‘I Should Have Worn A Mask,’ Chris Christie Writes In Op-ed | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Former NJ Gov. Chris Christie served as one of President Trump's debate coaches, and he writes in a new op-ed his regret over not wearing as mask at the White House during debate prep, which led to him contracting the coronavirus. Aired on 10/22/2020.
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'I Should Have Worn A Mask,' Chris Christie Writes In Op-ed | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. @Crystal Giddens all it shows is not covid? Did you only send the homepage? I think it’s a theory they are exploring right now. I think I misunderstood your comment before. Did you mean that covid caused diabetes after getting covid or did you think I said diabetes caused covid or sm?

    2. @I Eat Plastic I will NOT be doing your research for you. They are lying about it ALL! I gave the link and they now claim: *”In the aggregate, these observations provide support for the hypothesis of a potential diabetogenic effect of Covid-19″* < and this is without ever even isolating the supposed virus!> *”Even CDC Now Admits No ‘Gold Standard’ of COVID19 Virus Isolate Published on October 11, 2020 Written by John O’Sullivan”* Further – *”“Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays [diagnostic tests] designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA…”* Finally – *”“Since that is the case, (that there are no quantified virus isolates ), how can one be sure of what is being determined as COVID-19 is, in fact, COVID-19?”* < I.E. They do NOT know but they do LIE! Grow up! $$$Billions are already being made off this scam and civil liberties are being sacrificed and millions are going bankrupt and BIG BANKS are picking up the assets for pennies on the dollar! They lie!

    1. @William H Music 2020 and is that a bad thing? Honestly it’s just love. What’s wrong with it? You found someone you love and that’s all that matters.

    2. @NOBRAG JUSTFACT Actually, too many of you have proven to be paid foreign government interfere trying to meddle in our elections and posing as ignorant Americans. We have enough here already with the international impersonators.

    3. Do as I say not as I do never plays well. The net effect will be zero in Trumpland. masks are for sissies. Sissies who wind up on ventilators.

    1. That would require critical thinking skills, which a lot of the deplorables lack. Just because you tested negative doesn’t mean you won’t contract the virus. How stupid do you have to be not to understand that?

    2. Do as I say not as I do never plays well. The net effect will be zero in Trumpland. masks are for sissies. Sissies who wind up on ventilators.

    3. @The Blade Trump is an old fat man. He got COVID. Was he on a ventilator? How about his wife? Son? Pence? How about the 40 other people at the Whitehouse? Why are you hiding in your house? Just like the FLU, if you are already sick and especially old you are at high risk. Why are all you young healthy people hiding? The flu kills more healthy young people than COVID. The media has you guys scared like cats. 😂

    4. @mik3ymomo there is a difference between being cautious and being stupid. Hiding in my house? Stupid to think. Wearing a mask? Cautious and smart. You remind me of when I taught high school science and some students played games about wearing safety glass. I wore them all day and they would give me some BS about ruined eye site because they wore them for half an hour. Dental hygienist wear masks eight hours a day. Long term effects? Nil. You are such a big baby you can’t wear a mask for how long total each day. Like all Trump supporters adolescents in adult bodies. It is you living in fear. Fear of Biden, fear of socialism, fear of this and fear of that. Could all of the fear be coming from your news source? Not MSM for sure.

  1. “Fhat Fhatstie” failed to mention Donald Plump in his blame train ! That’s the orange-epicenter of this dumb-demic 😒

    1. He trains the criminal-in-chief how to manipulate his gullible crowds.
      How can he overlook his own crime.

    2. @Deomnibus Dubitandum I don’t think Trump needs any training in how to lie. Just remember that the more you repeat the truth, over time, people will believe it.

    3. I know he’s a hack, but I actually kind of like Christie. He’s an opportunist like everyone in the new GOP, but he’s way more realistic and intelligent about politics. Compared to Graham/Gates/Jordan/McConnel/Gommhert/Paul/Cruz/Santorum/etc. etc. etc. etc. ….. I’ll take Christie all day

    4. Do as I say not as I do never plays well. The net effect will be zero in Trumpland. masks are for sissies. Sissies who wind up on ventilators.

    1. That would be the “I’m wrong & truly sorry” that I’d need to see before I’d believe a word he said.

    1. Do as I say not as I do never plays well. The net effect will be zero in Trumpland. masks are for sissies. Sissies who wind up on ventilators.

  2. *When the 2020 Election is FINALLY over, Nov 4th . . is gonna feel like the 4th of July. Trump nightmare voted out.*

    1. @Swope The only comfort in that is knowing the schmuck LOST and on his way out the door.
      I’m assuming he will not have any authority. I hope everyone shouts YOU’RE FIRED, YOU LOSER…GET OUT

  3. So never a word was said by Trump when Chris was sick , Trump never mentioned him at all .. Guess that Chris is fully expendable like everybody else . Trump will use you for his benefit and then throw you out like yesterdays newspaper .

    1. Do as I say not as I do never plays well. The net effect will be zero in Trumpland. masks are for sissies. Sissies who wind up on ventilators.

  4. So Christie still doesn’t understand how masks help. Its biggest benefit is the wearer doesnt spread covid far and wide.

    1. Also helps keep people from touching their nose and mouth with their (potentially) virus covered hands. Masks and alcohol-based sanitizer work to protect yourself.

    2. Get ready for Covid 21 The patient office just confirmed it. The second wave the demoncrats created. N95 won’t do a thing for covid 19 or 21 just like it says on the label.

  5. Christie is a grown man, husband and father ! Yet he asks like a elementary school student trying to please the teacher !!

    1. Reminds me of something my mom would always say, “It’s all fun & games till someone gets hurt” Of course, I’m not minimizing the virus, victims, their family and friends; it’s a horrible situation, I’m not glad when anyone gets sick— This situation also reminds me of, “When you play with fire, you get burned!” Now it’s up to us to go and VOTE Trump OUT!!

  6. As much as I don’t like Christie, I’m glad he was mature enough to admit he was wrong. Real people can recognize when they’re wrong and can admit they’re wrong. I don’t consider Christie is “real” but that statement is a good start

    1. When Fred was asked if he was wearing one he gave her a thumbs up 👍 & said ; Yup 👍, but it’s a bit loose 🤣. (I’m hoping I don’t have to explain where he’d put it.)

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