CNN's Sam Kiley speaks with members of Ukraine's Russian Legion, comprised of Russian defectors and volunteers who fled their country to protect Ukraine, about defending the city of Bakhmut and their hopes for Russia's future. #CNN #News
‘I have no pity for them’: Russian describes fighting against his own

May God protect men of principles.
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
Glory to the Russian Resistance! Freedom and democracy for all of Eastern Europe! Down with poo-tin! Free Alexi Navalny! Glory to the Heroes of Eastern Europe! Glory to Ukraine!
@Mr Pepe Hopefully putin let’s your family go, I know you are frustrated at him, good luck in the resistance
No ‘god’ will, but I admire anyone who adheres to their principles.
Respect to this Russo-Ukrainian soldier,Slava Ukraine
@Bryant Lotus Wagner has been fighting for months and acheived nothing LMAO

Man they suck
@Bryant Lotus this is not your real name boris!!!
@Bryant Lotus That’s crazy, but when you direct messaged me, you were wanting to set up a resistance movement to usurp putin. I hope that works for you and he doesn’t find out you’ve been plotting against the Federation
@Bryant Lotus Sure, cause they’ve been soooo successful up til now…
@Bryant Lotus
as if the Wagner soldiers are not humans who can be killed but robots 

Glory to all Heroes who fight for freedom in Ukraine

Glory for all americans fighting against usa in Vietnam. …
Glory to the Russian Resistance! Freedom and democracy for all of Eastern Europe! Down with poo-tin! Free Alexi Navalny! Glory to the Heroes of Eastern Europe! Glory to Ukraine!
@Derek D a z o v will fall
@Bryant Lotus When you get past the first hurdle you should be able to build a movement like you mentioned. All those things you said about Navalny really shows me you guys are not just talking but willing to do something about the putin regime. Good Luck!
@Bryant Lotus Sophie Scholl – look it up.
God bless and strengthens the Russians who behave as humans . God will surely help them and Ukrainians
@Zeta Betawhats a Home Minister haha
You all talk in the name of god, yet you all believe in a different one. At most 1 of you is right. But more probably none of you are.
@Kirt Jackson there is always an excuse to explain why everything points to the fact that none of the gods people believe in actually exist
Wtf are you even talking about? does putin represent russians citizens opinions or actions? No. because Biden is the president of my country, does that make me anything like him or mean that I agree with him? No. So Wtf are you talking about?
@Bammer Smith I’m questioning the claim that any god exist. So far, none of the thousands of gods humans have invented has ever punished me for not believing. They all either don’t exist or don’t care
@3:24 Real Russian Soldier !!!! God Speed to you sir !!! as painful as it might be, you did the right thing and you are on the right side of history !! You have my utmost respect !!!
Glory to the Russian Resistance! Freedom and democracy for all of Eastern Europe! Down with poo-tin! Free Alexi Navalny! Glory to the Heroes of Eastern Europe! Glory to Ukraine!
Real Russian soldier? You mean the guy who’s turning against his own country Russia and fighting against them for zelinsky the tyrant is that the guy you’re calling a real Russian soldier LOL..
After zielinsky in 2019 refused to resign the peace treaty between them and Russia not to invade each other and then zielinsky attacked two sovereign regions with no military and Russian speaking citizens dropping bombs on them would you say this guy would be a hero if he would have helped them drop bombs on those Russian speaking citizens? Or you saying he’s a hero because Putin justifiably invaded Ukraine after that and then he turned on his own people to fight with the tyrant zielinsky. Zielinsky is to the Christian Ukrainian people what Karl Marx was to the Christian Russian people.
@Pedocrat Story Hour first. get your history and facts straight and stop drinking your poopootin koolaid !!! then we can have an intelligent conversation…. otherwise spare me the nonsense !
@Pedocrat Story Hour The world will be a better place without the terrorist state that is russia.
@Pedocrat Story Hour your russian nazi empire is falling boris. your losing, and these russian heroes are helping.
