ICIJ's Ben Hallman explains the significance of the Pandora Papers and which countries are becoming havens for tax avoidance.
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Of course, ever seen a poor politician in Federal or even provincial government? Do you imagine they’ll get into power and fix this?
In the previous report, the Panama papers, former Pm Martin and Chretien had been named..
Then you haven’t met every politician. I can name not rich politicians.
@Patrick O’Connor ???..WTF?
@Patrick O’Connor So name them, I’m waiting. Federal and Provincial, and as I said, “in government and poor.”
What happened to trickle down economics? Seems like the rich keep hoarding their money. Who would have thought?!
a lot of dumb conservatives believe in trickle down economics.
Sorry to hear about your suicide this weekend
This doesn’t surprise anyone !!
It does
It’s nothing new and nothing is going to be done about it, this is just an attempt at more division.
Lock them up
We need to know their names please. We need to know what kind of politicians we voted for.
Yes, but not just voters sake, but for TAXPAYERS sake. Get respect for your money
And didn’t vote for

Look no further than Trudeau. Rich trust fund punk.

Let’s see all the names!
Why only speak of foreign politicians? Name some of the Canadians.
Thy will be done!!!!
I doubt they will mention Trudeau, sorry.
Jacques Villeneuve, Canadian racing driver[76]
Canada Elvis Stojko, Canadian figure skater[76
@Alberta Wheat They’re not politicians.
Very nice. We do without to pay our taxes. More great news.
They are all corrupt don’t take the shots that where the money is coming from
$0.54 of every dollar goes to the government.
It’s likely more than that. Governments, regardless of what political party they are affiliated with think they can keep on printing money. They can’t.
Add to that the amount they borrow.
So cra didn’t go after anyone from the Panama papers, I’ll bet you dollars to doughnuts that they won’t pursue any Canadian names in these papers either…. easier to go after you or me.
They’re only interested in going after the middle class that’s just treading water
The government incurs more in costs with these audits than they reclaim because the goal is growing big government not paying down the deficit or the debt
Everyone except the workers who dam well deserve it
Putting judges on the same level as criminals is a perfect picture of what Canada’s justice system has become in the last 20 years
Well said.
i dont think its a canadian problem its a world wide problem
can’t wait to see trudildeaus name added to the list, or, as with blackface, will they bury it?
Can’t wait to see every conservative donor on this list too….I mean, if you think its just Trudeau I’ve got a bridge to sell ya
So I will not pay tax nor will I pay my landlord now. In fact I’m going to start stealing at the grocery store.
Lawmakers coerce you to comply via threat of jail.
Meanwhile, the wealthy keep most of what the earn….
Life is not fair
This is super old news….change the report name, etc. Look it up. Oh brother!
Blah blah blah! Nothing will change. The loopholes will stretch like an elastic.
Vanguard and 7 others…yup. They own it all.
I can see that dudes brains!