‘If I were Donald Trump, I’d be really worried’: Gergen on possible DeSantis showdown

CNN Senior Political Analyst David Gergen weighs in on the GOP presidential candidates following the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). #CNN #News


  1. Events will unfold and conclude, as they always do, with Trump losing.
    This has become a reliable constant in the universe.

  2. How many times have we heard “Trump is in trouble”? Everyone around him has been convicted of something, gone to jail and so forth, except for him! If I’m Trump, I’m thinking “I’ve got away with everything so far, why should I be worried?” 😂

    1. “I’ve got away with everything so far, why should I be worried?” 😂 Exactly how Joe, Hunter and HRC feel.

  3. It may have been a celebration of Donald and he may have been their only focus, but the crowds were really small.

    1. @Paul Duffy I am DONE with biden and trump. We need competence and intelligence. DeSantis 2024! Maybe Pompeo or Haley as vice.

  4. Increasingly, every day the DOJ fails to proceed with indicting Tre45on, the less confidence the public has in the capacity of the DOJ to do the right thing.

    1. @LotsOfFun I think it’s going to be Haley, DeSantis. DeSantis doesn’t want anyway. He loves to wreck Florida, so… Not going to happen.

  5. It was Trump himself who signed the law that says if you ‘mishandle’ classified documents, the minimum sentence is 5 years in prison. If those documents have been shared with a foreign country the Espionage Act says it’s punishable by death, imprisonment for not more than 30 years, or both.

    1. But there’s not a single shred of evidence about any type of espionage. Only thing evidence supports is that the documents were mishandled by third parties with a lack of oversight.

  6. It’s cool this gentleman acted as an advisor to both Republican and Democrat Presidents. I guess Bill Clinton knew wisdom when he saw it!

    1. Can;t say Bill knew much about wisdom, but he sure knew a hot babe when HRC wasn’t around, or even if she was.

  7. over two years now, people still predicting how worried he should be. he sure looks worried doesn’t he?

    1. Yes, have you seen Trump’s temple? That little vibrating vein shows his fear. And he already wrecked 3 elections for the GOP. So, it’s going to be hard for him.

    2. Did you catch tucker’s show tonight? I think that, in the end, it’s the DNC that should be worried.

    1. OMG! Did you catch Tucker Carlson tonight?! The DC establishment has got some explaining to do. Lol.

  8. Good grief – “She’s attractive …”

    I can’t believe a woman’s suitability as a VP firstly starts with how attractive she is.

  9. There were more empty chairs at Cpac than there was convention goers. And if you took all the staff out of the equation, it was even more of an abysmal turnout. A “joke” is being kind.

  10. “We know that 2 years in advance analysis never turns out to be right, but let’s do it again anyway. Why are we right this time?”

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