Huawei founder and CEO Ren Zengfei talks to CNN's Kristie Lu Stout about his daughter, Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou, who has spent the past year under house arrest in Canada where she has been detained on charges that include bank fraud and theft of trade secrets. #CNN #News
Huawei CEO praises daughter’s year of ‘suffering’

yeah, she must have really suffered in that mansion with all her staff.
@James Oxford You’ll certainly “take the mansion with staff” – if she gives it you – wont you? That is the eye-sore that led up to her arrest in the first place.
@San Geet It’s called espionage. Try actually researching before you make yourself look like an idiot. Maybe you should question the media source you use because they’re not keeping you informed obviously.
@James Oxford Far right communism, Everything is centralized the same. There’s no real difference but the face of it.
Ha, good point. Meng spends her days out shopping (11pm curfew), and lives in her mansion with her husband. Meanwhile, China tortures 2 Canadian Diplomats daily, by UN definition, who were kidnapped off the street in retaliation. Polling proves that if it wasn’t for how cool Canadians think the Hong Kong protestors are, Chinese people in Canada might be at risk for being spit on in the street thanks to China’s apparently fascist, genocidal government. Like Xi didn’t learn his Uyghar strategy from Hitler and Stalin, duh. To quote South Park, “×××× the Chinese Government”
@Trumpy Bear Sounds fancy a la francaise.
Does this “spy” own a social medium? Fools constantly laying it bare on social media lament about spies and use it as an excuse to arrest some foreign business personnel for being pioneers in advanced technology while celebrating a president with degenerated brain
*It was really tough being at home. My Butler worked so hard to bring me food since i couldnt go to fancy restaurants anymore. I dont deserve this. All of this because i did some alternative banking.*
John Patrick No one lives in eastern California. How can the economy be great because of it? You think that the main place people live isn’t the cause of the great economy? Are you willfully ignorant?
Kevin Montrond You simpleton didn’t think she suffer in this silly ordeal ?
She was force to pay 3 million bail money. Do you know much hard work it took to earn 3 million ?
Can you pay 3 million ? That went strait to your Canadian social welfare coffers, Wasted !
Dude, Meng has an 11-pm curfew, she’s out shopping and eating in restaurants every day, and lives with her husband in a city with a network of friends because she did her University studies there. Meanwhile, China spent this year torturing, by UN definition, two innocent Canadian diplomats they kidnapped off the street in retaliation. To quote South Park, “F*ck the Chinese Government.” Polling proves it, if it wasn’t for how cool Canadians think the Hong Kong protestors are, Chinese people in Canada would be at risk for being spit on in the street thanks to their fascist, genocidal government. Like Xi didn’t learn his Uyghar strategy from Hitler and Stalin, duh.
@Kevin Montrond Actually, California has more homeless people than the average Indian state.
California – 130,000
Average Indian state – 59,000
This means the wealthiest state of a developed country has more homeless people than the average state of a developing country. What do you think about that, Kevin? Still a fan of Cali?
Might as well have the CCP conducting this interview.
They are. 🤣
@Grumbleback did you quickly come up with that by looking around your house and put them together to make a name? 🤔 😂 😅 🤣
Well that’s life!
You stay loyal to the country you’re born and raised in.
Oh yeah….suffering in a huge estate….what a joke.
@Uncle Ed wtf has this article have to do with Democrats?!
You gaslighting GOP liars need to leave Trump’s colon.
That is not meatloaf you imbeciles are eating BTW.
Republicans are now all shiteaters.
You simpleton didn’t think she suffer in this silly ordeal ?
She was force to pay 3 million bail money. Do you know much hard work it took to earn 3 million ?
Can you pay 3 million ? That went strait to your Canadian social welfare coffers, Wasted !
@高礼福 Ummm … perhaps 1 day or 2? Including golf time?
@高礼福 that your 50 cents worth, Chinazi-gestapo troll? She’s worth 100 million, and gets the money back. Meng spends her days shopping, and has to be home by 11pm to ONE of her Vancouver mansions. Meanwhile, China spent this year torturing, by UN definition, two innocent Canadian diplomats they kidnapped off the street. To quote South Park, “F*ck the Chinese Government.” Polling proves it, if it wasn’t for how cool Canadians think the Hong Kong protestors are, Chinese people in Canada would be at risk for being spit on in the street thanks to their fascist, genocidal government. Like Xi didn’t learn his Uyghar strategy from Hitler and Stalin, duh.
@高礼福 do you think people in Chinese “re education” camps might trade places with her? I do.
