As Donald Trump trails in the polls, he has increased his use of racist rhetoric and fear in an attempt to boost support. Professor Jelani Cobb tells Lawrence O’Donnell it’s allowed some Trump supporters to publicly express racist views that before could only “be echoed among like-minded people,” something Sirius/XM’s Zerlina Maxwell says “has dangerous consequences.” Aired on 09/10/2020.
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How Trump’s Rhetoric Is ‘Normalizing Overt Expressions Of Racism’ | The Last Word | MSNBC
HEY people, do NOT get comfortable!! Take a breather, stay rested, but STAY IN THE FIGHT!!


Register early > Vote as soon as possible > Rally others > PASS IT ON…..
@Mike Marder China killed them.
@Raging Monk More fake news for sheeple.
@IWashMyOwnBrain Your trailer park called. They don’t want you back.
Yes, we will vote Trump to keep senile China Joe out.
We will dump the dumpster 45 on nov 3
Biden 46
@Paul Wilson You sound like a big baby when you lose
@Oh Yes, Please! I’ll Have Another Bowl Of TDS! If that’s Joe’s IQ it’s at least 40 points higher that the average trump supporter.
Biden 2020

@Eastwood Unforgiven wow… that makes zero sense
Yuuuuuge tremendous bigly fear and hate Mongering. Race baiting the likes of which have never been seen. Tangerine Twitler has set us back 100 years. MAGAtt.
Trump and bigot are synonymous
There’s only one supreme being in that God, the clinical diagnosis for a bigot is delusions of grandeur.
@Dawn Anderson You are playing dumb. Leave your religious rhetoric at home or in the church. This is serious business, Sister. Get your head straight. The immature and childlike hide behind religion to excuse from acting like a grown up on deciding serious issues.
Identity politics is Nazi think.
Democrats are supporting racial segregation, again.
Stop racist Democrats.
Mignon and moron are also synonymous.
@Greta Of The Corn and here I thought I was dainty darling and delicate. You really aren’t very discerning are you. And you aren’t familiar with french. You probably think I’m a steak and not the adjectives describing the steak. Not very well informed or traveled are you.
You cannot get through to Trump’s base. They don’t wanna hear the truth, because they do not care about the truth.
They forget our founding fathers were revolutionaries, Beyond radical leftist. And they want to go back to the good old days of living under a monarchy.
@Kathleen Sposato You are delusional.
@Jason Martin If you think Joey is reality, then you are really sick.
@Kathy M That’s your opinion Kate, not the truth. We disagree. Biden is demented and will not be able to govern – at all.
Neither does msnbc’s base. You think everybody is a russian
15 to 20 times more deaths than Australia. That is if Australia had the same population as America, there would be about 10 000 dead, compared to America^s 200 000 dead. That’s the difference having a national plan headed up by a prime minister compared to no plan,no leadership by Trump.
hatred is what golden boy has used his whole life… it was built into him from his father…
#presiDUNCE #CadetBoneSpurs #BunkerBoy #FAILURE45
If you take away the hate, trump will disappear, that’s all there is of him, hate.
Hate and bad hair and 300 pounds of cheeseburgers
Golden boy = Agent Orange.

its a shame americans will be paying his unGodly retirement including overexcessive benefits
Why his cult loves him so much…. He gives them license to be their very worst selves.
@Mango Mussolini Several democrats who have attended rallies disagree. You are being fed cherry-picked losers or “plants” who say what the media wants.
@Average Josephine lol nope, I have degrees in political science and history. This is a cult of personality and it couldn’t be clearer.
@Mango Mussolini OK, so what? People like his no-bu//sh/t in-you-face style. Like him or hate him, he’s changed DC politics by keeping his campaign promises.
@Average Josephine straight brainwashed
As does msnbc. msnbc gives liberal trolls license to accuse everybody around them of being russians, racists, nazis, bots, and trolls
Brainstorming Plus agreed!
Second degree murder!
@ben moyers Second degree murder, but of thousands and thousands of innocent people!
Are you people insane?

You are sick. TDS has ravaged you.
The problem isn’t with white folks

It’s maga whytes, & they come in a variety of colors
The Biden/Harris camp has to full force media against Trump and crew. Facebook Twitter YouTube TikTak Radio Front page newspapers and all communities and churches of all religions. All hands on deck to stop this beast
Hatred will be Trumps only memorial.
To all the trump trolls posting in these comments sections – Question: How sad of a loser does one have to be to do that? What job did you pass-up? Adult diaper tester?
Please. Your cowardly hiding behind a Fake Page. Your intentions are not working to Divide, Agitate, Deflect and pass Misinformation. Fake Page Troll.

I was never a racist until I attended a trump rally. I find out that is the end thing. You have to be 1 or they throw you out of the Republican Party
Well dont become a rascist just to get along with them
@C.A.T. Hi I am a life long resident of Southern California. I took a drive today and saw Trump bumper stickers, Trucks with large American and Trump flags, A freeway overpass with Trump supporters all over it, A guy and girl walking down a road with American and Trump flags and I went to the post office yeasterday in my MAGA hat and got two love the hats and the day before a man gave me two copper Trump coins for free. No sign of Biden anywhere. Yes the air quality is bad where I live. I have air cleaners.
Trump 20 20
@IWashMyOwnBrain Nice you’re having a good time and “have air-cleaners”. 19 people have died, entire suburbs and at least one whole town have burned, people are fleeing for their lives and, like here where I live, can barely breathe and have had their power shut off for days on end. But the important thing is that the cult of MAGA is happy. Ignorance is bliss, after all.
@C.A.T. Have you learned your lessons yet or are you still a Liberal?
@Relax & Meditate The very first thing the fellow in your link does is equate some creep with “the BLM movement” without any evidence or corroboration… nice bit of red-meat for his right-wing followers, but not impressive to anyone with a functional neo-cortex. And what this story has to do with wildfires escapes me.
Hitler’s blood runs deep in DJT.
Your knowledge of history is frightening if you think Trump is anything close to Hitler. Wow.
This division in races is the great america trump wants.
Always believe the opposite of what comes from Trump’s mouth. I knew that he meant Hate Again.
Or, it could be the media that’s dividing us. For the last 5 years, THEY are the ones bashing the president everyday.
@Average Josephine Agree with you there.
THE REASON it’s been so easy, is because these people have always been this way, this president just gave them permission to be openly racist, and bigots. No more being politically correct, or respectful of others ethnicity! THEY went from zero to 60 overnight!
Trump is the “HATE “that hate produce.