Morning Joe compares and contrasts Bill Clinton's public response to impeachment to the public remarks President Trump gave on Thursday. Aired on 02/07/20.
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Humility vs. Hubris: Clinton, Trump In Their Own Words Post-Impeachment | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Where is Batman when we need him?
he is the anti Christ the is the white supremacist “god”
Batman just told me to tell you that there is no need of Batman now and everything is fine.
I was thinking Golgo 13.
Batman goes after people who commit crimes, not innocent people. Did you forget that there is still no evidence or charge of a crime? We live in a country of innocent until proven guilty
What Batman did you grow up with?
Trump has his stooges protecting him. Collins and Jerkowski are idiots for thinking that Trump has learned his lesson.
Merrilou Neigenfind Do you kiss your mom with that beta mouth?
Derek Brandell hey now… see now you’re just being a jerk. I don’t f***ing care who you vote for. You’re irrelevant in my life. And this time you’re speaking to a female. With a vagina. #Trump2020
@Derek Brandell sounds like you’re jealous because I’m in a better position than you.
I just don’t understand how people can sit with a good conscious and condone what this president does and say.
Man, I consider myself a libertarian and I wasn’t for Trump as president (although I was a fan of his books and TV show). But it amazes me how you guys just don’t get it. The leftist media outlets, the people who do nothing but respond to every single one of his tweets, his opposition in government, all of them just take the bait hook, line and sinker. It’s like clockwork for him. He knows the people don’t buy the old tactics anymore (i.e. the name calling, ad hominem stuff that was done to people far different than Trump and this rendered useless and baseless now), he knows he can ruffle feathers super easily and cause overreactions that later on blow up in the left’s face (defense of MS-13, planned acts like ripping the speech or walking out being exposed, the acquittal itself, Mueller, etc.). I’m not defending all of Trump’s actions, I get it, he can be obnoxious, but I root for him like I root for all of America’s representatives, because I’m American and want the best for my country. People don’t care about his womanizing, neither does he. People don’t care he’s bombastic, most people just want results and the left just doesn’t get that. The country was in a surplus during the Clinton years. People were happy. Monica Lewinsky? Who honestly cared? Seriously. I didn’t like it either but did that make Clinton a bad President? Trump will win again because of how petulant we on the left have been and how they halted progress just to spite Trump. They became obsessed and it shows. Even his tweet about “Trump Forever” was an obvious troll and yet MSNBC had PANELS on it! And question, what did he say wrong in the SOTU speech? Was it wrong to say African-American and female unemployment was low? Was it wrong to honor a 100 year old veteran or a young woman with a scholarship? Let’s pick our battles.
Classie Wallace I don’t condone President Trump’s behavior.
Small Fries 1st you are not using correct numbers. Stick to .gov sites for accuracy. We created 4.7 million jobs over past 3 years which is less than half of the jobs created under 4 years president Carter for example. If you judge a president by just unemployment numbers you’re missing a great deal. I was answering a question and pointing that out and showing that the trillions given to multinational corporations like amazon did little for the people.Why is GDP under 2%? Why is GDP/debt ratio at 106 and rising? Why did the yield curve invert? Why are auto stocks like ford down 30% since trump took office? Why are we in a mild manufacturing recession? The trump has shoveled money into the markets like a bank robber shoveling money into his pockets.
Trump now has a green light to do anything. That script of the phone call was doctored up the real one was hidden. Trump SUCKS
he is the anti Christ he is the white supremacist “god”
Prove it dummy.
@Geoffrey Kidder look it up stupid
@Geoffrey Kidder The proof is in the pudding moron
And Clinton was a Strong President! You can be humble and Strong….
The big difference between them was that Clinton only lied to *us.*
Trump lies to *himself* and expects *us to believe it.*
The horror is that so many people choose to do so.
“I did *not* …have sexual relations… with that woman.” Yes, that’s a humble and strong man.
The fact that I dislike Dolt45 more is only testament to how much worse he is for never having had to take responsibility for *anything,* and having grown up surrounded by people whose job it was to clean up after him (and I don’t just mean the umbrella.)
@quietman356 123455 yes, Clinton made an error in judgement, and his actions were wrong. However, I would much rather Clinton get a little side action in the oval office than have a President who has absolutely no respect for anyone or anything. He does not respect the law, the Constitution, the people if this nation, or his own wife and family. The man is an incredibly poor loser, but worse than that, he is even worse when he does win. I cant fathom how anyone can feel good about supporting a man who has so little grace, and even less morality.
