How Trump’s Pardons Of Russia Figures Could Backfire If He Is Prosecuted | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Andrew Weissmann, former lead prosecutor for Robert Mueller, talks with Rachel Maddow about how pardoned individuals can be compelled to testify where the Fifth Amendment no longer applies, which could mean people like Roger Stone and Paul Manafort being called to testify if prosecutors pursue a case against Donald Trump. Aired on 12/24/2020.
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#Trump #Pardon #MSNBC

How Trump's Pardons Of Russia Figures Could Backfire If He Is Prosecuted | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC


  1. How is this not the most ridiculous, embarrassing, unbelievable situation that these kind of conversations are even taking place.
    Look how low the political situation in America has sunk to.

  2. “Whatever definition we may give of the term ‘public opinion’, only a very small part of
    it originates from personal experience or individual insight. The greater portion of it
    results from the manner in which public matters have been presented to the people
    through an overwhelmingly impressive and persistent system of ‘information’.”

  3. There’s two incredibly important, critical and very delicate elements here.

    1st – if the new AG goes after Trump and is cronies, we run the very real, likely risk of making _firm presedence,_ of the atrocious abuse of Justice throughout the last 4 years. Rather than leaving his despotic, tyrranical and corrupt ways, in the rearview mirror as abhorrent exceptions to general rule.

    2nd – the need to learn from this, to enable the establishment of new _legal_ checks and balances on the Admin, the AG, DoJ and POTUS, to prohibit this kind of abuse to happen again. The flaws and weaknesses of our systems have truly been laid bare, showing how much relies only on ethical norms, that should be established in law. However, for legislators, the courts and the people at large, to fully understand, take wisdom and learn from all this – there is also a need to uncover the inner workings of all this. If we do not, we’ll be basing a lot of those new checks and balances on _assumptions,_ which holds significant risks of the legislation not being able to serve its purpose. Another reason for needing to uncover the details, is to enable wide public trust in the ensuing legislation being fair, just and reasonable.

    Balancing these things is not an easy thing. We cannot do both – it’s gonna have to be a compromise between them.

    1. Are democrats perfect? What about the issues of Joe Biden who was caught lying, quid pro quo with Ukraine’s prosecutor, and fondling people? Do the democrats tend to hold allegations against persons if they are not democrats? Who else does that? Could it be the China CCP?

    2. @KEK Freedom Heritage where’s the case? That’s a fake new, don’t spread lies. You Republicans just project everything on the opposition

    3. @KEK Freedom Heritage The only thing exposed in Ukraine was the president and drunk @ss Rudy’s debacle of a plan to get dirt on BYEDON before he announce his candidacy! This was an attempt for dirt because National Enquirer are not in Donald’s back pocket anymore ! At best get your brain checked out by a proctologist please !

  4. I hope that trump pays to justice, at least I can say he paid for something in his fraud ridden and rotten life.

  5. Don’t run interviewslike this. It will give him a heads up and enough time to cover up the quid pro quo. Let the due process take place in its own time and hit him by surprise. That’s the only way to corner him. This is the biggest crook in post WW II political history

    1. I’ve been thinking the same for a long time but you’re the first I’ve seen address it. Why does the news feel the need to just hand Trumps dopey legal team advice and then next thing you know he changes his strategy and they get bent up. I just want to scream “keep your mouth shut!!!”

    2. @rhonda drop They got convicted of other crime not Russian collusion 🤷. No one got convicted for that just saying. Not saying that they should be pardon I’m just saying they have this million dollars investigation but only got “some” people for lying to them.

    3. He’s surrounded by lawyers. He knows. The thing is there’s always wiggle room. And this is going to blow up in his face.

    4. @Massey 4business As dumb as they look, there are some very accomplished lawyers in his circle. He doesn’t need the media to give them tips, these guys already know this might blow up but they’re grasping at straws.

    1. @charles henson

      Women can’t do a mans job, she might cried in the corner once trump starts calling her names .

    1. Do you think the Dems see the irony in voting in Biden to bring back “respectability”, and most of his family is under a FBI investigation for being grifters🤔…lol

    1. @Kevin J quality vs quantity. Murderers, money laundering, RICO, obstruction of justice, treason, collaborating with a designated foreign enemy against America and planning a failed coup against the government of the US. These are those he pardoned. Al Capone thought he was UNTOUCHABLE too.

    2. @Kevin J I heard it’s forty pardons, and thirty-five of them are corrupt in that they don’t even come close to being “pardonable”. Obama’s pardons were all honorable. Big difference!

  6. Trump and his administration really need to be held accountable. This is a really bad precedent to set for future administrations.

    1. @The BenC – he COMMUTED the sentences mostly for people convicted of drug charges that got longer sentences than murderers! He pardoned 212 people in his 8 years in office. Trump is pardoning admitted criminals who pled guilty because they did not rat him out. A bit of a difference, eh?

    2. @The BenC [citation required]
      Don’t make claims you can’t back up with all that history you claim to read

    3. Is thing they fear most is the U1 information coming out to the public? Aren’t most of the Obama administration INVOLVED?

    1. he’s setting things right thar crooked dem socialist unjustly did. peploe who watch R. Maddow are mindless idiots. Whatch newsmax for the truth, or One America News

    2. Every one of those pardons is also going to help convict him … if anyone in the next administration has the gumption to pursue it. We will then see if Trump is above the law, as he has so often claimed.

  7. I just got one question … what billionaire do you know has been locked up ? Money talks specially when you a celebrity

    1. Bernie madoff was a billiionaure in the double figures, he is currently serving 150 year sentence, stfu with the money talks, people with morals exist in the goverment too and put away corrupt billionaires

    2. he is not a billionaire he is a he is a thief only time will tell after he leave the white house and all the people whom he own money start come after him god help him he dont have the power no more to hide is tax return

    1. @Rodney Bean is lying by omitting who started the “spying” he’s whining about and how it started. Trolls whine to make their lies seem realistic and plausible to Bible readers and the sympathetic consumer.

    2. @Education is key is so hypocritical he doesn’t want anyone to remember trump University and the trump charity scandals. Not to mention Don jr. meeting with Russians at trump tower NY
      But troll lie just to lie.

  8. When you see so many down votes on a Rachel Maddow clip, know it’s stings the Russians and their little agent Orange.

  9. According to the Constitution, the President must “Faithfully Execute the Law”!?!? And be “Indicted NEVERTHELESS of Impeachment”!?!?

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