How to improve your financial fitness in the new year

If improving your financial fitness is a priority for you as part of your resolutions for 2020, Michelle Singletary has some advice to share. The Washington Post personal finance columnist joins CNN's Christi Paul and Victor Blackwell to discuss. #CNN #News


    1. 3rd Millennium Man Debt is a great sin…US will be finished as soon as War starts in Syria as US$ is backed by oil and countries are slowly refusing to purchase it in dollars and value of dollar is falling

    1. Yeah who wants a good credit score?? Just so you can get more debt?? Get your credit score to zero so you CAN’T access debt…

  1. I want to see Victor crying again and chewing gums balls at the same time. HOW DEAR YOU MR. PRESIDENT!?😥😭😭😡😡🤪🤯

    1. Step #1 Never rely on cnn for tips how to become financially stable…LMAO, Their fake news network has been losing money since 2016

    2. You watching CNN there isn’t any…
      It was a four-and-a-half minute clip with the entire meaning of “spend less money”.

  2. Step #1 Never rely on cnn for tips how to become financially stable…LMAO, Their fake news network has been losing money since 2016

  3. $40,000 or $20/hour is low income? good luck walking into mc donalds or walmart and saying I want to make $20/hr its low income

    1. Akela DeWolf , while Trump and Fox had to pay billions in suits against them.

      Fondling women, stealing from charities, and etc.

    1. I use credit cards for all my spending. I rack up points and get cash back. If you’re too stupid to know how to use a credit card doesn’t mean the credit card is bad.

  4. 0:34 Low income would be 10 to 20 thousand. You know the old people collecting Social Security that you all forgot about

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