A group Saskatchewan Conservative politicians are defending their decision to show support for a protest that has created gridlock in Ottawa.
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It’s great to see some MP’s are listening, all Canadians want to get back to a normal life
If they want to keep their jobs they better show their support for their constituents.
That’s a little rich.
When JT took a knee at BLM protest.
Just a total clown
He knees $$$$
PHOTO OP KING: PM shouldn’t take a knee in memory of a career criminal…especially in a crowd during the pandemic.
And here comes the hate … did you bring yer ‘Murican flag with you?
Wow, a balanced newscast! Can you imagine that! Bravo for letting both sides be heard for a change!
The mayor of Ottawa has been narrow-minded forever he is a typical self-involved person has no concept of what Canadians really want he is only thinking of himself and his administration
I wonder where JT is right now when we need his amazing leadership
The mayor is a bit off
Thank you for your support M.P,s.
Blame the PM.
That’s a little rich.
When JT took a knee at BLM protest.
PHOTO OP KING: 11:20 PM shouldn’t take a knee in memory of a career criminal…especially in a crowd during the pandemic.
Hold the line
Thank you for your support M.P,s.
Ottawa needs new management starting w/ the mayor and police chief.
Yeah please tell me who to hate and something else to be scared of…this omicron thing is weak
Saskathewan is Canada’s leader in morality? Bravo!
That’s a little rich.
When JT took a knee at BLM protest.
That’s a little rich.
When JT took a knee at BLM protest.
Finally the progressive conservatives might stand up.