Ali Velshi talks with Robyn Gershon, a clinical professor of epidemiology at the New York University School of Global Public Health, about what individuals, companies, and communities should be preparing for a possible coronavirus outbreak. Aired on 03/03/20
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How To Be Prepared For A Coronavirus Outbreak | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC
We need the best bright epidemiologists, articulate and engaging us rather than this inept reality tv current administration.
Think of it as a joke. Don’t worry about what global warming will do to earth to make our lives difficult. If you are a vessel for bacteria to evolve in, (scientifically we are all vessels for bacteria and fungi and viruses to survive, called symbiotic relationship in evolution), worry to how bacteria and viruses adopt to it.
I’m working on the punch line… Any suggestions?
Randy Cleveland You might read a newspaper occasionally. That’s where you can read how many families lost their homes—not because the insurance industry wouldn’t take care of them—but because the care they received came with an astronomical price-tag, which they couldn’t afford to pay, especially after having lost pay due to the illness.
How many families and individuals file for medical bankruptcies? 530,000. Every year!
PS—as far as the industry not paying at all—ever hear of “preexisting conditions”?
@Randy Cleveland no. M4A will save $458 billion a year compare to what we have now and also save 68000 lives a year. The dead from Coronavirus seem to all have pre existing conditions, which a regular health care can prevent, and just in this one example, but for many other reasons should be embraced by all of you
@ConTroller yeah right, ACA was supposed to save everyone $1200yr.
be safe everyone
wash your hands…………..20 times a day for 20 seconds……then smoke weed
Me too
Cannabis is the cure for everything.
Terri Freeman yeah right.
Would help if people weren’t getting charged an arm and leg at the hospitals for being responsible and getting themselves check out for Corona viruses.
M A Well said.
You do know why hospitals charge so much? Check it out if you dare
M A Agree. It should be free. It’s free in South Korea and Italy.
Take a day off of work in this country? …………………..Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!
Should have started preparing a month ago.
@D P
If people just read the research papers out of wuhan and modeling studies, it would have been self evident. But people like to dig their heads in the sand and listen to daddy government.
@OG Zombie Blunt my argument would be that you blame the President when there is no drug known yet and that hasn’t been approved by the FDA so, what can possibly be done to stop a virus? You gonna shut down everything until it passes?
@Jeff Woods
I blame the president? When did i say i blamed Trump? Do you know how to read? Oh i know, you’re off the meds today.
@OG Zombie Blunt ok, you’re right it was another post..sorry for the confusion..what could have a month done though? Seriously..and the meds comment, totally unnecessary.
@OG Zombie Blunt Sound like me. Gasmask, p100 mask, strong ammo comes tomorrow. Packed freezer, food for over 4 months. Cleaners/disinfectant. I would say 2 people out of 10 I mentioned it to were concerned. Zero were prepared. The other 8 were clueless, or said, ah, it will over by next week. Already getting nervous were there are not much more than 30 cases. Wait until it hits a couple hundred in one area. One woman who tested positive is in Manhatten right now. As close quarters as that is, it could blow up fast.
Oh yeah….soup kitchens and homeless shelters.
Are they crazy?
The compromised justice system want hold those crooked Democrats accountable, God will! Let the virus do it’s job and drain the swamp! Leave it alone!
Yes, I expect Trump and his entire White House staff to come down sick any day now. How many of them went to the virus sharing CPAC event?
We literally had since Janurary, December even, ample opportunity to prepare. The Government didn’t heed the Warning signs, now it’s time to face the consequences. Millions will die.
hallelujah preach
blackham7 hopefully, it won’t reach millions. But o agree with you. If they would have been responsible leaders who care about the people they serve, lives could have been saved. It’s appalling.
That’s because they thought it was a hoax. Now they know it is the real deal.
Until mass testing gets up and running, traveling in the United States is probably less safe than international travel where mass testing is ongoing. Clue: If you state does not have anyone testing positive, it is probably the effect of that state’s poor public health system, not a lack of infected people.
They want to tie FISA reauthorization to Corona funding.
Tonight, I started watching New Jersey Nightly News, had to stop, the female anchor and reporters’ lips were not greasy enough…
Government preparedness? The SCOTUS repeatedly rules that they have no duty to protect their tax cattle/extortion victims.
Community preparedness would have been great… 2 WEEKS AGO!
Do we need to all start wearing mask and gloves !! ?????
So i paused the video at the start. But i’m gonna go out on a limb here and predict she will say it’s not so bad and the 40 facemasks i bought a month ago were probably not needed…….annnnnnnd play.
Wash hands on soap and water. And play with yourself. You will be fine.
The Coronavirus is in Houston Texas but they don’t want to tell is because the Houston rodeo and they think they gonna lose money so Houston people stay safe