In today’s episode of The Point, CNN’s Chris Cillizza unpacks how the draft opinion from the Supreme Court that would overturn Roe v. Wade could affect the midterms. #CNN #Cillizza #roevwade
How the Supreme Court completely changed the midterms

In today’s episode of The Point, CNN’s Chris Cillizza unpacks how the draft opinion from the Supreme Court that would overturn Roe v. Wade could affect the midterms. #CNN #Cillizza #roevwade
Would overturning Roe v. Wade be enough to mobilize Democrats for the midterms? – Chris
@Kathy That was 2007 in Alaska. You underestimate the power of the abortion lobby. They have abortion pills nationwide. Roe being overturned now doesn’t mean anything this is symbolic.
@John Glasgow nobody, especially a male, has any right to stick their nose into abortion issues unless it’s your wife. Abortion shouldn’t be a political issue, and shouldn’t be a legislative issue at all. I know there are some Dems who are against and a few repukes who are for. This has become a liberal vs conservative issue. I’m absolutely disgusted with any person who would try to legislate anyone’s reproductive decisions.
Keep dreaming.
HahahahaHAHA‼️The Public is Waking UP🤣Cnn total fake news🎬 The STORM is there! BOOOOOOOOOOM; 2000 Mulezzzzz HahahahaHAHAHahahahaHAHAHahahahaHAHA💩🐽
I am surprised how surprised everyone is about this… I mean even if they didn’t believe all of of us saying this was going happen… Don’t they even recall us saying it and their reply saying “that won’t happen” or “you’re being an alarmist”. Lastly, I want to know if Susan Collins still thinks Trump has “learned his lesson”… when she said that, she lost any credibility about anything… Suffice to say, I hope you are right! I am a long-time fan of your analyst and appreciate your time and efforts in all “The Point” videos. Thank you!
After 5 decades of ignoring right wing extremist rantings .. one gets complacent .. OH NO!!!
@A S
Right wing nut
I think your mistaking outrage for surprise.
Baby killer tears are yummy
@A S Technically it is a draft opinion, but when they announce it, the opinion becomes a ruling. Much the way a bill becomes a law once it is signed by the president. Either way. If the substance doesn’t change significantly between now and when it’s announced, all the leak accomplished was we know early. All the same reactions would have happened, just in a couple months instead of now
I finally registered to vote yesterday! Took a while to get my stuff settled but yeah! Yay
vote red
Vote blue 💙🇺🇸
Congratulations! Use your new power wisely. (And don’t listen to all the trolls in the comments, haha!)
Where were you in 2016? What about 2018? You’re a fool for not voting until now
That was my analysis, too. I hope it’s accurate. And it does seem to me that at least two of the candidates for the Supreme Court perjured themselves in the Senate. I think that should be grounds for impeachment.
@Luke_SkyWanker Speculation and conjecture do not carry much weight in a court of law.
@Jao Bidan Oh, explain this, then. “Hass, 216 U.S. at 479-480. In Hammerschmidt, Chief Justice Taft, defined “defraud” as follows:
To conspire to defraud the United States means primarily to cheat the Government out of property or money, but it also means to interfere with or obstruct one of its lawful governmental functions by deceit, craft or trickery, or at least by means that are dishonest. It is not necessary that the Government shall be subjected to property or pecuniary loss by the fraud, but only that its legitimate official action and purpose shall be defeated by misrepresentation, chicane or the overreaching of those charged with carrying out the governmental intention.”
Baby killer tears are yummy
@Luke_SkyWanker I’m happy to learn that because I get really frustrated with the non answers and always wish people would drill down more for clarity.
Republicans on the leak: “We must track down the leaker all the way to the Gates of Hell if necessary!!!!!”, but on the January 6th Insurrection they say , “No biggy, nothing to see there”.
They didn’t want it this way of course. They wanted to make the announcement AFTER the midterms. Except for that leaky leak….’doh
@Ron So June instead of May? That’s not what the original poster said, which was after the midterms.
@Stan Lee What are you basing that off of? They can drag their feet for a long time.
Yeah, it was 2021. So what? Time is meaningless on issues like this.
Blessings to the leaker even if it/he is John Roberts, a coward if there ever was one in the SCOTUS….so much feigned indignation…shishhhh!
I guess on your calendar November comes before June?
Though its unlikely I’m hoping this reveal will end up burying the Republicans in both Midterms and 2024. We need a Democrat Super Majority.
@Belly Dancer Em I’m not crying. I’m looking forward to a red wave this fall because Brandon has managed to screw everything up so far even when success was handed to him on a platter.
@Bradyn Lotterman cry harder
@Bradyn Lotterman I dunno. People are pretty pissed about the Supreme Court. Continue crying
Moscow Mitch hoped that the decision wouldn’t be announced until the end of June or early July so that people wouldn’t have time to organize before the midterm elections.