Trump isn’t worth the dirt on Clinton’s shoes.
It’s very apt that he got a fresh slathering of spray tan for the occasion.
@John Swo, So does Hillary. She’s afraid that she might melt.
I think he looked fantastic!
@Charlie Hare so are you into big orange weeners?
Wallflower Republicans” enable DjT with their timidity and silence.
“Rupublicans” enable DjT with their blunt force attack on the Constitution.
“Gargoyle Republicans” enable DjT as lifeless stone guardians to his nascent dictatorship!
@Dan Willow The Trump Carnival Show makes a mockery of the Presidency, while his groveling Chumps make a mockery of every level of American politics and governance (the usual Republican playbook)…and the only conclusion you can come up with is that all politicians are corrupt and useless?
How helpful you are…supporting the very people who get elected solely to misuse power for their personal gain, who discredit and destroy the very democratic policies and institutions that citizens rely on to protect their interests. Then you cave into impotent and hopeless hand-wringing despair.
So the country should just be run by oligarchs and giant corporations with the unconditional support of the clueless dupes that Trump has drawn into his cult of stupidity and subservience.
Some plan you’ve got there.
R.I.P. Democracy
Thank God! Long live the Republic!
Kick this bum out in November he’s disgrace to the Presidency and the majority of True Democratic Americans.
God and country what a f****** joke at least Clinton was honest enough to admit when he was wrong
And the courage to face his accusers and testify unlike Bonespurs.
Are you that disgusted you can’t even, nevermind are you speechless I am
What a contrast
Its actually scary that 38% support that man. Tells you a great deal about the american people. Wish you all the best to the rest of you
@Crow Creek Outdoors OMFG……he lost the popular vote in 2016……he was NOT the “people’s choice”. The Republican party has become the party of intolerance……they certainly are NOT the party of fiscal conservatism. There hasn’t been a decent Republican president since Eisenhower
You’re stupid Havard. The latest Gallop Poll has Trump at 49%, which is 6 points higher than the Democrats in congress are polling at. One last thing, the Republicans in congress are also polling 6 points higher than the Democrats. Well, it will all be over 1/21/25.
Trump: ” I want to apologize……to myself. I want to apologize to myself, for letting myself get so worried that I might be kicked out of office. I just hope that I will accept my humble apology.”
Seriously doubt that he was worried. Pelosi is the one that should be worried. Not only was she disrespectful to our president. She was disrespectful to all who were watching. This is not how our elected officials should behave. Only sore losers conduct themselves in the manner that she did.
@Randall Lamp seriously? The Donald refused to shake her hand, he denigrated Romney for voting his conscience and then fired Vindman(and his brother) and Sondland. The Donald has no class……he never has. The Donald is and always has been nothing but a privileged narcissistic conman
It’s good to be the king
.. Trump 2020 landslide victory
To the impeached one, I live in Utah and I applaud Mr Romney for having something you will never have.
@Steve Jordan Better late than never.
@George Leger
Hmm…even with death?
I suppose it varies by specimen.
“He looks like anybody you see on the street. But when he grins, birds fall dead off telephone lines…the grass yellows up and dies where he spits. He’s always outside. He came out of time…He has the name of a thousand demons. Jesus knocked him into a herd of pigs once. His name is Legion. He’s afraid of us…He knows magic. He can call the wolves and live in the crows…He’s the king of nowhere.”
― Stephen King, The Stand
That’s appropriate. Quoting a work of fiction to describe a fictional character from an entirely different work of fiction.
@hugh mongasass it makes you
feel inadequate when your in
The presents of someone that’s
Smarter then you and your Maga
WOW right on
Why should Our Man Trump APOLOGIZE?? He was NEVER guilty!! He was completely innocent!! Clinton was GUILTY!
At least Clinton had the courage to face his accusers and testify unlike Bonespurs.

I’m confused, I feel mixed about this…
I can’t figure out whether to
or puke first
November can’t come soon enough
Those feels…right there with ya, brother!!
This shows how far we have gone down as a country.
Down where? S&P? DOW? No. Those are both up since Scumbama…. Oh! You mean unemployment went down!
It shows how dumb the democrat party has become. Fake news for those of you who are unable to think.
He never fails to show what a scuba he really is, he has no class,
The incestuous lunatic would not recognize humility if it hit him in the derrière,or humanity either.