Historian Joanne Freeman, Eugene Robinson and Jonathan Alter join Jonathan Capehart to discuss what’s happened to our politics and culture in the 20 years since the country unified after the attack on September 11, but is fiercely divided today in the face of a pandemic and the violent attack at the Capitol on January 6.
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#MSNBC #September11 #January6
Well we’re now run by communist Biden and his boyfriend Xi, so I’d say we changed a lot.
Millions upon millions know it!
100% guarantee you cant tell me what the definition of communism is without looking it up.
@Rosè- a -Bleu 100% guaranteed that you support communism……
Well an entire generation grew up never hearing the word “NO” and now the adults have to cater to their fellings, um this country calls the leader of the taliban mr president. Um the 3 wars i fought in were all for nothing. Etc…..
@Lil Beruit It was a useless war, but your generation are worthless human beings with no skills, see the difference?
Well to be fair the generation before them are the ones that never told them no..
@The Devil All The Time i know lol there use to be 30 year old men marrying teenagers so yea I would say there is a huge difference.
@Lil Beruit There still is in Mexico and most of the world you ignorant fool.
Why is yt so scared of freethinkers?
They are worried about our comment, how we think. They dont like us not believing their lies.
The youtube AI censor is so aggressive I’m surprised your comment was allowed through.
Youtube is trying to censor my brain! Stop it!!!
@acf2802 The problem with AI programs is that they are constantly coming into contact with differing views and information. They are constantly rewriting themselves and that’s why you see the censorship seems to throttle on and off. The more time goes by, the more right leaning the A.I. becomes. They are constantly having to rewrite programming and the dumb down the ability for it to learn, which makes them less effective at doing their job it’s a paradox. They were using AI programs for search engines in the past but now it is highly censored. They have no choice but to use AI’s for social media, which only allows limited censorship especially on youtube.
Jan 26, pandemic and MSNBC you forgot one….. AFGHANISTAN!
How has it changed? We used to fight the Taliban, now we fund them.
To be fair we went full circle on that given we funded them in the eighties
@Albino .Python yup i was just about to say we funded them way B4 that.
@Albino .Python true, but now they seem to want to make the Taliban out to be a legitimate government, and call them “business like and professional “.
I used to get arrested for pretending to be a woman in the girls locker room. Those days are finally behind me…. Or her.
The only thing that changed is the Taliban is better armed than ever.
How the US has changed in 20 years by people who have had no idea what reality is for 40 years. Perfect!
I’ve been watching History Chan all day on 9 11 programs , not one word about building 7 !
Where’s the War Hero Brian Williams?

This Potato keeps calling for unity while he’s dividing the country more and more each day. He’s worthless
@Better Dead Than Red 83 because majority of the racists and homophobes are republicans and conservatives and you don’t tell me they’re not when we have proof for it since 1960.
@Better Dead Than Red 83 racists play victim when they get called out for being repulsive…all part of the Gang of Pretender playbook
@F Y funny you saying that since Biden was segregationist….how it feels to vote for a Jim Crow supporter?
@Rosè- a -Bleu Republicans abolished slavery and Democrats started KKK…..but Republicans are racist…..your ignorance is astonishing….
@Better Dead Than Red 83 racists switch topics and put words into people’s mouths to try and hide the fact that they are despicable racists.
Hearing a democrat speak about divisiveness and hatred is rich…really rich.
@Rosè- a -Bleu Republicans hate losers. That’s why we want the children to always be able to see the history of the democrat losers. Democrats on the other hand are doing everything they can to destroy the “evidence”.
@Lil Beruit There will always be racism, as long as there is multiple races.
@Make Communists Scared Again where? Any references? Because I have plenty
your precious Dylan roof for instance
@azsam59 so there was no racism before political parties?
@Lil Beruit there was a LOT of racism. Mostly from the democrat party.
N I’m glad that guy said “the bomb blasts of 2001”, cuz that’s what it was….bombs…a scheduled demolition. Those towers did not fall straight down bcuz of fire n jet fuel, smh.
Actual title of video: how The u.s has been censored in 20 years since the 9/11 attacks
MSNBC Should just stop trying to pretend to be American…
20 years ago we had outside threats against us, now everyone is against each other.
Our Elites have gone Globalist – One World Order ? Sino/ Soviet dreams of Academia percolating ?
In 20 years America went from a free country, to being run by a tyrannical regime that will soon need to be physically removed from our government.
Yeah, listen to that lady who coined the Deplorables about how we should have unity ○_•
There’s definitely more hatred and divisiveness now. Great job Democrats.
For those of you to young to remember you should watch “An inconvenient truth” and check out what independent scientist had to say about the NIST final report and maybe even check out the lead news story coming out of the Pentagon on 9/10/2001, you’re welcome