Communications consultant Tim Abray explains how the COVID-19 pandemic will change the way political parties' campaign.
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Lets go conservatives
Vote PPC
We all know it’s
This is getting awkward.
Liberals censoring everybody that’s how.
Liberals/conservatives they are the same all puppets
@John Graham actually the conservatives are the only ones against the liberals sensor bill.
…Vax passports …time to implement the phoenix doctrine …numbers and reason no longer work
Vote PPC
Trudeau thanks you for your wasted vote
Protest vote…if one can not stomach the alternatives…ugh
@Jumbo Me O’toole is a Zionist and pro-pandemic tool
@coffee and chill lol not.
Why would you have an election now?? A election campaign??
These politicians are going to now do what we were told we couldn’t or shouldn’t do the last 20 months.
We live in the most hypocritical times!!
Vote – None Of The Above!
PM Blackface Trudeau calling an election in the middle of a deadly pandemic. Irresponsible and dangerous. We are voting
for Derek Sloan. Make Canada
Great Again.
You would’ve done the same thing if you were in his position!!
Maybe proves that it’s not that deadly.
no! we are voting harper if hes running again!!
Sloan doesn’t even have a party? Vote for Max and the PPC
He know the numbers well . He’s not stupid as some may think . ” If” 80% of Canadians have taken the “shots” voluntarily , and now he’s making it mandatory for government employees or be fired ….. He can’t lose ! We who refuse might as well stay home and not waste our time voting . As a senior , I have other things to do on voting day , just tired of it all …
is that Sophie in the thumbnail? She’s long gone
Rumors say she was “enjoying” the company of the RCMP while at the Trudeau cottage.
Derek Sloan all the way – bring it on!
It’s not the time for a new party…. Vote for Max and the PPC. They have much more chances of winning than Sloan.
ask the Dems across the border, they wrote the playbook on how to ̶s̶t̶e̶a̶l̶ win a pandemic election.
Will Elections Canada pull a Newfoundland & Labrador? Was that province’s election a trial run for the federal election?
WHy are they interviewing an unfinished clone?
Out with the liberals that’s how. Authoritarianism has no place in Canada, Legault next.
As the world is heading into decrepitude, Canadians are Safe & Secure! Thanks to Justin “Le Juste”! ThumbsUp!!
No justice and democracy in corruption!!!
Anyone OTHER than CONServatives!!!! (And I used to be a Conservative supporter)
The blackface racist party are about to be shocked! The polls have been played…
Like the NFL election, mail in ballots and time to tinker with the true outcome, results will be tamperd with, the new normal ,new way of winning elections , Canada, Oh Canada,please wake up,.
It hasn’t stopped Trudeau from flying around giving away money so what’s changed? He’ll still follow the tried and true racist,sexist,xenophobic,climate denier attacks on Otoole. Nothing changes. Harper’s and Trump’s names will be repeated ad nauseum.
Commie tv