The FBI is investigating the death of a George Floyd, a Minneapolis man who died in a controversial police arrest after pleading “I can’t breathe” while pinned to the ground. Retired NYPD Detective and civil rights advocate Marq Claxton discusses the case with MSNBC Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber. (This interview is from MSNBC’s “The Beat with Ari Melber, a news show covering politics, law and culture airing nightly at 6pm ET on MSNBC. ). Aired on 5/26/2020.
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I Can't Breathe, Again: Police Fired And Under Investigation For Black Man's Death | MSNBC
Fox will never Show this. Until it has an angle on Mr. Floyd of him “Being a bad apple” or anything that justifies this mans death. These officers will never be charged to the full extent of the law, never. This, is a assured bet. Example: Amber Guyger. 10 Years and somehow avoid the 20 years mandatory maximum in which is explicitly stated underneath the charges against her. This officer will NEVER get the justice all other Americans face every single day. And we will be just as guilty for this as them for allowing it. The results will be the same or similar to Botham Jean and Eric Garner.
@avid Non Emitt Till 1950’s & Rodney King in 1990’s & Tamir Rice in 2012
Rune – Thorne yeah I got that. But the penalty for forgery is not death before trial.
@shafeal adams Mainstream media & Hollywood & Madison Avenue Promote Prejudiced & Racism!!!! How many Asians & Blacks & Hispanics are in Car Commercial & Movies & tv shows & Advertisement??? More Hispanics on tv shows Than Asians & Blacks also Advertise
I’m sorry to inform you but Minneapolis is a democratic state so if you’re going to make this about parties you should look at the dems first
Fox will never show this!!
This is the kind of human rights U SA should show the protestor in HK. Imbecile. Freedom!!!
Or maybe the patriot act….i wonder how the chinese would react…but Americans just roll over and still preach how goood America is.
America is about to blow up if these INJUSTICES keep happening.
karen g. Yup! It’s time!
So much for being first world country. Nowadays USA is a Disgusting place.
I agree
@Watan. He was killed
@Meridien there are plenty of Americans willing to help their fellow Americans if that happens, every American citizen deserves the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness regardless of color.
MURDERS IN BLUE … Tell Joe FBI investigation anytime family ask black or white State doesn’t matter .
I got no more tears, just rage.
llDarkPhoenixll I feel you

this has got to stop! I’m tired of seeing hashtags!
Me too. I’m tired now.
Things have to change and if should start with the police frat boy club.
@Tenisha Evans I’ll join you comrade
U not alone bro
Murdered by cowardly police Officers.
It really disturbs me how emotionless the Asian police officer looks while that man screamed for his life. You could hear in his voice something wasn’t right with his breathing as he wheezed. I truly feel sick to my stomach
Absolute cowardly scum
Funny deadly racist police brutality always happen in deep-blue Democratic cities like L.A., NYC, Chicago, Philly, Baltimore, DC, Dallas, Houston, Minneapolis, etc. Apparently, the Demotards prove they still are the “Party of Slavery and Lynchings.” Clearly, there was some sort of “stop and frisk” order in place from the white Demotard Mayor of the city to brutalize blacks in the mostly white libitard city.
This is beyond horrible. That cop purposely killed him.
@dee MAVERICK what maga have to do with murder
@Sid XC And I’m telling you that if you have mayor give the OK to the police to “stop and frisk” blacks to keep them under control, this kind of thing is inevitable. No amount of training is going stop this when the mayor secretly tells his police chief to racially profile blacks vs. whites. I’m just surprised that a Demotard like Little Mike Bloomberg let the cat out of the bag on this racist policy.
Why are the four Officers being let off the hook with a simple firing? Why haven’t they been arrested for manslaughter and made to take the Perp walk like all other indicted felons?
@dee MAVERICK I agree. When I watched this video is was even more sickening because it seemed like the cop was really enjoying it.
He was killed. Being arrested for a nonviolent crime. Unarmed. He didn’t “die”. It wasn’t an “accident”. He was killed. By public servants. Who is being served?
Not killed, he was murdered
In evil they trust.
He was executed.
what crime was he committing?
@Cris Topher he was executed because the cashier suspected he was writing a bad check, since this was a deli we can guess he was attempting to buy food, since he worked at a restaurant it’s safe to say he lost some hours because of covid 19 and was trying to figure out how to feed his family, that’s my guess.
So we can safely say he was murdered for trying to buy some food by corrupt cops.
