How Would Police Respond If Black Lives Matter Stormed The Capitol? | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

The pro-Trump mob that stormed the Capitol was almost entirely white. Brittany Packnett Cunningham explains how she thinks law enforcement would have reacted if the protesters were people of color. Aired on 1/7/2021.
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#BlackLivesMatter #Police #MSNBC

How Would Police Respond If Black Lives Matter Stormed The Capitol? | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

How Would Police Respond If Black Lives Matter Stormed The Capitol? | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


    1. @Jeff Dees Jeff seriously you believe that if there was a black protest yesterday on the capital that the national guard would have been called in you really jeff believe the police would have been taking selfies with those black protesters?

    2. @Jeff Dees honestly you just said it in retrospect it’s always that for white people but for black people they plan as you saw all summer they planned for every event no matter how small with a great show of force

    3. @KAye Mobile Detailing You’re probably right on both of those points. I just don’t believe there would have been a “massacre “ or heads blown off it was antifa or BLM. I say that based on the police response to the riots last summer. And that cop who took the selfie should be fired.

    1. what happened when Trump and Pelosi praised those rioters to invade and occupy the Hong Kong Legislative Council last year !

  1. agreed this domestic terrorism. Every single one of these lawbreakers need to feel the full weight of the law

    1. I didn’t celebrate BLM burnings, looting or rioting.

      I did often caution of likely instances of BLM being framed, which has proven true.

      One size does not fit all.

      I’m afraid that just won’t do.

      But I thought your camp celebrated your distinction.

    2. White Nationalism has never been defeated in the United States. Even after the Civil War there was never a reckoning with white nationalism it was celebrated with confederate memorials from coast to coast that remain to this day. The United States is at a cross roads. Will white nationalism finally be defeated? Is this your land AND my land? We don’t know yet, there are difficult times ahead.

    1. No minorities are afraid of the weirdos that stormed the Capitol. It’s the fact that the government send bombs tanks and soldiers after us

  2. Any law enforcement officer who is found to be assisting or facilitating in the advancement of the protesters should be held accountable and prosecuted. Period.

    1. @Judi Thomas Police were lifting barricades and taking selfies with the domestic terrorists. They weren’t scared, they were complicit. If these were black or god forbid muslims they’d have been shot in the face simply for breathing on the street across from the Capitol Building and you know it.

    2. Paid leave vacation?. 2weeks on our dime. And murder one of there own kinda love the irony of it lmao🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

    1. ​@WaStEd-LilSticky Says the racist with the Pee Wee Herman response” I know you are , but what am I?” which reflects very clearly on their low “intellect” as they insult a woman with actual intellect….way to go champ!

    1. @Killer Cuddles So you’re one the “tragically confused?” We’ve had to deal with racists all our lives. They all around us. It’s not like we’ve never had a racist President before.

    1. Yup ,, racist cops terrorist let there terrorist go in the white house with guns and pipe b and the cops and who ever was involved should be in jail

    2. 🇺🇸🇺🇸350,000 dead Americans from covid19, no one cares about stupid maskless republicans getting killed , I don’t care do you , good to hear the treasonous republicans got killed and not the police , Republicans Trump supporters and trump are traitors to America, they are guilty of treason for attacking the capital, republicans = treason, Time to act with the 25th amendment , take trump out of the White House today 🇺🇸 Black Lives Matter ✊🏿

  3. Now the world see how law enforcement play apart of white supremacy. Like come on people this is not new. But would it ever change?

    1. It’s sad because law enforcement is very important and then people like this ruin the entire idea. Take care!

    1. @mickiemouseHM I was wondering when I would FINALLY run across this comment…smh. Reading may be fundamental, but apparently not comprehension…

  4. It’s all coming full circle. This is what black people have been talking about since….. forever. The double standards for us!

