How Trump changed his legal strategy in deposition for NY civil fraud case

The former president answered numerous questions in the deposition with the New York attorney general’s office, as part of a high-stakes civil case brought by New York state against the former president. #CNN #News


  1. For many years we enjoyed laughing at Trump and the GOP but it’s gotten to a point now where it’s just sad and pathetic.

    1. ​@Dennis Caffey you’re not saying “sir, this is so wrong, sir, I know you’re innocent, sir, I feel so bad for you, sir, I love you, sir?”

  2. Thank you to all the pro-Trump trolls for boosting traffic and the number of comments under CNN YouTube videos.
    Helps a lot in YouTube algorithms.

    1. You’re welcome, but we also win with YouTube having to turn off the thumbs down counter. You NPC trolls are slacking though with only 1.9k likes with 119k views 😂

    1. @Jerry Mcguire Is that some attempt at English humor from someone sitting in a troll farm in Beijing?

    2. @Jerry Mcguire –Love your channel image; is it by an Impressionist? Is it by Monet, titled ‘White non-college educated male’? Or is it abstract, maybe Pollack’s ‘The Imbecile’? (snickers and sincerity )


  3. _He didn’t change his strategy, he was forced in a corner._ If he pled the fifth and declined to answer he’d be losing…. Because *he would be admitting the answers might incriminate him; with the evidence they probably have that’s enough to get a indictment,* so his only option was to try and talk his way out of it.

    1. I imagine all they have to do is go through his twitter/truth central feed to prove his intent.

    2. @Lemon Flowers That only applies to criminal court. This is a law suit, not a trial. The jury may infer he’s guilty, if he pleads the fifth here.

    1. In UK law anyone who commits perjury in court, then the court has no option to sentence the defendant to imprisonment.
      An example in the UK was Conservative MP Jonathan Aitken who served in the John Major government of 1992 – 1995. He was jailed for 18 months for perjury.
      Does perjury in the US carry a prison sentence?.
      Someone enlighten me on US law regarding perjury.

    2. Defendant #45 is going to be spending a lot of time in Courtrooms in the coming years, avoiding perjury every time…

  4. Trump in 2016-“I don’t pay any taxes because I’m smart.”
    NY jury in 2022-“We hereby find Trump Org. guilty on all 17 counts of tax fraud.”

    1. @David One of Biden’s many famous quotes…..’America can be summed up in 2 words….made in America’.

    2. ​@Talking Butt Most Americans pay no taxes. These are not the rich either. The 1% pay the majority. Kind of wrecks your little false liberal talking point, doesn’t it?

    1. @Jeff Anon he might think he’s not going to admit to anything, but once those lips start flapping, he can’t help himself.

    2. @evon williams That video is from his first deposition. This time he said more than “same answer” over and over.

  5. The people in New York today screaming “New York hates you.” didn’t seem to be crying like Innsurection guy said.

    1. ​@peter wickham Oh, that’s brilliant, the look over there defense. Did you think that up all by yourself? Because nobody has ever said that on the internet before. Dunce.

    1. That was the first time. This time he was told refusing to answer could be held against him. So he blathered.

    2. From the man who once boasted _”I have the world’s greatest memory. It’s one thing everyone agrees on.”_ On another occasion he pointed to his head and bragged _”One of the great memories of all time.”_ And of course who can forget how proud he is of _”Person, woman, man, camera, TV.”_

    1. Big people, strong people, and they were… weeping… they said, ‘SIR, we love you so much, how could they do this to the greatest president of all time’ they said! As they cried, they all cried…

    2. People are saying they never saw anything like it. It’s the most crying and the best crying anybody has ever seen even, even God was crying. Make crying great again.

  6. I feel for those prosecutors that had to stand there and listen to Trump’s ramblings for 7 hours. I can’t tolerate hearing his voice for more than 10 seconds.

    1. I’m guessing they are probably happy tonight. There’s no way Trump can talk that long without slipping up and further incriminating himself.

    2. ​@Paloma – Your baby talks whenever YOU remember a word!? 🤷
      Well good for you AND your baby!! Finally something for you to be proud of!!

    1. @Bitchslapper316 not criminally. But what do you think he gave a deposition for today? What do you think this case about? What is AG James suing him for?

  7. I have never observed Trump speaking for seven minutes with telling multiple lies. Seven hours of testimony exceeds his longest rally rant by a factor of at least three. I imagine his interrogators asked open ended questions and let the miscreant incriminate himself. Bravo for American justice.

    1. I once watched an entire speech of Trump’s on a challenge. I came away feeling omg that’s 2 hours of my life. I’ll never get back. In general, I don’t watch entire political speeches by anyone. They’re too long and boring. Trump is a different animal, though.

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