The Washington Post's Anne Gearen joins Morning Joe to discuss how President Trump is '…going to extraordinary lengths to disrupt and undermine the traditional transition from one administration to another despite the nation’s many crises. Aired on 12/22/2020.
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#Trump #Biden #MSNBC
How Trump Is Undermining Biden Before He Takes Office | Morning Joe | MSNBC
He’s a national disgrace. Never in the history of the presidency has anyone seen anything like it. Appalling.
@Taylor Fox yeaahhhhhh he never did that. you’re just a moron who watches too much of the MSM
@pat chapman All jokes aside, you are only proving that the trump cult are not only uneducated but are willfully stupid. You ignore REAL facts and hang on to wild conspiracy theories all based on what trump tells you. you know trump right? The man that has told over 20,000 PUBLIC lies (google it) the man that steals money from charities (again google it) the man that admits to sexual assault (google it) At some point you are going to have to admit that you have been conned or you need to admit that you like trump are nothing more than a lying racist moron. Either way I pity you.
@Taylor Fox Keep your pity, and saying so just makes you look more overbearing and self righteous. You are the one sucking up the lies. You want to talk about stealing from charities? Here’s something for you to Google and learn from… Clinton Foundation. Ring a bell. Don’t even try to keep deflecting for Hillary, or say she has nothing to do with this. She called for Democrats and luberals to resist and look how stupidly they acted the last 4 years. Talk about conspiracies, don’t remember? Russia, didn’t stick, President Trump being a racist, false. The self promoting democrats want all the power and care less about the American citizens. So, keep your pity, you need it for yourself.
@pat chapman It’s hard to believe the Orange Man Bad crowd on here professing one leftist lie, misdirection, and leftist media narrative after another – NO PROOF – there’s tons of proof, just not enough exposed yet to tip state boards and legislatures (but that take time like checking all those fraud mail in votes), plus they don’t want to open pandora’s box on this election…there’s proof of software glitches, dead voters, people have traced thousands of bad mail-ins and testified to such – they just ignore and spout off the same MSNBC narrative 24/7. They should know this, unless it’s investigated, and PROVEN NOT TO HAVE HAPPENED, it’s no different that US having to deal the with Russian collusion (now proven as a Democrat perpetrated hoax) FOR YEARS….THERE WILL BE NO PEACE with all these leftist jackwagons hiding behind the daily leftist narrative…..
@Taylor Fox …who’s the “president elect” champion of deflection…claiming the office before the EC vote or ballots fraud has been investigated, and the lie supported by lame stream media, claiming he knew nothing about pay for play Hunter…Biden, the old school racist democrat is certainly in on it and the laptop and cell phone PROVE IT….but keep deflecting…LOLOLOLOL… keep deflecting, you democrat nitwits are going to get push back like you’ve never witnessed yet….
And Republicans will blame Democrats for the mess they created.
@lyusya safaro Shhh…adults are talking. Go back to Newsmax….oh wait, that’s right. They just stated there was no election fraud. Guess your fantasy channels are running out.
@Dillon McCluskey the best economy we ever had started with Obama you pathetic Trumpian sycophant.
@Major Kramer take your meds you loon.
@Beijing Biden neither did Democrats since that never happened other than on OANN or newsmax.
@Beijing Biden cities are going bankrupt because they are the ones hit the hardest by the pandemic genius.
“Not Burnnig Documents”? I assure everyone, they are shredding documents as we watch this video.
And deleting Dominion voting software
If they are shredding documents, they are breaking the law. The Presidential Records Act of 1978 (44 U.S.C. ß2201-2209) expressly forbids doing so.
@Deborah Freedman LOL, Love your comment Dedorah. Of course it is against the law, we all know that. I still say he’s actively destroying ANYTHING that may be used against him in a court of law, reguardless of the law. Have a great evening Deborah, Pinballman1
Did you ever imagine that a U.S. president would put himself first instead of our country. Trump is scared to death about what is going to be found out!
@Mike Smith
One of them must have ricocheted and hit you in the head!
@Baires Max
Not much longer..
@matt russillo Are you calling me dumb . Takes one to recognize one ..

@arkoong fang Shhh I know your a BOT!! tRump has stifled Union Wages, while giving tax cuts to big businesses. Go sit in the corner while Union folks take the reins.
Bidens team needs to start making a list of all involved so they can retaliate when Tondald Dump is out of the oval office and in prison with his family.
Simplest thing to do. Investigate and prosecute. I firmly support that
Won’t happen. What Trump is doing now is perfectly legal
Retaliation is for little people like Trump. Biden is smarter than that. He knows he has to start repairing the damage Trump has done, but going on a vendetta wouldn’t repair anything.
@TTFerdinand You’re not wrong at all. Biden’s team should not use the DOJ to work against him. Yet, the Law should work because we cannot, for peace sake, allow criminals to walk the street.
