Mayor of Seattle Jenny Durkan discusses her city’s response to the covid crisis, and how from early on she and other local officials relied on the science and provided a clear message to residents about what to do. Aired on 03/11/2021.
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#JennyDurkan #CovidCrisis #MSNBC
How The Nation’s First Covid Epicenter Now Has The Lowest Death Rate | Deadline | MSNBC
another reason to dodge republiCON men.
Remember when Biden said Cuomo’s handling of the pandemic was the golden standard
Was that around the same time the Commander in Bleach told America to try injecting bleach into our lungs?

Remember when Trump said it was just like a normal flu, that the U.S. had it totally under control, that it would magically disappear? And here we are, one year later with 500,000+ U.S. citizens killed by that virus – all due to his ignorance and incompetence (not to mention his narcissistic indifference and cruelty). More infected and dead in the U.S., from the trump fever (coved19), than any other country by far. Yeah, I remember that.
@Phil Groves when did he say it disappear? Guess what? Its almost april
At the time it was the gold standard. Things change.
@Rob Bow welcome to youtube new user. Keep adding to the fakeness of the left
There is a balance that can be reached between 100% open/no masks & complete lockdown. Stay safe everybody.
Downtiwn Seattle isn’t going to recover for a very, very long time, if ever. I am wondering who is going to have the money to money into the very $$$ apartments they are still building downtown. We’re talking $2,000/month or more in these new building for a 500 Sq ft studio!
it’s always looked ghetto to me.
@Brandy Courvoisier How long have you lived in Washington state? It wasn’t long ago Seattle was a nice city.
@Kenneth Wright You are correct. I have been here over 30 years. Homeless and Covid have killed downtown. Downtown Macy’s closed over a year ago. Forever 21, Gap and Banna Republic have all closed.
@Mc1r1950 oh boo hoo, forever 21 closed?? Cry me a river.
First, I have been here for over 30 years. It is a complete fallacy to infer that it used to be perfect – it hasn’t been. Seattle has ALWAYS had a huge homeless problem. There have always been pockets of street crimes. COVID represents a huge challenge, but to say it will never come back is ridiculous. Of course it will come back. It’s an interesting city that is in a stunning setting on the water surrounded by mountains. It is a desireable place to be and will come back once again, as it has in the past. To suggest otherwise is doomsday talk that is simply not true.
Did they also sent COVID patients to Nursing Homes?
Ask coumo
Maga cult: “Remember then Biden said Cuomo’s handling of the pandemic was the gold standard?”

Data: “These are the states with the most cases per capita: ND, SD, RI, UT, TN, AZ, OK, AR, IA, WI, NE, AL. Almost all republican states.”
Maga cult: “Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!”
Trump did say it would be gone by april
@Gabe Dudley He also said one day we’ll be down to zero cases. So get back to me in about 10 years and you can celebrate that he was finally proven right.

“we have the best numbers, Brad. The biggest numbers. Nobody has numbers this big. Let me tell you. I need like 17,860 votes, Brad”
@Gabe Dudley Yep, that’s what he said last March, it will disappear by summer! That was a year ago.
I feel that all the people who couldn’t be bothered by science to wear a mask…..shouldn’t be bothered to get the vaccine science created.
Where is the science?
Of course that is foolish–we want as many people as possible vaccinated.
@Gabe Dudley I see your still sniping away!
I’d agree but idiots have a way of harming people around them.
How many people in Seattle??
Nearly 4 million in the metro area.
People who talk in Metaphors can shampoo my CROTCH
The most vulnerable already DIED!

Trump: “I want to see Biden in prison.”
Biden: “What on Earth gives Trump the idea that I’ll come visit him in prison?”
Trump already has a note from a doctor to get out of criminal trials:
Voice Spurs.
A girl walks into a bar near Trump Tower in Manhattan, sits down, and says: “Give me a beer. I’ve had a rough day at work.”
The bartender asks: “Oh? What do you do?”
The girl replies: “I take care of the Trump children and the dogs of the Trump family.”
The bartender asks: “Tough job, huh?
The girl says: “Yeah. All that inbreeding has led to low intelligence and bad temperaments.
And the dogs aren’t too smart, either.
Look, it’s not that you are a clueless bot.
Oh, who am I kidding, you have been posting the same messages after Biden took office, you are a bot.
Hey Jax Twoputingaiboiporn,
Oh, your feefees got hurt by my post. So sorry for you. Love your channel image; is it by an Impressionist? Is it by Monet, titled ‘White non-college educated male’? Or is it abstract, maybe Pollack’s ‘The Imbecile’? (snickers and sincerity,;/ ) @Solstice of Snow
Ehh ehh
Repubs men are chicken hypocrites, they’ll go get it secretly…….like Denny Trimp and Maloonia did !!
Not yes..when peoples don’t cover them shelve then will see what happen.
Washington let’s go!!!!!