Former UK Prime Minister David Cameron discusses Brexit and how he believes current PM Boris Johnson should proceed. Cameron also discusses his book 'For the Record.' Aired on 9/30/19.
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I Wouldn't Advise No Deal, Says Former PM David Cameron | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Please don’t send him back – we have cancelled his passport.
Nope, he’s yours. It’s bad enough we are stuck with Justin Beiber after we lost the hockey game.
It does not matter what Cameron would do. He is the joke that got us into this mess in the first place. So it is impossible to trust his judgement on anything. 3 years of chaos since he had the referendum, all to keep his party happy. He will hopefully be remembered as the 3rd worst PM after May and Johnson.
blair was the worst
Eh, I’d go with Thatcher.
I’d add both Blair and thatcher too but otherwise agree
The Queen has been reported about talking about giving Johnson the ax so there is that. And for the record if you claim something false about the Queen in the UK the entire family will back ball your newspaper/station and in the UK that is bad.
Our Brexit mess is pretty much due to Cameron’s decision to have a referendum asking an idealistic question. Such was the confidence that people would of course choose to remain in the EU that absolutely no data was collected to identify what people’s priorities were and what sacrifices they were prepared to make. Hence 3 years of to-ing and fro-ing and still not being in a position to get a concensus on what our Brexit goals should be.
@Andres Villarreal Referendums are simply an avoidance of governing. When crazy people want something senseless, they ask for a referendum because sane legislators know better.
@Will W In the case of Brexit and some other examples I know, I completely agree. The government should have named a high level commission to study what Brexit actually would mean, which would have found if there actually is something to gain by leaving the EU, and which could have explained to the country how all the known models, like the Canadian, the Swiss, the Norwegian and so many others, all have more problems than solutions if you are already one of the four most powerful countries in the EU.
Declaring the referendum null and void as soon as it became clear that unlawful deception happened on a grand scale could also have saved the UK from the impending disaster that is almost certain to happen.
@Andres Villarreal Additional reading:
@Andres Villarreal “The government should have named a high level commission to study what Brexit actually would mean.” I agree.
The referendum was dropped on the people at exactly the right time to achieve a Brexit. When the people were being saturation bombed by propaganda and hysteria.
That was no accident. I’m all for referendums as often as possible, but when people are being asked a leading question, then it’s not a referendum, it’s a parlour trick
Un-elected PM Boris the clown.
He did the equivalent of throwing a grenade into a packed angry room and then running away. I’d say he is the worst PM ever, except now we have pound shop Trump, Boris Johnson. Jeez. Oh and by the way, we don’t address ex Prime Ministers as ‘Prime Minister’ when they’ve left office. Because they’re not.
@urbanimage so your saying that it was basically a voters recommendation to leave the EU and not a mandatory obligation to do so by law? And that Borris Johnson is illegally trying to use the recommendation to force the UK out of the EU?
@Chris Mckenzie Well, the referendum was only advisory so the government was not bound by the result, but on the other hand parliament and the government couldn’t really ignore the result either. So the government decided to abide by the result and negotiated the best withdrawal agreement it could get from the EU . Unfortunately or fortunately depending on where you stand on EU membership it couldn’t get the agreement through parliament, so we now have Boris Johnson as PM who wants to push through a no deal Brexit for which there is no mandate. It’s a mess. The referendum result has backed the government and parliament ( where most MP’s don’t want to leave the EU) in to a corner. Parliament has passed a law which says we can’t leave without a deal, but Boris says he wants out deal or not.
@Chris Mckenzie
Many voted for Brexit when people are stupid in masses , just as USA has over 40 mil republicans cult members that refuse to believe their own eyes .
Brexit campaign , blamed EU for UK housing problem … EU is not in apartment building business
They blamed Pakistanis and Indian immigrant on EU … those countries aint part of EU .
Passport color , yeah that stupid thing … nothing to do with EU ,
Independence ? … if UK wants to do trade with EU , it still must follow EU rules , but now it cant influence them at all … good example , Isle of Man fish transports.
