ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is dead after being cornered by US forces who conducted a daring, two-hour nighttime raid on his compound in northern Syria. CNN's Becky Anderson discusses with Barbara Starr, Sam Kiley and Ben Wedeman. #CNN #News
How the US military raid that killed Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi unfolded

Our Delta Force is who deserves the credit.. Thank you guys!!
@Roger Wilco that’s why the vast majority of military are registered Republicans
How in hell do you know it is Delta? Please.
Wonder how much he had to practice saying the word “origins”
Well it doesn’t matter since he’s got another 5 years of presidency left. Hopefully Don Jr will win 2024 and get two terms. Eric Trump will rule straight after. Origins of greatness.
after the Russian Collision Hoax Disaster watching the Democrats defend al-Baghdadi is simply GOLD
@christoph paessler Prove it. You made a statement now back it up with PROOF! Lets see if your brain can back up your mouth.
@BERNRED 1984 The same Dems that took to the street celebrating Obama and rejoicing in Bin Laden’s death now damn Trump. Hypocrites. And the fact Trump openly admitted to keeping it secret because the left leaks like an old mans bladder (schiff called out) speaks volumes and is a great big middle finger to Pelosi.
Another dead terrorist. Good stuff.
@Bradford Krull there is proof you fucking moron ANTIFA has killed many innocent people
The Bag Daddy sounds like a rapper’s name
Ihama Bhad mophukur will just take over it never ends.
Not a rapper, it’s his father, the coroner.
We blasted his children too lol. Good to kill them too so they don’t pass down his evil ideology to the future generations
Blasted his wives and children.
There you go daddy hahahaha!
I thought I heard the reporter say “big daddy”
Damn what a screwed up name. Sounds like .a boobie car bag daddy..
Al the big daddy
No that was Don Lemon at the bar
@Ashley Moore back daddy.. I guess it’s like a Arabic power bottom
We blasted big daddy’s wives and children.
May they eat our red white and blue dongs
CNN is sad the terrorist died!!!
It’s true
I think abu bakr aren,t died as bin ladn
CNN is sad for the Kurds and how the Kurds got betray. Trump made no comment on it. It was a combine cooperation with Kurds and US special forces that got him.
Kurds was able to get an operative inside to get the location for US forces.
@pie worm Worm pie ilhan omar be like: the us military killed some person.
ISIS was no longer useful. Western mainstream propaganda and mouthpiece media call these subhumans “moderates” and “freedom fighters” for as long as they serve the agenda of America and it Zionist masters . CNNs Clarissa Ward was even with some members of the Free Syria Army terrorists in a photograph.
Heres the link:
Like a DOG and a COWARD, can’t say that ain’t true!
M L C A–> DT2O2O !!
Proof or remains, nope all lies.
Bag daddy got TRUMPED!!! 2020! MOTHERFUCKERS!
Trump’s statement is an insult… To dogs
Should feed his remains to pigs
@Bradford Krull They would love to but his body is splattered into little pieces on the cave walls
Abu Bakr al PORKDaddy! Rest in Pieces! Lol.
. ‘Murica Rocks! Yeah!
i dont think thy would eat him hes bad meat
The fact CNN have a workshop in the pentagon is fishy enough for me
@Med Bovy He’s fucking dead you idiot. There doesn’t need to proof they are elite special forces they need to prove to fat lazy fucks like you he is dead, also he blew himself up you goddamned idiot what proof do you want
@Mike Hunt You just believe anything anybody tells you. Maybe the body is floating in the ocean with bin laden and Epstein.
I remember the story about the Jordanian Pilot that was burned alive.
@Solving Politics lol, believe me if you put this coward jihadis in front of me i will cut his throat by myself. And iam a muslim
Solving Politics u mean terrorists not Islam
@cessna caravan United States and Jordanian officials said that the crash was caused by mechanical problems, while ISIL claimed that the plane was hit by a heat-seeking missile.
You only heard about it you haven’t seen the video. His screaming in agony was worse than seeing him in a fireball.
I hope the troops and dogs are okay.
Solving Politics I believe one got injured but it’s fine
hopefully the Dogs get to eat Baghdadi
No casualties, CNN said. If CNN brings in a good news, then they’re not giving fake news.
Bag daddy got TRUMPED!!! 2020! MOTHERFUCKERS!
Hell ya greetings from Egypt to the most powerful units on earth us special ops for killing that dog..good job men
None of the dogs died one got injured but he is making a full recovery
@I Live In Your Closet Looking from your profile pic, you’re an anti social weeaboo
In dog we trust.
This coward brought his children with him
@Stacy Tucker +Respect
@A/_inooR The chance that is actually truth is nearly nil.
How can anyone dislike this? Must be the ISIS members
he is in mourning .
The dislikes are from Obama followers
Or people that actually realize they are lied to constantly.
I dunno. I’d consider disliking this video because of the interviewers interviewing skills.
Donald Trump: he will not harm any man woman or child he died like a dog he died like an coward The world is now a much safer place.
ME: well said
Jay Jay
That sounds a bit off.
I’m not sure why you can’t give credit where credit is due. Trump certainly isn’t the greatest president by any means but sometimes he does good things. I’m not sure why you can’t Give him full credit without harsh statement diggs of criticism.
It just goes to show you that in our Society today when people don’t like someone they turn it into hate and cannot see any good at all.
Give that dog a Scooby snack.
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He was chased by a dog down a tunnel until he killed himself with children in tow…so CNN. And msnbc were wrong about the critism about trump…CNN is so wrong…the Washington post…wow…
@SISYPHUS VASILIAS Go take your meds bro. You’re not right in the head.
@Locs You’re the one who seeing things that don’t exist. I’m just dealing n facts and evidence.
You git ANY evidence Abu Bakr was killed in this fantasy? ANY?
Whatever helps you sleep… your probably have a thousands you believe in to get you through another day.
@Locs a little skepticism is better than being completely ignorant towards his point. Maybe just don’t believe everything the media tells you.
After the Russian Collision Hoax Disaster watching Democrats defend al-Baghdadi is simply GOLD
I played this mission in Modern Warfare
Yea the one where you raid the house and then go in the well out side

*Trump agrees/acts on said idea*