Middle Class Prosperity Minister Mona Fortier explains why her role exists and how she will serve Canadians.
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She is representing a title and a group that she can not define.
I watched this earlier on broadcast….What a joke!…Just a position that will bloat an already larger caucus.
cough propaganda oops I heard nobody heard that,
A pipeline would help middle class prosperity. Getting rid of Bill C69 and 48 would help middle class prosperity but no we won’t do that
My bet she finds an excuse for a few more taxes!
We are being screwed over for sure. That’s what this means.
You’ve got to be kidding?? Middle class Minister??? I can’t believe that Alberta wants to separate and miss out on stuff like that WEXIT NOW
im middle class and I am sure she is not looking out for my prosperity
this lady literally does not know what her position is about.
Reporter: “this is your dream job”

Minister: “is it”
Yet she can’t even define what her job is
We needs a Referendum on equalization so we don’t have to pay for this crap
How can Liberals even face Canadians when everyday I hear common folks saying they are struggling with debt, taxes, rising food prices, lack of housing? Do Canadians need to riot to finally get rid of liberals?
Earning 200,000 a year to do a job that doesn’t make sense , thanks trudeau
“ I can’t define what I’m the minister of…”
These useless LIBRANO’S created yet another cabinet position for the under qualified. Way to go central and eastern Canada FOOLS.
Perhaps if she had the salary of someone in the middle class she’d have a better idea of wtf her job entails
Basically she is there to toss word salads to the press at JTs whim
Useless title that she can’t even define herself!
The woman talked and acted like a total flake