So…..she’s doing time in a giant mansion in Canada? smh
Then why didn’t let her back home and put tracker on her leg
@Anonymous MENG HAS *TWO* HOMES IN VAN! She is living with her husband in the city where she did her University studies, so a network of friends as well. Meng spends her days shopping, and has to be home by 11pm to ONE of her Vancouver mansions. Meanwhile, China spent this year torturing, by UN definition, two innocent Canadian diplomats they kidnapped off the street. To quote South Park, “F*ck the Chinese Government.” Polling proves it, if it wasn’t for how cool Canadians think the Hong Kong protestors are, Chinese people in Canada would be at risk for being spit on in the street thanks to their fascist, genocidal government. Like Xi didn’t learn his Uyghar strategy from Hitler and Stalin, duh.
@Art Dent Hong Kong protest?You mean rioters?yes!Then why Canada put tracker on her leg,fk Canada fk hongkonger fk US
@Anonymous, that your 50-cents worth, Chinazi-gestapo troll? Canada is loaded with Mandarin-speaking, rich students from Beijing who are NOT being spit on soley, and ironically, because polling shows Canadians strongly approve of the HK protestors, so young Chinese people seem cool, while polls also show we strongly disapprove of the fascist police state that Xi is running in China, mostly due to those diplomats being tortured. Xi’s going full Hitler on the Uyghars, the proof is out now, and Canada will back ANY military action on China by the US, we’re actively building an EU/5 Eyes coalition to support it right now. Nuclear first-strike is not off the table, not with Trump looking at impeachment, and all those US boomer subs parked on China’s doorstep thanks to Kim’s insanity. He’s YOUR client state, and thanks to him, there are well over a hundred US nuclear missiles on your doorstep. DUH.
It’s trump wrong doing, trump will be charged and impeached and imprisoned for all of the laws he’s broken
251 Warning
Her suffering must have been unbearable.
Almost as insufferable as CNN
@Trumpy Bear Obviously you need to achieve some kind of STABILIZATION concerning your sexuality?
It will make her stronger idiot!
CMON! Meng spends her days shopping, and has to be home by 11pm to ONE of her Vancouver mansions with her husband. Meanwhile, China spent this year torturing, by UN definition, two innocent Canadian diplomats they kidnapped off the street. To quote South Park, “F*ck the Chinese Government.” Polling proves it, if it wasn’t for how cool Canadians think the Hong Kong protestors are, Chinese people in Canada would be at risk for being spit on in the street thanks to their fascist, genocidal government. Like Xi didn’t learn his Uyghar strategy from Hitler and Stalin, duh.
Spies are ” potential criminals” …should be punished .Plain and simple .
You know she’s a spy for sure? “Potential criminals”? Are we now the world of the minority report?
But your ok with treason….Snowden
Fra Diavolo apparently we are considering democrats want trump impeached over his thoughts.
Let’s not forget that he THOUGHT about firing mueller, which was considered obstruction.
And now democrats are trying to impeach trump over what he may have been thinking when he asked Ukraine to investigate corruption with Burisma.
So, yeah.. we do live in a world of thought crimes.
@Emperor Charlemagne, until he was caught, Trump was ACTIVELY, illegally holding back Congressional aid to Ukraine to blackmail it’s president into interfering with domestic US politics. The second he got caught he released the aid, but unsuccessfully blackmailing someone is still a crime. When the cops show up at your door and you let the hostage go doesn’t mean your innocent, asking for the ransom (“favor”) prior to that makes you GUILTY, not whether or not you get the ransom (investigation), duh. We’re you dropped on your head as a child?
Art Dent oh geez. It was withheld huh. I can’t believe they never got it.
Wait, they did…
And in accordance with the 1998 us ukraine treaty, as well as the transcript, nothing was illegal whatsoever.
Sooo, yeah… it’s thought crimes.
Chinese billionaire in Canada = tens of million dollar mansion arrest
Two regular Canadian guys in China = Chinese gulag
sihotech she ran a USA based company that violated international sanctions, you can’t be a VP/CFO of a USA based business and violate USA international trade laws no matter where you are in the world.
@sihotech, HA, Meng spends her days shopping and eating in restaurants, and has to be home by 11pm to ONE of her Vancouver mansions. Meanwhile, China spent this year torturing, by UN definition, two innocent Canadian diplomats they kidnapped off the street. To quote South Park, “F*ck the Chinese Government.” If it wasn’t for how cool we think the Hong Kong protestors are, Chinese people in Canada would be at risk for being spit on in the street thanks to their fascist, genocidal government. Like Xi didn’t learn his Uyghar strategy from Hitler and Stalin.
Don’t start nothing, won’t be nothing. Why did we get involved in US’s business I will never understand…
You can’t control the reaction, so would be wise to act humanely rather than being driven by greed and helplessness driven by incompetency leading to jealousy, power and using international partners in crime
I wish I can say the same thing to all the daughter and son suffering in china under the rule of CCP..
Weird Austin You mean suffer under US? Yes
Ignore the Chinazi-gestapo troll, he’s just part of the pathetic 50-cents Army.