    1. 🇺🇸🇺🇸350,000 dead Americans from covid19, no one cares about stupid maskless republicans getting killed , I don’t care do you , good to hear the treasonous republicans got killed and not the police , Republicans Trump supporters and trump are traitors to America, they are guilty of treason for attacking the capital, republicans = treason, Time to act with the 25th amendment , take trump out of the White House today 🇺🇸 Black Lives Matter ✊🏿

    2. ​@Bidenforthenext8years Pleasewearamask Crazy isn’t it? Republican voters storming the Capitol Hill with CONFEDERATE FLAGS!!! Abraham Lincoln would turn in his grave 😢 And even after that this senator from Missouri continued with his dirty objection tactics because he thinks that he can appeal to exactly this kind of people in future elections 🤬
      This party needs to vanish. I don’t mean that they need to replace their politicians, no I mean it has to vanish from the political landscape, the republican party has proven to be unfit for offices. If the decent and reasonable conservatives who still exist struggle to vote for democrats then they should vote for libertarians or a new 3rd party.

    1. 360, 000 American.COVid-19 deaths, and unaccounted yet numbers of white supremacist gun-violence death of mainly “minority” Americans later, which the RACIST.US police and FBI ALWAYS cloak as Black-On-Black-crimes amusingly:

      ‘We want them infected’: Trump appointee demanded ‘herd immunity’ strategy, emails reveal
      Then-HHS science adviser Paul Alexander called for millions of Americans to be infected as means of fighting Covid-19.

      Donald Trump & Bob Woodward Covid Conversation Transcript: Trump ‘Playing it down’ – Rev

      READ MORE, all Yeh amusingly SWEET US American toddlers of Democracy:

      ‘A threat to democracy’: William Barr’s speech on religious freedom alarms liberal Catholics | William Barr | The Guardian

      “The Story Behind Bill Barr’s Unmarked Federal Agents”

      “Falwell, who was toppled by scandals in August, launched the Falkirk Center for Faith and Liberty in 2019 with the help of right-wing activist Charlie Kirk. The professed goal was to build an “army” of believers who would defend America’s “Judeo-Christian” heritage. ”

      Trump’s Steve Bannon’s American NAZI “god-soldiers”:

      I hunt people,” our “GOOD GUY” Ohio’s Killer cop-preacher said, garnering laughter. “It’s a great job, I love it.”

      In the 2018 sermon posted online and since taken down by the Ohio Free Will Baptist Association, Meade was preaching on the Biblical story of David and Goliath and talked about how he is justified in throwing the first punch.

      About 30 minutes into the 37-minute sermon, Meade tells the audience where he works and that his SWAT colleagues and bosses were there to see him preach.

      He told the audience that he has never been punched in the face during his 14 years on the job.

      “Because I learned long ago I got to throw the first punch. And I learned long ago why I’m justified in throwing the first punch,” Meade said. “Don’t look up here like ‘police brutality.’ People I hit you wish you could hit, trust me.”

      Meade also said it’s contagious when someone “throws the first punch.” He likened it to David hitting Goliath using a slingshot.

      What we don’t know: Questions surround death of Casey Goodson, Black man shot by veteran SWAT officer

      “One of my SWAT guys throws a punch, I gotta throw one in too,” Meade said. “It’s the truth. We have this little saying, ‘Hey, if you’re going to get in trouble, I’m going to get in trouble, too. You get days off, I get days off, too. We’ll make a vacation out of it.'”

      In June 2018, shortly before the video was posted by the sheriff’s office, Meade was among seven officers who fired their weapons during a standoff in Pike County that ended with two men dead.

      Then-Pike County Sheriff Charles Reader had called in Franklin County’s SWAT team to help after his deputies believed a man inside a home they were serving a warrant on was armed.

      “American Theocracy: Radical Religion Oil and Borrowed Money”: University of Califonia’s Kevin Phillips examines the axis of religion, politics, and borrowed money that threatens to destroy the nation. He maintains that every world-dominating power has been brought down by a related set of causes: a lethal combination of global over-reach, militant religion, resource problems, and ballooning debt.”

