@June’s Outside Contact yes every state is different find out what you can about mail in voting in your state , post it so other will know what is expected of them spreading information is the key .
@Bud Fudlacker and please tell me how many unwanted ABANDONED children have you adopted? You complain about abortion and do nothing concerning the consequences of NON-abortion! F off!
@ dirty black slippers 🥿 yo , I see you just got out of that 10 hour shift , must be tiring licking boots 🥾 of your slave masters all day complying like a good indoctrinated muppet .
Trolls show up like clockwork on MSNBC videos. Not every one but if you go down the comments section and pay attention, you see they show up en masse, don’t respond much to the pushback and don’t stick around.
Sociopaths? Organized?
@Killin time Before SHTF I went fishing and look what I caught….a stark raving lunatic.
Follow him back and see “this channel has no content”, thus, a Troll.
Follow him further back and see that republicans cut funding for mental health and to mental institutions whenever they can so they can give more money to their rich friends and this is the result. More crazies out on the street…the internet is now the new “street”.
Never mind that this particular video was about pregnant women and their particular concerns. That nursery scene is a beautiful thing and congrats to Baby Illa (sp) and her parents.
You see who shows up to troll though.
@Killin time Before SHTF Nope. Just one account. Tons of subs, everything set to private. Why are you so bothered by my sympathy for these expectant mothers?
Just being pregnant is challenging enough! But to be pregnant and to give birth during a pandemic, well I just can’t even imagine! These women are heroes!!!
It’s a stressful day but those babies bring much happiness too
@Bud Fudlacker I don’t know what you mean. I’m not a democrat.
@William H Right, the problems that the virus guidelines have caused
Nancy Pelosi loves baby flavored ice cream MMMMMMM
William H
Bye russian azzwipe
William H
Stay home and stay safe people
You can stay home as long as you like Janet infact I encourage it.
tinyurl.com/v7picr3 🎶
@Bud Fudlacker
Well then have the smarts to stay home and stay safe!
@William H
I encourage you to go to your local hospital and help out! But only if you don’t have an underline problem!!
“The experts” does not have the same meaning it did a couple months ago. I’m sticking to the Bill of Rights before any power hungry governor.
Ok moral narcissist…and your PHD is in what..marxist..
If you can’t get out or you’re out of your state just do it vote by mail in November request a absentee ballot immediately
Trump’s re-election will be EPIC 💥
tinyurl.com/y8fr4x82 🎶
@William H Now some folks don’t like Trump so I say wait for Don JR in 2024 as he is more likable than his Dad.
Not every state allows that. I have to prove I can’t vote to get an absentee ballot in my state.
@June’s Outside Contact yes every state is different find out what you can about mail in voting in your state , post it so other will know what is expected of them spreading information is the key .
Don`t delay.
65 loke ok 🌞🌞🌞👌👌👌👍
Blessings for you and your baby; God is with you… And thank you !
Bud Fudlacker
Yawn my recycled russian boybitch
There is no God.
Who’s god? Your god? Christian god? Harikrishna god? Your comment means nothing!
@Bud Fudlacker and please tell me how many unwanted ABANDONED children have you adopted? You complain about abortion and do nothing concerning the consequences of NON-abortion! F off!
@S EE Any god or gods.
I seen quite a few pregnant women without mask at the grocery store it drove me crazy.😷
@15k DOW 2022 and this guy is more worried about grammar.🤦
@15k DOW 2022 who asked you⚪ 🗑
@William Hyou look better in a mask i bet you vulture.
@Killin time Before SHTF small stick insecure POS .
@ dirty black slippers 🥿 yo , I see you just got out of that 10 hour shift , must be tiring licking boots 🥾 of your slave masters all day complying like a good indoctrinated muppet .
A good job= 80,000 dead ???? In 5 months.
Filthy black shoes 👞 <~ OPM troll
@Killin time Before SHTF What if the “troll” is telling the truth and is 100% correct?
William H
Yawn Cumrade shitstain
@William H to bad yours was one of them .you weirdo
@Killin time Before SHTF 100%⚪🗑
Trolls show up like clockwork on MSNBC videos. Not every one but if you go down the comments section and pay attention, you see they show up en masse, don’t respond much to the pushback and don’t stick around.
Sociopaths? Organized?
All those people stuck on the Bill of Rights need to submit to the will of our mother government.
Killin time Before SHTF
Aw my russian boybitch go count your dead russian Cumrades in Saratov GOLUBOI
Simp Guy <<~ triggered “ Cumrade “
@Killin time Before SHTF I went fishing and look what I caught….a stark raving lunatic.
Follow him back and see “this channel has no content”, thus, a Troll.
Follow him further back and see that republicans cut funding for mental health and to mental institutions whenever they can so they can give more money to their rich friends and this is the result. More crazies out on the street…the internet is now the new “street”.
Never mind that this particular video was about pregnant women and their particular concerns. That nursery scene is a beautiful thing and congrats to Baby Illa (sp) and her parents.
You see who shows up to troll though.
To wear a mask during labor – nightmare. It’s hard enough to breathe during labor. With a mask over your face? These poor women! ❤
@Killin time Before SHTF Nope. Just one account. Tons of subs, everything set to private. Why are you so bothered by my sympathy for these expectant mothers?
The propaganda is designed to play off of your emotions.
Gabe Dudley
Adix Arsehat << p o s Your 3 other accounts UPVOTED your bot reply to this obscure thread .you fool no one .
Simp Guy <~ illiterate paid commenter and traitor to humanity
What you just said turn the position of the the medical term is called breech baby
Wow I’m sure Trump is expecting a baby too– because his life is always worse than everyone else’s
He certainly looks pregnant
I was pregnant when H1N1 was going around in 2010. I can’t imagine being pregnant now.
When my wife was in labor, there was this poor gal from the county jail that was giving birth handcuffed to the bed. That’s freaking inhumane.
Just being pregnant is challenging enough! But to be pregnant and to give birth during a pandemic, well I just can’t even imagine! These women are heroes!!!
Biden 2020 for President.
Drain the toilet. 🚾
🙏🙏🙏 To Mother’s to be. And their beautiful baby, they are gonna have. In this time of Crisis.
Im expecting a son im praying to god i can atleast be in the delivery room i had to wait outside the hospital every time we went for a check up
Those poor pregnant women and unborn babies 👍💯💔😰😢💙👍………
try to home birth hospitals are now third leading cause of death
Good sharing