During a Georgia debate, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) responded to opponent Marcus Flowers calling her an "insurrectionist," saying she was a victim of the violent Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol. #CNN #News
‘I was a victim’: Marjorie Taylor Greene on Jan. 6 riot

I presume she means she was a victim because it didn’t succeed so she didn’t get a job in the White House with the “Dear Leader”.
@Gabriel David LMAO so ff-ing true. For me she is one of those scary Republicans that are up to no good.
If we don’t have a democracy you can forget about inflation and anything else
How are we a democracy while right wing democrats refuse to overturn citizens united, refuse to pass dc statehood, and refuse to allow puerto rican americans self determination?
Last fight https://youtu.be/kXeOAoAoCRU
@Democracy Means DC Statehood we are still a democracy and those Dinos should be voted out.
She went to jail to visit these folks. Said they were treated unfair. You gotta be kidding me. She is a liar.
@Ec Brown they don’t understand. That’s high-school logic and it’s way beyond them.
@lisa white and trump. Especially trump.
The most monstrous people ALWAYS see themselves as the victims.
She just said, she was a victim. Just as much of a victim as, Josh Hawley.
That’s exactly what mtg is a little, big MONSTER!!
@Gustavo Deugarte agreed!
Very hypocritical for u to say
When will these debates learn to shut the mic on ppl like her, while their opponent is answering?
True..dems barely talk when opponent talking… only repubs famous for doing it
The rules of the debate are agreed by both parties. Repubs would not agree to debate if that was the case as they know the dems will roll on their at those exact times. That’s when they push their nonsense even further.
Shut it off !. Disconnect her mouth. Who wants to hear about me, me, me, And what she got. But nothing what she’s done for her own community.
Americans have been begging it since 2016.
Last fight https://youtu.be/kXeOAoAoCRU
They always have “evidence” …except when it comes time to prove it in court, where it matters.
it’s that “under oath” part that really ruins everything for them
@Courage Karnga best comment!
When you never have any
She’s literally insane and the fact she has power in America is even more insane. I say America doesn’t survive its fools
“Never underestimate Joes ability to F*** things up” Obama
Joe and the Democrats have surly proved Obama right.
@Renee The Star Queen Whataboutism enters the room . So what should he have done ? Say hey Russia you want Ukraine and it’s resources alright
She’s nothing more than a collaborator in an attempted coup. She deserves to be in jail.
Are we sure she doesn’t belong in a straitjacket in a padded room?
@Troy Baisden Euhhm what does this have to do with math? But sure I’ll give you math. The top states in homicides/100 000 people is California (2,203, Heavy blue), Texas (1,931, Heavy red), Florida (1290, Heavy red), Illinois (1150, Blue), Pennsylvania (1009, Red), Georgia (943, Red), N.C (852, Heavy Red), Ohio (820, Heavy red), New York (808, Heavy blue), Michigan (Heavy blue, 754).
Those are the top 10 states. if we add them together the tally is:
Democrats: 4923 homicides/1 million citiziens
Republican states: 6845 homicides/1 million citizens.
There you go, now I did the math like you wanted. Happy?
Source: FBI – Crime in the US year 2020.
Edit: I added the source.
@L Rodriguez though that is untrue, you should note the violent crime rate increased 28% in 2020 (trump) in both red and blue cities, and the red states have the most crime overall. This is a reversal of longer-term trends, in which violent crimes have been generally declining since the 1990s. But you know what? Maybe we all should work together to solve it instead of pointing fingers?
She helped plan the insurrection, so how is she a victim?
She wore a face mask that read “tRump won,” to the Congress floor!
This is the same women that used a Pepe meme in congress, she has all screws loose
How come you bots are even talking to each other?
Because she’s a liar.
It blows my mind that some people listen to Herschel Walker and think “yes, that’s the kind of person I want making decisions that affect my livelihood”.
Joe Biden and Hunter did that?
@mark Mierzejewski aww you one of them woke solders ehh.
you forgot to add the /s to your comment, lol.
How can she play the victim if she got what she wanted?
Marjorie is hardly a victim, when she reaped what she sowed. She got what she incited, it’s just that simple.
When the moderator says, ‘back to reality” after an MTG rant…tells you everything about this person!
She gave a ‘tour’ to a group of traitors. Showed them where offices were, and not because she was being friendly.
I’m so sick of the media criticizing Warnock when Walker pulled out a damn fake badge. Come on.
Ladies and gentlemen, you have your “special” agent, and what special little guy you are…yes you are…yes you are *boop*@WE THE PEOPLE
@ironroad you’re catching on. Making random gibberish comments to the entire thread saves you embarrassment. Directing them towards me leaves you helpless. Just the Russian gibberish alone is plenty for me to humiliate you.
the word of the day is *sedition*( translates to призыв к мятежу) in your native language. Se•di•tion brought to you by “mental illness”.
@ironroad the word of the day is donkey. Otherwise known as “ironroad”
i love that being marginally coherent is the bar we have set to run this country
@Kyle Sawkon I think you don’t like having a real president in the white house.
@jim perkins proof of what, your lies?
@Mike Kelley Ok lets start there.
It’s going to get much worse
For someone who is only on the job for three days Marjorie Taylor Greene sure had the invite of the White House for meetings prior to January 6. She had no problem taking interview and steps of Congress to tell everyone how she was going to fight. That woman has no idea of what truth is.
To these people truth is subjective.
I’m surprised she recalls that day. Seems to forget anything she is responsible for.
It’s amazing to me that we went from politicians who pandered to the crazy people to some politicians who are the crazy people.
So many people shared this with me today. It’s viral watching this woman do her bubble talk. Everyone is laughing at her