      See you modern U.S NAZIS all in  GENEVA Courts, Mr. Trump and his REPUBLICLANS! 😊😷🤗😘😍

      Godless Best,
      Projectheureka LLC;

    1. Maybe she will get noticed for a well spoken black woman by Candice Owen’s pack of clowns. What she says puts Candice words in check.

    2. @G K Agreed, but CO also checks herself everytime she opens her mouth. She’d do well to heed the following:

      “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt” – Abraham Lincoln

    1. When the Dems/media turned a blind eye to the rioting and destruction of minority businesses and federal property by the radical left (BLMANTIFA),it just emboldened the radical right…Too bad it got to this🤔🙁

  5. Steve Schmidt tweeted yesterday; “If this was a BLM protest, drone strikes would have occured.”

    1. Indeed! 360, 000 American.COVid-19 deaths, and unaccounted yet numbers of white supremacist gun-violence death of mainly “minority” Americans later, which the RACIST.US police and FBI ALWAYS cloak as Black-On-Black-crimes amusingly:

      ‘We want them infected’: Trump appointee demanded ‘herd immunity’ strategy, emails reveal
      Then-HHS science adviser Paul Alexander called for millions of Americans to be infected as means of fighting Covid-19.

      Donald Trump & Bob Woodward Covid Conversation Transcript: Trump ‘Playing it down’ – Rev

      READ MORE, all Yeh amusingly SWEET US American toddlers of Democracy:

      ‘A threat to democracy’: William Barr’s speech on religious freedom alarms liberal Catholics | William Barr | The Guardian

      “The Story Behind Bill Barr’s Unmarked Federal Agents”

      “Falwell, who was toppled by scandals in August, launched the Falkirk Center for Faith and Liberty in 2019 with the help of right-wing activist Charlie Kirk. The professed goal was to build an “army” of believers who would defend America’s “Judeo-Christian” heritage. ”

      Trump’s Steve Bannon’s American NAZI “god-soldiers”:

      I hunt people,” our “GOOD GUY” Ohio’s Killer cop-preacher said, garnering laughter. “It’s a great job, I love it.”

      In the 2018 sermon posted online and since taken down by the Ohio Free Will Baptist Association, Meade was preaching on the Biblical story of David and Goliath and talked about how he is justified in throwing the first punch.

      About 30 minutes into the 37-minute sermon, Meade tells the audience where he works and that his SWAT colleagues and bosses were there to see him preach.

      He told the audience that he has never been punched in the face during his 14 years on the job.

      “Because I learned long ago I got to throw the first punch. And I learned long ago why I’m justified in throwing the first punch,” Meade said. “Don’t look up here like ‘police brutality.’ People I hit you wish you could hit, trust me.”

      Meade also said it’s contagious when someone “throws the first punch.” He likened it to David hitting Goliath using a slingshot.

      What we don’t know: Questions surround death of Casey Goodson, Black man shot by veteran SWAT officer

      “One of my SWAT guys throws a punch, I gotta throw one in too,” Meade said. “It’s the truth. We have this little saying, ‘Hey, if you’re going to get in trouble, I’m going to get in trouble, too. You get days off, I get days off, too. We’ll make a vacation out of it.'”

      In June 2018, shortly before the video was posted by the sheriff’s office, Meade was among seven officers who fired their weapons during a standoff in Pike County that ended with two men dead.

      Then-Pike County Sheriff Charles Reader had called in Franklin County’s SWAT team to help after his deputies believed a man inside a home they were serving a warrant on was armed.

      “American Theocracy: Radical Religion Oil and Borrowed Money”: University of Califonia’s Kevin Phillips examines the axis of religion, politics, and borrowed money that threatens to destroy the nation. He maintains that every world-dominating power has been brought down by a related set of causes: a lethal combination of global over-reach, militant religion, resource problems, and ballooning debt.”

      See you modern U.S NAZIS all in  GENEVA Courts, Mr. Trump and his REPUBLICLANS! 😊😷🤗😘😍

      Godless Best,
      Projectheureka LLC;

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