Fired? The officer on his neck should be arrested for murder, and the other 3 as accessories to murder
@Rodney Boehner no, your attempt to blame Democrats has no bearing. Stop and frisk, however idiotic, is not stop and execute. Don’t try to shift the blame.
@ScienceBitch Look mate, we only know about this because one of your Demotard Mayors, Little Mike Bloomberg, let the cat out of the bag. “Stop and frisk” is a racially-selective policy adopted by all the Demotard mayors to brutalized blacks, so they can keep them under control. I’m just surprised one of the Demotards honestly revealed this to the public! When you have “stop and frisk,” this kind of thing is inevitable. Blame the white libitard Mayor for giving the police license to racially profile black suspects like this.
Drawn and quartered
@Rodney Boehner You have no logic or reasoning skills. Was this a stop and frisk scenario, do you have any idea what actually happened? Was the cop a Democrat or a republican? It doesn’t matter, but you don’t appear smart enough to grasp the concept.
He should be publicly executed.
The Cops: “I dunno. He seemed ok a second ago.”

America: “Was this before or after you crushed his airway with your knee?”
The Cops: “Lawyer please!”
America; ”
Amy Klobuchar put a black teenager behind bars for life
His knee was pressing against his carotid artery, cutting off blood flow to his brain. His brain was being starved of oxygen, creating a greater demand for his lungs… which were also being compressed. This is straight up stupidity and unawareness by men who are supposed to be professionals. If you don’t understand anatomy, you should not be allowed to apply physical force to a human body.
@Robert The Bruce That’s 17 years later and his co-defendant admitted to the killing. How are you gonna put the blame on her, if she felt she was right, 17 years ago?
“During the Democratic debate in New Hampshire, she repeated a well-worn statement that she has called for a review of Burrell’s case, which weighed heavily on a single eyewitness, who gave conflicting accounts about the shooter.”
@Strange Wayfaring Stranger black activists warn Joe Biden about choosing Amy Klobuchar
@Robert The Bruce noted. Hopefully Biden listens and chooses wisely
Fired if they are lucky, sounds look like jail time
It takes only 33 pounds of pressure to strangle someone to death. That cop should never have had his knee on the man’s neck. ffs the guy was handcuffed behind his back, face down on the street.
Pressure on the side will likely cut off blood supply.
It only takes 5lbs. per square inch to collapse a humans airway.
Firing these uniformed murderers is only a good first step. These murderers need to also be charged with murder. I am so sick of seeing these uniformed creatures get away with murder.
creatures, nicely put…..
They need more than just that, the guy that had his knee on the black man’s neck needs the chair. He shouldn’t be roaming this planet whatsoever
It’s not uniforms it’s costumes. The bystanders had all rights to come to that man’s defense with any and all means to stop the pig from murdering that man. Too bad the pig didn’t get a bullet in the head
@robinfly61 If justice is not delivered, which is probably won’t, hopefully a bullet will end up in their head
These 4 officers should be charged with murder period and the court should lock them up and throw way the key.
Charge him with first degree murder and his partner with manslaughter
4 cops were involved. And now we watch the powder keg explode.
Fk that send them to jail
Leave his Mrs out of it.
The officer needs the chair immediately
J Swish yeah nothing less than the death penalty
This officer has his hand in his pocket because he is using it to apply more pressure, look at it again
I think he was getting off sexually/1
Let’s call this for what it was… White guys in police uniforms practically MURDERED a black guy…
1 of them looked Asian.
No need for “practically”.
The ironey, white men on Wall Street steals billions and billions and some black guy dies for a paltry sum.
George Floyd
@big C 73 That is not racist — that is fact. The dead body is proof.
@big C 73 – It’s not “Racist” It’s a “White Privileged Criminal Fact”
Actually, it’s the 9 families that own the Federal Reserve. They control 191 countries. 192 if you count this one.
The officers should also be charged and dragged in jail just like they dragged him on the ground.
No that officers need a knee on his throat. . . Until he can’t breathe!
lee Harvey Until he’s dead
No…the cops involved should all have their hands chopped off…at the wrsit… so they never do this to anyone ever again…
“Get up and get in the car!” — While he has his knee on his neck. How do you demand someone get up, when you’re on top of him? Fired? These cops should be charged. Convicted. This is beyond disgraceful.
They shouldn’t get PC either. They should be sent to general population.
PC = protective custody