1. Kip McEwen you a Brit cave beast kip lol damn sure ain’t black with a name like that why don’t you go back to your cave in Europe America was made by blacks and inhabited by Indians and Mexicans centuries before you came here why don’t all white ppl leave America and go back to Europe that’s y’all true country that’s where y’all
      Come from go back since y’all so superior leave all the countries you don’t belong too go home and stay there then maybe you might get respected by the other ethnicities maybe lol

  1. It shouldn’t matter what you do, your stature, your race, your religion, your political affiliation. You would have to be a heartless, soulless individual if this doesn’t move you to want to help.

    1. So you but up a touchy feely text and now your off the hook right…
      Has long has you pretend to care you get the libtard virtue points.

    2. Kip McEwen lol are you serious !!?? The rest of us would rather live in NK that even visit your pathetic excuse for a democracy !! We look at you with pity, your fiscal deficit is so high it wouldn’t fit on an A4 page, all your congress are Israeli passport holders, your cops murder your citizens in higher numbers than any other country on earth, your taxpayers are milked everyday to the tune of billions for Israel’s benefit, your towns are empty and full of decrepit buildings, weeds, filth. Your bridges are collapsing, your servicemen are committing suicide in increasing numbers, your Zionist warmongering ‘government ” all hold shares in the weapons industry, is it any wonder you are disliked ( putting it mildly) all over the world !! You spread death and destruction wherever you go. No thankyou, I wouldn’t visit your country if you gave me a checkfor a few billion, a mansion in your filthy Hollywood, and a plane ticket. I have standards.

    1. @Garry G People would be still be at each other’s throats if Hilary won anyway. Trump is lesser of two evils in my opinion.

    1. Extra Truth News so your a Native American Indian I take it ?? Other than that your just a descendent of a land grabbing emigrant yourself.

    2. So what would you suggest? They had warning. People need to quit with trying to blame someone. Sometimes it’s just nature.

  2. Is this still the United States of America? What has happened?? Trump happened!!!!!!! These people are lucky just to have enough cloths to wear to board the ferry!!! How is any reasonable person worry about a visa right now! Shameful.

  3. I see some comments that the Bahamas are Britain’s responsibility. The Bahamas are a _former_ British colony, now their own independent country. But Britain is helping. There are two ships (RFA Mounts Bay and HMS Protector) there now with rescue and medical teams. The US has a lot more resources a lot closer, however.

    1. As long as little Erik will allow these poor people into his home. We’re all for you helping them. Are are you just virtue signaling?

    1. The shocking thing is that they are not enforcing current immigration laws– residents of the Bahamas have never needed a Visa to come to the US –only a passport and no criminal record. Suddenly, they now need a Visa? That’s the big point of this story.

  4. Lmaoooooo
    You cumbunny cumrades are extremely busy , forced to work double shifts at vladzy pooooooz troll farm and circus show I seeeeee👍🏻🤷🏼‍♂️👍🏻
    Have your turnip soup And carry on for our amusement 😂🤦🏻‍♂️😂

  5. The only people being sent back should be people with criminal records. The population of the Bahamas is a drop in the bucket compared to other nations. Plus Bahamians contribute millions if not billions into the Florida economy.

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