Tense moments at Queen's Park as Ontario Long-term Care Minister Merrilee Fullerton responds to calls to resign.
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She had a written response lol she had to come back with a written response smh these ppl can’t trust any of them anymore
Remember her name Merrillee Fullerton.
Thinking on the spot isn’t the strong point of those driven by power hunger rather than morality.
They all have written responses. And the Opposition has written questions. None of them can think on their feet anymore. Even the ones in Ottawa. They are worse.
My wife is a PSW and I’ve listened to her complaints about short staffing for 22 years.
Did you know that if you need diapers you get 4 a day even if you have the Flu and are going 10 times a day?
This lady needs to resign. The war zone she speaks of is because of her neglect.
20 years ago, it was a sought after job. The min.wage was $8.75 and the psw’s made almost double that. My spouse’s home was fully staffed, they got all the vacation they were entitled to. In 2018, the psw made only slightly above min. They were denied all vacation because there was not enough staff. Wages were froze by the Ford cabinet and then COVID hit ….
That is absolutely horrendous! I never knew that and it’s awful!
This problem is a systemic one that LOOOONG preceded this poor woman. Common sense says NOBODY saw this coming. This NDP pig is verbally assaulting her over decades of neglect.
@Randi C if it is true for the 1 place this person is talking about, it is definitely not true for all the homes.
@Natasha It’s actually widespread in private for profit long term care facilities. That’s been established. Profits come before standards.
Incompetence and corruption from the top down.
A classic example of not answering questions.
They government is shameful and outrageous! This ‘Minister’ makes my skin crawl and my blood boil! RESIGN NOW!
And who would you have in her place? Horvath? You may as well start marching around goose stepping because that’s how she views this country.
She is disgusting. She looks like a drunk
Nobody will resign, nobody will loose a single pay cheque, they have no soul.
Nothing but death camps for the seniors
as soon as she said any loss of life blah blah blah this has been happening for years
The LTC Minister should live for a month in a long term care facility.
@dominic barbucci Right on! This is pass the buck – notice Kathleen Wynne says nothing?
She will live there eventually and lets hope they recognize her name
I can’t stand that loud mouth Andrea Hoevat.
She wouldn’t make it a week
She should even spend a day shadowing staff in a LTC facility but she probably wouldn’t even agree to that.
and now you can pick up the peices of your political carrier. RESIGN NOW !!
The entire room can pack their bags not just you.
lol xoxo
All I hear is we screwed by but don’t care.
Notice how her voice is sweet and demure for a long time, then it becomes suddenly harsh a 10’07” (sounds like a totally different person!), and finally, is tearful at 12’27”.
You mean the crocodile tears..
That’s the mood swings from her alcohol abuse
Sweet and demure is the act, the raging harsh part is the real minister once the mask is off
Wolf in sheep’s clothing
Doesn’t matter who holds this position, it’s been the same story for many decades. Seniors have always been neglected in these homes and short staffed. They blame Covid for the deaths of seniors and any other excuse they can find. It’s all about making money, not about the seniors.
@Joanne Murphy Ford should resign! Fat F!
@Autumn Leaveshahaha
@Joanne Murphy The private for profit long term care facilities (homes) problems were started by Mike Harris. Private for profit long term care facilities (homes), have one goal. Profit. Quality of care gets compromised. Dalton McGuinty, Kathleen Wynne and their provincial Liberal government were very bad. They remained in power for so long, only because Ontario residents remembered how bad the PCs were, under Mike Harris and Ernie Eves. Dalton McGuinty and Kathleen Wynne should have done something about the private for profit long term care facilities (homes) issue, but that might be difficult to do. Mike Harris is on the board of one of these private for profit long term care facilities (homes) groups.
@Joanne Murphy Mike Harris should be taken to task for this. Certain things should not be privatized and deregulated. There are seniors who cannot look after themselves for health reasons, and they need a proper facility to meet that requirement. When private for profit long term care facilities were put in, there were problems from the start.
@Joanne Murphy Found the Con boot licker..
All those ministers are nothing but waste of human form, they should be fired immediately because they play a dirty game called politics.
What’s your address
@Puya A86 are you sure you want to know? There will be consequences if you are in my driveway.
@TheNavydude2007 Yes, consequences for you, that was the implication. The address; immediately.
@Puya A86 aren’t you the cutest troll?
Now go bother someone else.
She can’t even say she is sorry! What a awful person.
She just won’t answer the question fire her!!
This LTC minister is dead behind the eyes, I just get a feeling, its feeling, I may be wrong but she does not care.
Narcissists who do not understand accountability.
WOW, I mean WOW, even in Ont. and all the provinces in Canada, “No Politician answers a direct question !!!” Fire them all…
And the opposition failed to take in information they just kept throwing the same question and ending with the minister of health needs to resign WiLl ShE? You liberals are so clueless
My favorite part is at 3:48 where she says ” I said I’m sorry why are you making such a big deal of this?” or something
…she never said that….
Classic HRC answer she is-one to keep a eye on .
Such an absolute ghoul. She should absolutely be removed from the file.
15 years of neglet? I’m 63, I was 16 and remember feeling the neglect of my grandmother in home care. That does not go away!