CNN's own investigation into Hunter Biden has authenticated emails showing the President's son struggled with massive debt and overdue tax bills. CNN's Drew Griffin takes a closer look.
Hunter Biden’s emails show deep debt, insufficient funds and overdue taxes

If he’s broken a law then charge him. If the evidence is there he’ll be convicted. It doesn’t matter who is father is. And for that if his dad did anything illegal charge him as well.
@Zynathera you can’t be that blind or naive. Seriously
@Zynathera “it’s not illegal fit an American to sit on the board of a foreign country” yes it is if you’re making financial profit for a member of the government at tax payers expense, quid pro quo
Doubt someone with a severe addiction problem would be too great at managing finances.
@E J well, strictly speaking, shouldn’t he be better off moneytaly, if that was the case.
Even if he had addictions and sold secrets he would be rolling in cash. Not having his private business splattered all over the net, tv and papers. When are we going to see trumps taxes?
Those 2 things have nothing to do with each other
@E J lol where do you live in a movie?
@Breso Sarin we must be because it’s happening
Ah, . . . he was a drug addict.
It’s not like that was a secret and his emails and actions are in line with what you would expect from a drug addict.
Damn that 10% percent to the big guy could have probably helped those with those bills.
Let’s Go Brand Don.
I’m a Democrat, but if guilty, he should be prosecuted. The Rule of Law must prevail.
@UFO _vid what law? How did they change it?
@J L go do nobody cares.
The last line had me falling over
” it’s anyone’s guess if he will even be charged at all”.
@Devo The only question is: What did he pay off with those 83k. 83k seems a lot for us mere mortals but if you sunk a company and a personally liable thats not a not. I mean if you sunk a company and aren’t the mango messiah
@carth266 nothing to comment hete…move on
@Devo questions don’t equal guilt for crimes. It’s that simple.
That’s still not even half the emails CNN…
Lol ..CNN trying to soften the reality!
I’m a nurse and my license was held up bc I OWED BACK TAXES. THIS is infuriating .
@Lo Duke 390 Some people can’t afford their taxes.
@SmokeStack yeah if he had a gun & drugs he needs to go into prison. I know someone that had drugs & a shotgun with bird load. He went to prison. A handgun & drugs is much worse imo. He should go to prison. The taxes. Hunter is probably broke. & people that I’ve heard of in this tax situation typically don’t go to prison.
@ynotttt proof? You ain’t got none. So u really think his drug addicted self was in cahoots with?
You know things have gotten really out of hand when even CNN starts reporting on it.
@SourDoughBill listen I’m not saying I like fox just that it was on fox . Damn y’all really like making everything so fucking polarized. Take a second to not be pissed at random people on the internet.
@Thatoneguy never forget 5/29
@Thatoneguy They won’t because there wasn’t one and only sheep believe there was.
That last thing he said about bringing politically sensitive issues before elections. DEMS do it all the time!
They commit TreeZen all the time
Uh, yeah, we’re in the middle of a televised one right now.
These are the least concerning things the emails have shown .
Most, you mean.
The more you hear about him the less will happen over his crimes.
Specifically, what crimes?
@J.C. H exactly
Ohhh, so Hunter is all paid up on his taxes even though nobody for sure yet knows just how much income there actually was…? Nice, I would like that same treatment.
Don’t forget. 10% for the big guy!

Remember when you believed Hunter’s laptop was Russian disinformation?
A lot of ppl have drug addictions but everybody still has to pay taxes.
So when a drug addict falls in to debt does that mean that they get a pass too? Yeah the rich don’t go through the same as us when dealing with the law. Shame
He is just one example of how crooked these people are. His father knows what’s going on. He’s the big guy! The corruption is unbelievable.