@Jao Bidan no one stopped fracking, pipelines do not produce oil they only transport it and only 30 jobs lost(I am telling you that so you don’t come back and say thousands) America has never been self sufficient with oil, always imported and exported oil( different grades of oil)
@Angelos Georgiou What did I tell you? You take a list of valid things and twist them around into nothing. This is why, as an independent, I purposely vote to the right out of spite for people like you.
@Jao Bidan You got that right! The gas tax is the most regressive tax on the poor BRANDON can inflict on them- it effects the price of food which, if they can’t eat— how do you think they will vote??? “LET THEM EAT CAKE” LOL
Please Vote! Don’t let Stupidity rule a Nation.
Women need to realize that if they don’t want to be forced into the Republican’s dream of them just being “Barefoot , pregnant and in the kitchen” they need to vote Democrat in Nov.
Won’t have a kitchen to be barefoot in after the big recession coming.
Please define women
The tragic thing is, this reaction is just a result of voter uninformedness, or they would all have voted blue yeeaars ago.
@Darrell Rees Maybe if you didn’t tell people what to do and how to do it you wouldn’t be arguing from behind a supreme court decision. Please don’t misunderstand this too.
Republicans: “Her body, my choice.”
Republican: “Don’t tread on me. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to write laws that will tread on you.”
With allowing the mandates, you literally told the government it’s ok for them to tell you what to do with your body.
@Win Big with Lena & Mike OH NO! that doesn’t fit the narrative! LOL
This is a massive boost for the Dems in the midterms and will be a passionate issue in the long term because with the issue being up to Congress, if the GOP takes control they can just repeal any national abortion rights bill the Dems pass and it will just go on like that for years, possibly decades now which is so unnecessarily stressful and chaotic. But that explains why the GOP would prefer to focus on the “outrage” of the leak as opposed to its implications because most polls show not just Dems but also nearly half of independents and even about 30% of Republicans support Roe v Wade in some capacity. This is not popular except with the zealous religious right and the rabid GOP primary base. This will lose them general elections.
I sure hope so. I mean we have known for years they want to do this and yet people don’t seem to understand hoe important voting blue every election is!
Well, I certainly hope so
Not sure about that. Voters have very short memories. A leak now means indifference when the final opinion is released a few months from now because we’ll all be so jaded if nothing passes. It’s more likely Dems voters will stay home, frustrated by the Manchin gridlock and Dem inaction/ excuses with Reps winning by default.
I hope you’re right though.
Democrats need to Vote like their Lives depends on that, because it does
No it doesn’t. The lives of unborn children are on the line, actually.
Same with Republicans and Independents. Red Wave 2022
You mean their children’s lives depend on it.
The person who exposed the draft Supreme Court decision When we learn who that person is, will be known throughout history as A Hero Of Democracy!!
@Sam White It’s not illegal, so the very worst is they’ll lose their job. Watch Legal Eagle, he explains the law from a lawyer’s point of view. You may learn something.
I appreciate that Chris was more serious than usual in this episode, this is a massive and drastic change to the system and a great deal of people will be hurt by this decision. I hope people vote for what’s right these upcoming midterms.
Do you think more people will be hurt by this or by taxpayers killing their neighbors in wars?
It might just be because he has a cold. He sounds like he does. Agree, though, I appreciate the less silliness in this video.
It won’t, but it beats talking about Democrat accomplishments, gas prices, food prices, supply problems, border problems, name one achievement by Democrats positive for the people
In a heavily Democratic area of Houston (where I live and vote), I had to stand in line 5 hours to vote last time. Go out 100 miles into Hicksville and any voter can vote in 15 minutes max. And, the state just took away 2 MORE voting machines. We had ONE mailbox that took early ballots in all of the Houston metro (6.5 million). This was done on purpose. This, in combination with the extreme gerrymandering almost assures that Republicans will win, even if (likely when) Democrats get more votes. And now, we have a Supreme Court that will not even look into it. They’re confident they have structuralized minority rule in Texas and elsewhere–and if so, no election may change it. We no longer live in a democracy. To claim otherwise is delusional.
My cousin left Texas just last month because 1) she had to wait 8 hours in a line to vote, 2) she has a son with Down Syndrome who was getting horrible care in cluding his special needs school being shut down, and 3) she literally cannot have another baby due to genetic problems that nearly killed her last time, and Texas is doing it’s best to make it so the next time a condom breaks or her Pill doesn’t work, she’ll end up in jail for getting a treatment that would save her life.
After Roe Vs. Wade decision in 1973, I changed parties. I was a Democrat and changed into a Republican. Since then, I’ve never knowingly voted for a pro abortion candidate even if they were a republican. I couldn’t believe anyone would kill their unborn baby in the womb.
“You still have the same heart that began beating in your mother’s womb” Remember to thank your mother this Mother’s Day, for CHOOSING to let YOU live