Isle of Man is not part of EU or for that matter even UK and it still needs to follow UK rule to have icepacks to transport smoked fish … notice UK rule not EU
EU rule just says that food must be transported so it is safe to consumers to eat and only raw fish needs ice .
It was odd that the first rat to show his true colours when Cameron left us in this mess was Boris. He could not wait to say that he didn’t want to pick up the mess he helped create. He waited 2 years and then thought he could ride in on a wave of his own ego and solve all of the problems by bullying people. I want him to go, but not before he ruins the Tory party even more than he has already.
@Chris Mckenzie People were given an option of in or out of Europe in the referendum. The leave campaign lied their way to success on promises they could never deliver. When the reality of leaving happened they then thought it was a good idea to try and work out a plan. It is now very clear that we can leave Europe in many different ways and no one can decide which one is best. This has left remainers hope that we can still maintain a place in Europe. Lets not forget that there were over 16m people who voted to stay, so it was not a conclusive victory. It would be a bit like someone losing the Presidential election by 3m votes and then becoming President. It just shows that democracy doesn’t always work.
Third worse Prime Minister after Boris Johnson and May
Hmmm, where do you rate Thatcher?
What? Johnson has 33% approval rating on Yougov !? Johnson is a criminal and a cheat. Brexit is by the rich for the rich and cannot help ordinary people who will face job losses and higher prices as well as travel and work restrictions but Farage and Mogg have both opened new offices in EU countries so that Brexit does not have to mean Brexit for the rich.
The exact same forces that got Trump elected are those behind Brexit. Johnson and Mogg are desperado to drag us out of the EU before the European Tax Directive on January 1st 2020 after which time their rich mates won’t be able to hide their money from any EU home governments and that’s why Brexit now at all costs.
Josie Fox exactly
Am from the UK. Cameron created this mess and then ran away, therefore IMHO = coward. He has ZERO credibility back in the UK.
David W couldn’t put it better myself

Brexiteers promised the impossible and they are going to try to blame the EU for their own lies. Brexit started to avoid taxes in tax havens…nothing more nothing less
Could you elaborate on the tax havens, please? I’ve looked mostly at the big business interests in getting rid of and never replacing EU public health, environment and consumer rights protections, as well as banking transparency and ethics standards.
@compulsiverambler Starting Jan 1 laws will take effect making it harder to hide money within the EU.
The UK already had the best deal I the EU…but the UK wanted more.
The UK threatened the EU to leave if they didn’t got their way
The EU said no
The UK then voted leave
And now the UK is blaming the eu for not getting everything they have as members…without wanting to pay membership (cake and eat it)
The eu says no
The UK has a trumpian tantrum outbreak and plays the victim
Bjorn Santens I like your view, which talks about the UK and doesn’t hate on the guy who enabled people to have their say. No one in their right mind would blame Emmeline Pankhurst for election decisions they didn’t like. Brexit is a massive risk but to blame the person who led the Remain Campaign is a bit strong.
They even blame the EU for partitioning ireland
He caused it all what would he know he’s only there to sell his book
Cameron doesn’t mention cutting National Health Service, cutting aid to disabled people, putting people on the street homless and destitute. That’s a conservative : budgets matter; people are disposable .
Like Republicans they measure their success in their dollar signs in their own personal wealth and their contributors.
When you idolize these wealthy people who went to private schools remember they learned to treat people like dirt.
Yep, it is similar here in Canada too.
AUSTERITY under the Tories for 10 years!!!!
I am one of the thousands that were told your fit for work with serious arthritis in my hips , shoulders and ankles , and serious depression was living on £3 a day to pay for gas electric food and medications . Taking away aid from people while camerons disabled kid had two nannies for 24 hour care . Johnsons numbers have gone up cos he is gobbing on about building 40 new hospitals when they are really going to cut the NHS . The facist tories are way out of touch with real life
Sending kids to private schools is also a Labour Party thing. It’s nothing to do with it.
