Ontario Premier Doug Ford takes questions on whether certain police duties should be reassigned to people with more specific training.
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Funding is what provides the training that gives these peace officers the skills to better handle what they need to.
Defund the govt is what should be done
First time a call goes out to a mental health issue, which results in the death or severe injury of someone in the home, or a support worker, rather than the police being there – then who’s going to be responsible for that decision? We need to defund stupidity.
Who benefits from privatisation of the police? Billionaires.
Butch Atkinson Not when someone steals you stuff because no police are coming.
We need housing for ppl – not money going to a bunch of Ticket King Donut Eaters!
No defunding the police.
He doesn’t believe that high cholesterol will kill you, either. But it will.
High cholesterol is healthy
Stop letting criminals off just because the cop is accused of racism or whatever. Try the criminal anyway and lock em up.
Soft bigotry of low expectations.
Nobody with two shreds of common sense believes in defunding the police.
Sense has never been common and clearly that’s something you lack because you believe your “experience” trumps those who have reached their grave early, due to an officers wrong judgement and lack of accountability. This system needs to be dismantled and heavily revised because millions are hurting in silence by the injustice. Racism is PREVALENT in Canada and it amuses me how they stay silent and discrete about it.
Defunding Police will only make brutality and chaos, a norm
@Sarah Brockett that’s very stupid. To defund a organization because of a specific case just shows your ignorance. You might as well be asking criminals to come in to the house
Sarah Brockett You support criminals over police .
Liberals are void of that Gene
We are now holding criminals to a higher power instead of following the law
we need to keep the cops we need to keep our kids save
Fund our OPP.
Let’s define these government ‘officials’ that lie,they agreed to Serve the public.the premiers,the prime minister et all.
Police needs education monthly, just like all health care workers, doctor,nurse! Defunding will benefits more crimes!
Common Sense says so.
Liberals don’t have the COMMON SENSE GENE.
Just because Tony does it doesn’t mske it right. Tony has many shooting every night. Not the brightest bukb on the tree.
Seems voters their aren’t either. They seem pretty quiet right now. They’re letting it happen to themselves.
Hey Doug don’t promote BLM. Say there wrong speak the truth!
Defund the police? what that has to be the stupidest thing ive ever heard
Wait to see what’s about to happen there will be war and many more deaths buckle up buckaroos
Commy Karen boy is on your side now ? Whatever!
Doug ford needs to resign. Part of the system