’t found any evidence that he was linked to the Russian interference. Because of this he didn’t want to state Trump was involved when he wasn’t. Whereas they already knew at the beginning of the Clinton investigation that she was directly involved. I’m not a Trump supporter at all in any way but I personally and this is my opinion and you’re totally entitled to yours, think it’s unfair on Comey to blame soley him for the election result. If you still don’t trust him I get it. Fine but there are more specific differences to the investigations at the time. I read Comeys book recently and it was really an eye opener. He actually talks on a very human an intimate level on how things went and the whole process of both investigations. He also talks about things he would of done differently if he had the chance and the things he thought he handled well. By the time he found there were potential links between Trump and Russia he had been fired. Have a great day random person on the internet.

  8. barr is a crook. mueller, though, has no right to refuse to tell congress whatever he knows. Secrecy only serves the cover up

  9. Clink……clink…….hear that Trump?????
    Its the sound of the door slamming down on your jail cell in the state of New York.

    1. Pffft. Ladies first. Good riddance to the two-family dictatorship of bush Clinton and their puppet Obama

  10. When this Trump Administration is finally in the dumpster, (and trump is looking at a prison cell), there are going to be alot of Trump officials who will need to account for what they have illegally done to protect this corrupt criminal Administration.

    1. @Oh Gosh Think of all the ignorance required to hold that a truth. LOL. Comey is a fink; one of many.

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