How Will Hill Republicans React As Support For Trump’s Impeachment Grows? | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Does the White House have a plan for dealing with Republicans potentially jumping ship on Trump as polls show support for impeachment growing. Aired on 10/01/19.
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How Will Hill Republicans React As Support For Trump's Impeachment Grows? | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

How Will Hill Republicans React As Support For Trump's Impeachment Grows? | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


    1. Like it or not, we are all on that ship. His supporters put so much faith in him to be a good captain even though they’ve always known him to be a scoundrel. He will never go down with the ship. His nonchalant boasts of civil war shows how little regards he has towards those who will fight that war.

      He and those like him with the means will take the first lifeboats. They will disembark with plenty of room to spare. We will kick and scream, bite and claw for whatever is left. This drama will unfold in front of a grinning Putin.

      This is a quote from an American who has seen civil war.

      “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we lose our freedoms it will be because we have destroyed ourselves from within.” – Abraham Lincoln

    2. @Emily Xiong the ship i speak of , is the republican party. Our country and its institutions are stronger than some wannabe tyrant , its founders put safeguards in place, just as we see at work now.

    1. The bots mostly buzz around CNN. They largely leave MSNBC alone. Strange. Has to be that they sense weakness in CNN and believe that they can be intimidated.

    2. Im still gonna influence the election by brainwashing you. U are getting sleepy… U cannot look away… U will vote trump… You will bark out trumps name like American dog next time you get butted… Wake up now moron and forget i was here . make Russia great again

  1. Watch also Rachael Maddow MSNBC: Trump sets staff to task of contradicting US Intel on Russia. Russia has to have something on Trump.
    Giuliani, Barr, and Pompano are complicit and in Trumps crimes. History will paint them as a black spot on US democracy. I don’t think Trump can still be hoping for a hotel in Moscow.

    1. Been mulling this over, too. I think Russia broke into more than just the DNC servers… I think many Republicans are compromised. Nothing else explains the weird, huge current hypocrisy from the previously “law and order” party, with their former, public positions on the debt, governmental waste and rule of law flipping like dolphins. They have to be covering their own misdeeds. Of course, others are “merely” greedy and power hungry. But just look at Lindsey Graham, as just ONE example! He’s gone from “if you lie under oath the office must be cleansed” to supporting THIS POS POTUS? He’s compromised. Has to be.

    2. I think if and when we find out whatputtin it will chill us to the bone. We will be shaken to our core. All dough boy has cared about is himself, and if pompaeo , barr and the rest don’t snap, hopefully they all end up in orange to sell America out

    3. It might be that Trump just cannot let go that he did not win the election but got president because Russia intervened in the election.

  2. I don’t care about any poles. Rule of law should apply to everyone. Continuous disregard of law by this administration must have consequences.

    1. The polls are important because Republicans will drop support once the numbers are bad.
      To remove Trump, the Republican votes are needed.

    2. @Logan McLean they did work for even after he became president. While limiting the number of HB1 Visa, He also applied for them. So can he employ only Americans or, selling goods made here? So much for “America first”…

  3. Hard to have a unified strategic defence when Trump has admitted the charges and helpfully provided evidence in the memo of the ‘phone call.

  4. Silly Republicans you have no leg to stand on. Your man admitted to the crime and even gave evidence. Beginning of the end!

  5. Donald is finished. Rupert Murdoch doesn’t like him anymore. FOX is giving more air time to those who think Trump is a traitor.

    1. @Flash Jonz Trump have in public admitted to the crimes and the memo sent from the white house about the transcript of the telephone call clearly show it was a crime. The White House staff is so stupid they did not even understand they incriminated themselves.

      And the Biden thing is a totally made up conspiracy theory. Anyone that looks into any independent information retarding that immediately understands it’s a total lie from start to finish.

    1. I think Dubai and the gulf, rather..though maybe the moral standards there (booze, women) are too strict..

    2. @Marky E. Waiiit a minute!!
      The unstable genius might commit suicide!! It could happen. We can only hope that this vain, weak coward will take the, the uhh, vain weak cowards way out. Party at my place if he does.

    3. What’s your crack ho mama’s name? That proud parent of a bone in nose meth head for Hillary mongoloid.

  6. It doesn’t matter if only 2% support it. If he abuses power and violated his oath of office, they have a duty to Impeach regardless of polling.

    1. First of all, the president has to right to exercise this power.
      Second of all, the only thing the POTUS is guilty of is being a Patriot.
      Third, the people should have the power to remove the president and set him in office.

    2. @Flash Jonz Benedict Donald a patriot? He’s a self serving entitled elitist brat who dodged the draft and has yet to do anything positive for our country. How do you consider him a patriot?

  7. Now Pompeo is refusing to turn up for Investigative Committee hearings after refusing to produce requested documents and Pompeo is reported to be claiming that there is not an authority within the government that can require him to show up for hearings and that his appearance before Committees is solely voluntary!

    This, along with Trump’s hunt for The Whistleblower, whom is protected by Federal Law, and Trump’s veiled threats of a Civil War if he is impeached, actually constitute an emergency situation!

    The GOP has been an organized crime organization that is deeply entrenched in the government since the 1980s and they have engaged in totally inconceivable and totally unparalleled corruption for the last 40 years!

    All That Trump’s Supporters Ultimately Care About Is That Trump Is White, Beyond That, Nothing Else Matters To Them!

    These Are The Same People Who Are Holocaust Deniers And Believe That Racist Hate Groups Are Very Fine People!

    1. Well, right now, they’re stealing all the lifeboats and we’re going down with the ship, instead!

  8. German here
    Is it true that the GOP sees and call themself as “the party of law & order” or something like that?

    1. @Diego Suarez *yes you did… as well you will and have with others… your arrogance will be your downfall*

    2. @23Domo *a simple question likely laced with bias but i might have unfairly attacked you on that. if i did then i apologize, if i didnt, continue reading. Whats wrong? We have an out of control democrat party actively in the process of a coup attempt, If they succeed then enact their socialism policies it will have a world wide effect. if we go down so does the rest of the world, you might want to look into it*

    3. 23Domo … Hey Germany…. thanks for taking an interest. You called it right. May I apologize for some of the rude and disgusting comments made here by some of the Republican Party members.

  9. This is why you should have a law that you have to see school records so you will know that you have a legitimate person in charge instead of someone who has an IQ of a bean bag!

  10. 🎩👌Three years later, and better than never.🤫😦☹💬🐌

    🤣🥂😉👌😊🤦‍♀️& I still don’t care💬😠🤔

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