CTV's Stefan Keyes with a step by step lesson to download the vaccination QR code onto your mobile phone.
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No thank you.
you can eat the curb side
@Albert N I won’t give them my business hits them harder.
@Falcon889 i am sure you will hit them hard. Stay home
@Albert N why would I stay home? I am a free person
I stopped even taking my phone out. Hey, I grew up not needing one. Lol
If you need directions, don’t go to a gas station, go to a pizza delivery place. Lol
I don’t have a cell phone.
Yup, I leave mine at home for almost everything except work as I have to text in & out. Other than that, trace this
@Tanya Wieczorek I am not a fan of the local gov, but to be fair at no point are they mandating phone use – you’re certainly allowed to show paperwork to gain entry to public places
@yup yup yup Only because the digital pass isn’t ready yet.
@yup yup yup eff the papers. I’m not ever going to be a guinea pig for this giant experiment.
Strange no “journalist” has bothered to ask how this going to help…
it only helps the criminals behind this lunacy.
@Doktor McNasty self upvoting is so pathetic…move on bootlicker…
@Doktor McNasty Seatbelts are pretty self explanatory and have decades worth of data to backup their efficacy, you can also take them off whenever you like. What data does a movement [certificate], completely unrelated to health, have beyond the [heavy hand] in an [unspecified Asian country] controlling every aspect of people’s lives? Both groups can catch and spread, so the passport does nothing but make you feel better for betraying yourself with ignorance whilst giving you a target that is not yourself or the criminals who trespassed on your person. Ridiculous.
We know longer have journalists just advertisers.
@SseveredheadD When you say ‘these’ injections you’re reffering to the mRNA treatments, right? Because they’re not the only injections available. There are COVID vaccines available as well which can be taken.
Make Landlines Cool Again
My smartphone may as well be a land line. I always leave home without it.
I can’t wait to get rid of my phone
do it
Get rid of it all!
This passport rollout in Ontario is a freaking joke
thanks to doug ford who couldn’t drag his heels more if he tried.
Absurdities lead directly to atrocities.
@Doktor McNasty everyone with a brain is laughing at this nonsense. unvaxxed or vaxxed. this is bizzare.
@Doktor McNasty
I am
@GirlBehindACamera There’s nothing bizarre about it. Proof of immunization in a variety of contexts has been a part of public health policy for over 60 years now. This is simply an expansion of proven public health policy in the context of a current pandemic.
How will this “stop the spread”?
@Doktor McNasty yellow cards may not have but vaccines stopped it. Ironic.
@Mobile Gameplay, Walkthroughs and Solutions: Ahhh, no…Canada essentially has healthcare for everyone…even if your health condition is caused by your own stupidity, which is often the case.
@Ray Ray Yeah, I’m a Canadian. Maybe you missed the joke about how our freedoms are being increasingly limited?
@Bowdean Mcnowski Where did you get your degree in medicine or immunology?
@Ray Ray oh so that’s why provinces are talking about declining treatment for the unvaccinated? Maybe we should start declining treatment for alcoholics or drug addicts or the obese after all most of these come about from choice too..
Wonder who owns the software.
Stuff it!
How many boosters are you willing to take to be allowed in restaurants or sports events?
@C Very droll! Now is it sarcasm or what?
@Melissa Waldroff Dead girl walking!
@Link Hawk I’m ready.
Worry about yourself and ill worry about me!
Orwell was an optimist it seems.
Make Orwell Fiction Again
Welcome to Ontario authoritarianism.
Coming soon Canadian totalitarianism.
Make Orwell Fiction Again
Govt’s can shove it
Where the sun don’t shine
Can we get some kind of tax credit in exchange for being cut off from public services?
Essential public services OPEN. Like hospitals, duffus.
@Heather Dequetteville no need to be a B****.
Don’t do it. This is disgusting and the news organizations are awful for pushing this policy.
Yeah never thought about security problems, I bet hackers including me would love to have a crack at the app to see what kind of vulnerabilities there are. LMFAO.
Step one: destroy your phone
Step two: live your life
Boycott any business that asks about your private medical information.
And tell them that the law clearly states that medical information is confidential. Therefore no one is obligated to tell a ficking security guard or bartender your personal medical information. This is all ILLEGAL
@Soggy Jungle those so called “vaccines” are not vaccines,
It’s a bioweapon