What impact does Trump and Biden's presence have on the campaign trail? Pollsters weigh in on key midterm races.
RELATED: Trump in Ohio: Rally music, salute may suggest QAnon ties | USA TODAY
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#trump #biden #midterms
I wouldn’t want either one of these clowns to endorse me.
God asks Bush: “What do you believe in?”
Bush answers: “I believe in the free market, and the strong American nation!”
“Very well,” says God. “Come sit to my right.”
Next, God asks Obama: “What do you believe in?”
Obama answers: “I believe in the power of democracy, and equal rights for all.”
“Good, says God. “You shall sit to my left.”
Finally, God asks Trump: “What do you believe in?”
Trump answers: “I believe you’re sitting in my chair.”
Nah, God doesn’t appreciate abortionists.
I don’t think you’d see Obama in heaven…
A girl walks into a bar near Trump Tower in Manhattan, sits down, and says: “Give me a beer. I’ve had a rough day at work.”
The bartender asks: “Oh? What do you do?”
The girl replies: “I take care of the Trump children and the dogs of the Trump family.”
The bartender asks: “Tough job, huh?
The girl says: “Yeah. All that inbreeding has led to low intelligence and bad temperaments.
And the dogs aren’t too smart, either.
Most women don’t drink beer
Being president is very powerful and amazing no matter when people like you or not. The fact is that you will always be popular among the ones who voted you and those who didn’t
Most of the people that voted for Biden are dead
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