Yoh yes
oh wow
If the doj doesnt go after traitortrump and all his seditious friends in the gop? our country is doomed
Party is over, gotta clean the house before the parents come home
even the Russian infiltration was clearly meant for this purpose -to destroy & disrupt systems
Scorched earth policy… “Lock him up! Lock him up!”
lock her up killary.
@Gregory Guidry Old news, get over it. And, btw, she didn’t go through all this bs that tRump is doing.
Biden needs to come out and say that if malfeasance by government personnel at any level is discovered that they will be held accountable.
Kithara he did 2 weeks ago
Like he’s gonna do THAT?? He had 47 years in govt, you see him fix the corruption during that time?? This didn’t start after Trump was elected, please tell me you get that, right???
On a positive note…he’s finally admitting he won’t be president
Putin must have told him
whered u hear that? he just said tonite he will b as he was vetoing pelosis slush fund
Why don’t they charge him with a crime!? This is insane!
@David Eby Prove it.
@David Eby as if trumps money is any cleaner. He had a bank account in china to dodge American taxes. Trump literally paid 100k plus in tax to china cuz it was less then the u.s. so… Theres that.
Yoh yes
oh wow
HE is Insane! Just a matter of time, and Pres. Trump Will Totally Destroy himself! It would be nice to hear him make a Concession Speech first!
why don`t they charge biden and his son with a crime using his office for chinese pay-offs
steven miller is someone they need to look into and see what he’s done.
Please replace the ‘someone’ with ‘something’ and ‘he’s’ with ‘it’s’
steven miller and all those other 45 sycophants, and every member of the bloodline needs to be hanged as the traitors they are. including the traitorous shitbags that were talking about using martial law, seizing voting machines and overturning the election, they need to have the sgts at arms drag them all out and throw them in jail. the congress are worthless, spineless, wastes of votes… they’re place holders and nothing more. pelosi is worthless and has all the spine of a jellyfish. he should’ve been 25’d when he chose putin over our intelligence agencies. then he should have been hanged. moscow mcturtle should have been hanged for obstruction of justice for refusing to have witnesses during hte impeachment… there’s gonna be a need for a lot of rope, and I’m buying front row tickets after these scum have murdered over 300k american citizens… then they dare to jump the line for their vaccines! No. They should be DENIED! They downplayed it… let ’em get it and die, those are the only lives that should be lost from this point forward.
exposing the coruption of the deep state
This man is pure evil,Biden needs to have him arrested for sedition when he takes office.
Mary’s book was right on point. Describes her evil uncle to a T!!
Everything his niece said came to pass! This man us dangerous and gaslighting American citizens. This should be zone tolerance! It’s sickening! Can’t wait until he’s completely gone. We haven’t had not one day of peace since this fool has been in office.Enough is Enough!
Mary is a bubble off!
Gaslighting is what the mainstream media is doing. Maybe the EYE SHOULD BE FOCUSED on them.
Make it illegal for him to run again, he’s been Impeached and compromised.
I guarantee they’re destroying evidence.
I am sure Katie Porter knows what to charge him with
He was losing all along–he just did not know it. Losers never win.
This one will marshal law yea! Trump 2020!
@Matt Wolf Any financial analyst worth his salt; anybody aware of his many pending lawsuits; anybody aware of how much money he owes. If you’re unaware – it’ll be much more pubic soon. Did you hear about the two Deutsche bankers that had to resign due to their dealings with him and the ensuing federal cases? He owes more than he will ever have again in his life.
@Lawrence Harris you do realize that is Winston Churchill right?
@Danu’s Dragonfly you do realize that every major company in america has a team of lawyers to deal with ongoing pending lawsuits right or wrong? However I am willing to bite on this one.
Please site information about this specific public hearing or lawsuit that you speak of. If it’s not approved by FACT CHECK it must be false.
@Matt Wolf *Cite. You want me to cite things for you. Not site. Learn to spell and know wtf you’re talking about if you want to be respected in this world. You’re able to do your own research. Don’t be lazy. Just search Deutsche bank for a start dummkopf.
“I love the poorly educated ” – Donald J Trump
“Black males are super predators ” joe biden.
Toh yes
oh wow
@Justin Potter He did not say that Hilary did You lot will try anything for some strange reason you will wreck your own house if Trump told you…….
I don`t see your name on a hotel building with billions of dollars
@Gregory Guidry It’s all credit and his fathers old connections he’s a fraud. He doesn’t own most of the buildings with his name on he gets paid when they put his name on things he doesn’t own most of the golf courses either. Nobody saw him in Vietnam he went missing then, he went to a military college and didn’t go to war he’s a coward and a loser….
Oh my God! How is this happening. Get him out already. He is pure evil
Please do!!!!!!!!
please SCOTUS – just go ahead and swear in Biden NOW
end this madness.