Medical oncologist Noelle Loconte discusses the impact the abortion ban has on women who get pregnant while undergoing chemo.
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This has what to do with Canada?
Distraction. Same as Ukraine.
@M.M. nothing to see here!
So they would have to go to another state? Worst case scenario is travel?
A new and unique DNA sequence is created at the moment of conception…’s no longer just your body …..and that new person deserves protection…
Erin if your state decides to violate you will you just move? That is called being a coward.
@Tâpwê do you even know what you are talking about, I don’t think so
I don’t care what american laws are. The federal government has no place in medicine. Stop complaining.
I didn’t kno murder was medicine
Neither does the state government..
Well you had better, because they practised their play book in Niagara and El Salvador. That implemented their draconian laws in Georgia, Alabama and Texas, and they are already here in Canada campaigning (and have been for many years).
just think of all the baby parts that will not be sold for profit this is the best day in history
@Karen Acton FACT do your research
Hello. We live in Canada
Notice how she avoids using the words “baby or child “demonic
It’s NOT a baby or child. It’s a fetus.
It is a fetus not a baby or child
So Satisfying seeing the Baby Murderers lose their minds
Sorry to hear about your CTE diagnosis. Hopefully they find an effective treatment in the future. Until then mabye you should just stick to using crayons
@No one special you are talking about yourself
@L M Insane comeback, must’ve take you hours to come up with that one
How about cancer patients learn birth control methods, just a thought
Yes, and applies to all prochoicers.
You can be diagnosed with cancer post pregnancy
@stoutz Which is usually how this happens. No one is looking for cancer until their is a baby to check on.
A great day for the unborn wish this would come to Canada.
Why do you support facism?
LOL Woman’s rights, really ?
Don’t Murder Your Children
its not your body or your choice. you live in a state. you belong to the govt. it farms you for taxes and tells you what to do on the free-range system you have. step outta line, and the state quickly reminds WHO YOU BELONG TO: GOVT
Manspreading is the real issue in this country. These men need to learn how to sit correctly!
Well said. As a terminal cancer patient this is the most difficult time in my life and for those who have not gone through this they need not to speak. Thank you for what you do Noelle.
This is sick, this is making an unborn baby the same as a cancerous tumour