As a Finn, I can’t help but compare it to the incredible odds Finland faced against Russia in 1939. I pray that Ukraine is able to sustain, as they have, against another Russian aggression.
@erik bengtuk ?
@Noah Tyler Pritchett you a holy roller ? Your god either doesn’t care or doesn’t exist. I detect a vacuous Trumptard , with very limited horizons. Am l right? Perhaps Finlands relative disinterest in religion makes it one of the best places to live ?
@Will Tell All We’d rather support the imaginary azoz nazis than russian nazis
This is a troll account, people. Another comment says she’s a from Canada with ancestors in bakhmut, another says she’s from Crux.
You must understand the level of informational warfare that’s going on: it’s a Russian troll pretending to be a Western troll that is obviously a troll, so that the Westerners think their media is using trolls and bots instead of actual comments.
Don’t fall for it, think critically, but don’t let that thwart your actions, help Ukraine!
The winter of 1939 was a fierce one. I don’t think this one will be as hard as this one. Plus Finnland used a shoot and retreat tactic, which they could do because the snow gave them cover and they have a lot of forests. Ukraine doesn’t have this much snow and it has far more open fields for agriculture.
Plus Russia is backed by Iran and North Korea as we know. Sure Ukraine has more allies but the question is, do they contribute much to the fight?
My assumption is not at least weapon wise. Turkey could give Ukraine long range and Heavy Drones to turn the war for sure. America could have given long range missiles and not reprogram the himars to just be short range launchers. In a way the allies of Ukraine could offer way more to end this war in a few months. But for some reason (be it economy wise or just fear of nuclear retaliation) they don’t follow through.
My Grandfather’s family was lined up against a wall in their home in Bakmut and shot by Russians (revolutionaries) 100 years ago. He survived but saw his mother and one brother die that day. He and the other Mennonites from the area who were lucky fled to Canada. He homesteaded and raised a family with his new wife in Northern Ontario and was always a happy go lucky kind of person who never complained about the whole ordeal.
God was this caused by the Antichrist international bankers who financed their cousin Karl Marx to push the Antichrist atheist humanist equity State on the Christian Russian people and then killed 100 million Christian Russians. And then the same element of antichrist international bankers financed their cohort Antichrist Adolf Hitler which caused the death of another 20 million Christians 9 million of which were Russian Christians. Then they instituted that same Antichrist atheistic humanist equity states on the Christian East German people.
Now here they are again with Antichrist zielinsky and his international bankers who control NATO pushing their globalist one size fits all atheist humanist equity government this time on a global scale. How can anybody blame the Christian Russian people for saying never again never again after losing 109 million Christian Russians from the same Antichrist element. Matter of fact it’s why Ukraine wasn’t a part of Russia anymore because of the destruction of the Antichrist atheistic humanist equity being pushed on the Christian Russian and Ukrainian people.
Was your family killed by the same elements of antichrist pushing their atheistic humanism equity State on the Christian Russian people were they one of the 100 million Christian Russians killed.
Matter of fact when these Antichrist AshkeNAZI international bankers financed their cohort Antichrist Adolf Hitler and his socialist Nazi party which led to the death of 20 million Christians 9 million of which were Russian Christians they also sacrificed its believed up to 50,000 Jewish people this way they can scare the rest of the Jewish people out of Europe to leave the comforts of their homes their businesses the riches and tried to start a new country in the middle of the desert in hostile territory in Palestine. The Zionist dream has caused a lot of bloodshed especially amongst the Christian people and let’s not forget the Palestinians the indigenous black and brown people of Palestine who are being murdered and thrown of their own land.
You keep commenting this everywhere.
@Gearóid T I see you’ve moved on from Crux. How’s your mother?
This is a troll account, people. Another comment says she’s a Finn, another says she’s from Bakhmut, yet another says she’s from Crux.
You must understand the level of informational warfare that’s going on: it’s a Russian troll pretending to be a Western troll that is obviously a troll, so that the Westerners think their media is using trolls and bots instead of actual comments.
