TTC bus operator Alexandra Stoeckle says she's thankful to be alive after she was shot in the chest, face and body by a BB gun.
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We’re slowly turning into america
You guys do have oil….
Just the cities. Rural America is safer than ever.
Worse, we are turning into North Korea.
No were not like America, at least the Americans can arm themselves to defend themselves. In this country ONLY the bad guys can have guns and even when they get caught they are released the next day.
@Felix Wankel rural
Shooting for the reason of TTC hate? These teens are lost. Throw the book at them and their parents.
This is not new. It’s underreported. These are the cases that make it too the news. Drivers are physically and verbally assaulted all day.
@A B yikes. You think they deserve it?
@A B Maybe the drivers should have the right to fight back with as much force as needed.
@A B They operate a bus on an assigned route, what is there to communicate about
@Rick Russell who says they don’t? Most of them have big mouths when someone asks them a question until they get taught a lesson. These bus drivers need to realize that they are public service employees and need to communicate accordingly as the servants that they are. That means no belittling, rudeness, mocking, or anything else when someone asks an innocent question. At the end of the day, you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes
@W T 2 sides to every story. You’re only a victim when you’re on the receiving end of a punch
The new Jussie Smollett
A BB gun? Why are we hearing about this? Seriously.
@GEN 913 hahahahahahahha
@T hah.. you’re a
@GEN 913 aw muffin sorry, i hope u don’t get hit with a nerf gun
@WarAmpsChamp not every assault but there’s been a increase in violence on the TTC recently. string of attacks on the TTC system daily. And every one is one the news.
Demographics is destiny.
Arm them.
Certain races don’t mix well.
all of them?
legal gun right??? 
CCW Permits when?
Toronto the new Justin town, you get what you give hahahahahahahahh
Yes, if they listened to you back in August, this wouldn’t have happened

How??? That’s such a stupid thing to say.
I called the mayor office once and asked to speak to the mayor. I was told by the staff they don’t do that so in a firm voice I said I need to speak the the mayor sir. He then said he didn’t feel safe with this call and he hung up.
Make it free to ride!!!! Then drivers wouldn’t have to confront passengers!
24 she looks 38
Civilization is going nowhere…. its getting worse