They do have news, from time to time, about people working shifts round the clock, people living in cars, people sleeping on streets, people eating from dumpsters, people being harassed/killed for no reason by authorities, people being constantly verbally abused and persecuted for doing their jobs and trying to maintain law n order in corrupt public officials – yeah they’re all sons and daughters too
Suffering in her Massive Mansion 🤔🤨😐
The Canadians don’t even care of the two men
HA, polling shows we mostly despise China now for that. Meng spends her days shopping and eating in restaurants, and has to be home by 11pm to ONE of her Vancouver mansions. Meanwhile, China spent this year torturing, by UN definition, two innocent Canadian diplomats they kidnapped off the street. To quote South Park, “F*ck the Chinese Government.” If it wasn’t for how cool we think the Hong Kong protestors are, Chinese people in Canada would be at risk for being spit on in the street thanks to their fascist, genocidal government. Like Xi didn’t learn his Uyghar strategy from Hitler and Stalin.
Polling for stupid people…
The two is rotting…
@Samretheany Yim, dunno, our universities are flooded by rich kids from Beijing, our Medical Schools by rich Saudis, kinda proves Canadians have a world-class education system, otherwise, why do the super-rich send their kids here to study?
Art Dent I live in Massachusetts and I see these Chinese students everywhere but I think they do this just to get dull citizenships. They have so much money they don’t even need to work!!!
The Canadians wont have huge mansions to be held in will they?
@YodaGrammar l so, support for HK protestors is Racist? “Chinese people in Canada would be at risk for” retaliation over our diplomats being kidnapped and tortured in no way approves of that retaliation, it is just stating the obvious from a sociological perspective: elements of Canadian society would be likely to act out considering current overwhelmingly negative polling on the Chinese Govt, it hasn’t happened yet because the same polling finds overwhelming support for the HK protestors, leaving innocent Chinese Canadians, and tons of Chinese Rich Kids in Canadian Universities, from China’s new mainland elite, unaffected.
My guess, as a retired journalist with a background in Sociology and History, is that without that groundswell of support for HK protestors, there would have been an upswing in hate crimes in Canada against visible ethnic Chinese due to the actions of Xi and his fascist regime, accompanying the current upswing in hatecrimes against Muslims and Jews, which are largely being blamed on YOUR r*cist President, btw. They always turn out to be Trump fans, even in Canada, so I will NOT be lectured to by an AMERICAN about racism. Are you one of the THIRD of Americans who skipped voting in ’16 and let that r*cist m*ron get elected? Don’t lecture a Canadian about racism, OUR problems with hate crimes trace to YOUR Fd up electoral system, no sh*t. How could you elect that damned idiot!?!
@Art Dent Evidence of Canadian diplomats get tortured please?
You dont know of what you speak. :Canada
@Shiqian Peng, living in Canada, I’ve read all the coverage. Just do a YT search on it, one diplomat was fully accredited when he was kidnapped, one was literally waiting for accreditation that had been applied for, and the consular official who visited them reported conditions the UN defines as torture on a daily basis. Or just google it, if you’re even allowed to in China.
@DON VAN, yeah, polling shows we are PISSED at China over this. Meng spends her days out shopping (11pm curfew), and lives in her mansion with her husband. Meanwhile, China tortures 2 Canadian Diplomats daily, by UN definition, who were kidnapped off the street in retaliation. Polling proves that if it wasn’t for how cool Canadians think the Hong Kong protestors are, Chinese people in Canada might be at risk for being spit on in the street thanks to China’s apparently fascist, genocidal government. Like Xi didn’t learn his Uyghar strategy from Hitler and Stalin, duh. To quote South Park, “×××× the Chinese Government”
1:42 “Mung’s mother and husband routinely fly to Canada to care for her”
I don’t think a grown lady need’s “caring” for.
Anonymous she’s under house arrest obviously they’re going to track her so she can’t leave. Fucking Chinese 20 cent army are sped
Anonymous So she doesn’t fly out of Vancouver…. you do realize once she gets to the Pacific Ocean on a plane she’s GONE !
@Anonymous He/she lives alone and wishes it upon everyone; jealousy, just like her cause of arrest
Her “husband” certainly needs to “care” for her if you know what I’m saying
@Jewish Tryhard Meng has an 11 pm curfew, she’s out shopping and dining with old friends everyday, she went to University in Vancouver. Her husband was living with her, if he’s not there now, it’s by choice. Isn’t it 50-Cent Army, the kids in HK call it that?
What’s news about that China will steal anything they can get there hand’s on🇺🇸🇵🇷
@Art Dent Just show you r a idiot, China can destroy the US at the same time with bigger nuclear bomb, btw Chinese missiles are way better
@Art Dent if trump lose election, he dont have the right to control nuclear weapon, what a logic loser!
The real suffering is my eyes , she’s a dog
CCP evil
cnn can you do a story about whats going in Hong Kong?
Not like the USA has the last three years listening to cnn
Remember when Chris Cuomo said little girls need to get used to seeing the penises of grown men? I do. #Pedophilia #CNNisFakeNews