Don’t fall for it, stay strong, help Ukraine.
@Peezie Forestem You’re right
You Russian men doing this, PLEASE know you fit the very definition of HEROS. Thank You and God Bless each and everyone of you and may God protect you and yours. HEROS
Glory to the Russian Resistance! Freedom and democracy for all of Eastern Europe! Down with poo-tin! Free Alexi Navalny! Glory to the Heroes of Eastern Europe! Glory to Ukraine!
Well Done to the Brave Russian soldier fighting for Ukraine- a human being with a brain and a soul, things which seem scarce in the rest of Russia right now.
@Mikaloy , no, honest Russians fight terrorist rashist RuZZians! The only “traitor” is the criminal Kremlin!
@Kryzzan , Putin will fail his last desperate move this winter. Putin will disappear right afterwards!
I pity folk like you that have absolutely no clue
@David Fogniniit’s time for your medication
Well done to Russian soldier fighting at Bahkmat defending Ukraine. Hell to evil Putin
He’s a hero. Thank you!
Glory to the Russian Resistance! Freedom and democracy for all of Eastern Europe! Down with poo-tin! Free Alexi Navalny! Glory to the Heroes of Eastern Europe! Glory to Ukraine!
Actually he’s a traitor. Why would he fight for a coward Antichrist tyrant who started the war like zelinsky and then turn on his own people to do it.
@Pedocrat Story Hour Who invaded Crimea?
Or traitor. There is Russian territory now. It is a question of time when Russia will free all Donbas.
This is one Russian I respect. I hope he can inspire other Russians to do the same. May he keep safe so he can carry that sword to liberate Russia herself from the disease of tyranny and corruption.
Ooohhhh as usual arogant European
@Dr.To∆d After the discussion we had about the atrocities you face from the Putin regime i hope you make it out, hopefully your plan to topple the regime works!
@Vaevak our country is capable enough to face Russians not like your whole god damn eu struggling to hide faces.whatever Russia will not go against our. COuntry atleast for next decades.thanks
Not every one everywhere is same. There are some good Russians and bad Americans( all those who side with Putin aka dumpty trumpty and his followers)
Drunk pigs
Brave russian men…may they live long and prosper!
Yes Spock, long.
Glory to the Russian Resistance! Freedom and democracy for all of Eastern Europe! Down with poo-tin! Free Alexi Navalny! Glory to the Heroes of Eastern Europe! Glory to Ukraine!
Yes the brave Christian Russian men fighting for their Nation not the traitors fighting for Antichrist zielinsky the tyrant and his international bankers that control NATO. Let’s hope the Christian brothers and sisters in Ukraine and Russia stop killing each other and the Christian Ukrainian people hand over that traitor zielinsky who started this war.
@Pedocrat Story Hour wow, are you for real! Antichrist? Nazi? Starting the war?Tyrant? International bankers?Traitor? NATO?There are a lot of accusations that doesn’t fit the reality, it’s more like a dwarfy dictator named Putin started this war blaming everyone else for it and the Ukrainians doesn’t want the russian “mir”…you are a bunch of disgusting azzholes that are uneducated and so dumb you’re listening to a guy that acts like a criminal in all his actions, the brave russian men are fighting against Putin and his fascist criminal government.
Under this 10months the accusations has changed to fit a madman’s mind and the stupid people that follows it is not better then the Nazis in WW2 and mark these words…YOU ARE GOING TO PAY FOR IT for a long time in the future, when russias former occupied zones going to live in peace and prosper by free trade and travel, the russians peoples “mir” is going to live in poverty and not even be traveling in your own country and all the restrictions put up by the government.
Welcome back to Stone Age dumbnuts
Man, that Russian “crusader” is quite a character! Outmost respect for this guy, it take guts to fight your own people and country to do what’s right!
*Utmost (just trying to help)
I agree completely.