On Aug. 19, 2016, Arron Banks had just scored a huge win. From relative obscurity, he had become the largest political donor in British history by pouring millions into Brexit. Now he had something else that bolstered his standing as he sat down with his new Russian friend, Ambassador Alexander Yakovenko: his team’s deepening ties to Trump’s insurgent presidential bid in the US. A major Brexit supporter, Steve Bannon, had just been installed as chief executive of Trump’s campaign. And Banks and his fellow Brexiteers had been invited to attend a fundraiser with Trump in Mississippi.
Less than a week after the meeting with the Russian envoy, Banks and firebrand Brexit politician Nigel Farage — by then a cult hero among some anti-establishment Trump supporters — were huddling privately with the Republican nominee in Jackson, Miss., where Farage wowed a foot-stomping crowd at a Trump rally.
Banks’s journey from a lavish meal with a Russian diplomat in London to the raucous heart of Trump country was part of an unusual intercontinental charm offensive by the wealthy British donor and his associates, who dubbed themselves the “Bad Boys of Brexit.” Their efforts to simultaneously cultivate ties to Russian officials and Trump’s campaign captured the interest of investigators in the UK and the US.
Both inquiries center on questions of Russia’s involvement in seismic political events that have shaken the world order, with the European Union losing a key member and U.S. voters electing a president critical of Washington’s traditional alliances. In Britain, revelations about Banks’s Russian contacts triggered scrutiny of whether the Russians sought to bolster the Brexit effort.
In the fall of 2015, during UKIP’s annual convention at the Doncaster racecourse several hours north of London, Wigmore, a Farage confidant, met a Russian diplomat named Alexander Udod, who then helped arrange a lunch for the UKIP leaders with the Russian ambassador, Yakovenko. (Udod was one of 23 suspected Russian intelligence officers ejected from Britain after the nerve agent attack against Sergei Skripal, a Russian double agent, and his adult daughter, in Salisbury in south England.)
Banks and Wigmore said they were interested not only in briefing the Russians on Brexit, but also in seeking possible Russian backers for their various offshore investments, including banana plantations in Belize.
This clown Cameron pressed the self destruct button and walked away leaving everyone else to sort out the mess. Boris Johnson is just as polarising as Trump. UK politics is in a mess. Scotland is on the brink of holding a 2nd independence referendum and all signs are that this time Scots WILL vote to leave the United Kingdom.
He feels some responsibility ? Oh yeh, how much. ? He created the biggest constitutional crisis ever & then when it went the wrong way, he effed off & has spent the last three years, ensconced in the Cotswolds writing his autobiography, so now he has a book to push, he crawls out from under his rock…the man is a disgrace !
Opto Mister he’s repugnant, I agree.
UK is paralysed because of the A Hole you are interviewing. The blame lies squarely with this leech, now shamelessly hawking his S Hit book. Pathetic.
Williamus Rex absolutely. A little bit of vomit rose into my mouth while watching this farce
I’m English and it took me a while to recognize David Cameron – he’s been keeping a low profile since the referendum…
The mess we are in was started by this chump. He was afraid of of losing a few MP seats to UKIP. He promised a referendum to shore up his wobbly government. And here we are. It was all self interest and nothing else. Well done, Dave, you just broke the union and screwed our economy for years to come. We will have to live with his cowardice, he will just spend more time with his money. What a shirt front.
Interesting that even now he just doesn’t get it. The EU/UK relations didn’t have to be fixed, at least not in the direction that this moron thought. The UK had all kinds of preferential treatment and rebates, which was unfair in the first place, but even that didn’t satisfy the whiny Tories.

well said
” While I disagree with Brexit”………..” It’s not the path I would have chosen”……….. ” That’s why we’re stuck”…..???? No !! the UK is stuck because YOU decided to have a referendum and the UK has been a mess for the last 3 years because of that…..