@Zosimo Malonzo

Slava Ukraini!
death to invaders

@Anthony Fuqua Yes thats what l keep thinking, how long can this little wonna be Tsar last, with all the reprocusions as a result of this pointless war against the russian people. Surely his days are numbered, how bad does it have to jet before he is overthrown. How many young russian men have to die before they terminate his leadership. Another example of a leader finally being overthrown is Gadaffie, I can still recall that photo of him being pulled out of his hiding place, before being taken away and shot.
These men will be remembered by the world as heroes. As an Australian i am only one generation away from the damage being invaded can do to our country. My dad remembered the day he met his father walking down the road in his army coat after 5 years at war against the Japanese army. My other Grandfather fought in New Guinea with the beautiful Fussy Wussy Angles & stayed on for 7 years after the war to help build bridges & recover. It is morals & values that create heroes & cowards with little ability to communicate who start wars.
@Cain TindalMate, would you put up your hand to get involved in that fight??? Just talk with a Vietnam war veteren and you’ll get an interesting response. Grüße aus Australien
@Destination_Euphoria Its got nothing to do with being heroic, its about these men defending their country from a foreign invader. Know dout when all this killing is over there will be memorials to this war with all the names of the killed listed.
@Peter from GW Yes Peter Darwin was bombed, but we weren’t invaded. There were no Japanies soldiers setting foot on Australian soil.
@Michael A No, old son, there were Japanese air crews captured on Australian soil……. Grüße aus Australien.
@Michael A You are missing the whole point. Politicians have power over the people for this exact reason, people are educated to see the world bond by borders. This goes for both the Russians and the Ukrainians, they are dying for a leader they’ve never met and a country that uses them as pawns under the guise of patriotism. If ordinary people were to ask their loved ones to choose whether to have them go to war for their country or to move away from the war zone altogether. Almost always they’d choose the latter. Too bad men are brain washed by the ideology of pride and honor, and far too often they end up dying for nothing. If people ain’t so easily manipulated, politicians could only be fighting with words instead of soldiers’ lives.
Good luck to everyone in the Russian Legion. You guys are the ones truly standing up for freedom and eventually the freedom of your own country. Good luck to you chaps. Slava Ukraine
@Kryzzan Lol…”losses are almost equal” except for the thousands of Russians fighting for Ukraine…lol.
@Derek D This is the Azov battalion, this video was made before the war when the news were allowed to criticize Ukraine.
@Kryzzan Most of Azov Battalion’s members were Russian speakers and come from the Russian-speaking regions of Ukraine, so they know the Russians best and know how to fight them. Whatever they did I’m sure was necessary to defeat the armed Russian aggression poo tin instigated in Ukraine. Besides, Azov battalion have all surrendered at Azovstahl. They no longer exist on the battlefield in Ukraine, so what is the point of bringing up Azov now?
@Kryzzan Cool story, but we’re still going to support Ukraine until every Russian soldier is departs dead or alive.
@Kryzzan assuming those reports are correct, 300 people is not representative of the population. It’s like highly visible antivaxxer marches that look like they represent locals in their respective countries until you see that they make up only 0.001% of the population.
That man is an inspiration, God bless him and his family.
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
I guess he’s an inspiration to traitors that turn on their own country.
Oh pls , u calling a traitor a God , more like rotten , how could u even trust a traitor with anything, he probably turn on you
@Ruwayda Struwe He’s not a “traitor”, people are not considered traitors when thy fight against dictatorship. Traitors are those turn their back against democracy.
This guy is a true hero! I hope he can achieve both his goals!
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
Oh sh**! Did anyone else get chills after he said he will take his sword to Russia to fight the tyranny? I for dam did. Bless you all, Hero’s that have answered the call to fight evil.
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
I wish him safety, he is obviously a man of integrity and conscious.
“and when Ukraine is free, I will carry my sword to Russia, to free it from tyranny” What a sensational man, hero and soldier of Christ. Slava Ukraine
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
Yes may the King of kings and Lord of lords inyervene n help ukraine.