How The GOP Is Trying To Use Kanye West | All In | MSNBC

Chris Hayes: “In the absence of any other notable spoiler candidates, Republicans are pinning their hopes on Kanye West to siphon off enough votes to squeeze Donald Trump through.” Aired on 8/5/2020.
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How The GOP Is Trying To Use Kanye West | All In | MSNBC

How The GOP Is Trying To Use Kanye West | All In | MSNBC


    1. TRUMP= Law & Order, Low taxes, Protected borders, Patriotism
      biden = the complete opposite!
      Other blacks who support Trump;
      – Candace Owens
      – Leo Terrell
      – Shaquille O’Neal
      – Mike Tyson
      – Harris Faulkner
      – Herschel Walker
      – Don King 👑
      – Kanye West
      – Dan Bongino
      – Jimmy Walker
      – Stacey Dash
      – Jimmy McMillan
      – Jim Brown
      – Azealia Banks
      – Jason Nichols
      – Larry Elder
      – Terrell Owens
      – Diamond & Silk
      – Rev. James David Manning
      – Latrell Sprewell
      – Burgess Owens
      – Lawance Jones
      – Byron Donalds
      And many many more!
      There’s a very BIG movement called BIack voices for Trump. Maybe you heard of it. Where’s basement
      I can’t wait for
      DEBATE-BOWL 2020!!
      F_uck you Google. You  will never censor me

    2. @I HACKED YOUTUBE_. you forgot Herman Cain. Can you make a mexican-american list for my records.

    3. @I HACKED YOUTUBE_. and add Obama to your list. If you make a red russian list it would just be 1, putin 2 satan

  1. Lane Ruhlan is allowing Kanye West to act out his manic episode and run for president. It’s wrong. He needs help.

    1. French Fry I see that the MSNBC cowards removed a recent story on the Kanye West Presidential bid. Obviously, we know that very few people would actually vote for him. However, it was removed because it revealed the hatred and racism of the many liberals that felt the need to post their ‘venom’ on the subject. The nasty comments ranged from calls for him and his family to be ‘cancelled’ to hateful claims on his mental state to “Trump/Putin puppet” to outright racism!! And guess what? ALL of these posts were from liberals who claim to be ‘tolerant, inclusive and accepting of all races’!! Once MSNBC realized the ‘Pandora’s Box’ they opened up on this African American, they realized it was surely an image they don’t want getting out!!! I

  2. Taking advantage of a mentally unstable person for their own political gains sounds exactly like something the GOP would do.

    1. TRUMP= Law & Order, Low taxes, Protected borders, Patriotism
      biden = the complete opposite!
      Other blacks who support Trump;
      – Candace Owens
      – Leo Terrell
      – Shaquille O’Neal
      – Mike Tyson
      – Harris Faulkner
      – Herschel Walker
      – Don King 👑
      – Kanye West
      – Dan Bongino
      – Jimmy Walker
      – Stacey Dash
      – Jimmy McMillan
      – Jim Brown
      – Azealia Banks
      – Jason Nichols
      – Larry Elder
      – Terrell Owens
      – Diamond & Silk
      – Rev. James David Manning
      – Latrell Sprewell
      – Burgess Owens
      – Lawance Jones
      – Byron Donalds
      And many many more!
      There’s a very BIG movement called BIack voices for Trump. Maybe you heard of it. Where’s basement
      I can’t wait for
      DEBATE-BOWL 2020!!
      F_uck you Google. You  will never censor me
      b!tches!! ✓✓✓✓

    2. Hang on to those Biden 2020 signs.They are so rare they may actually be valuable in the near future.
      Bring on Debate-Bowl 2020! Because the American people DEMAND to see basement J0€’S cognitivie abilities!!

  3. Use him? He’s one of them! Keep him. He can replace Herman Cain – the one the GOP killed. Suicide-by-ego-via-rally.

    1. Here’s hoping that you are right, and that Black Americans will do a better job in 2020 than White Americans did in 2016.

    1. @I HACKED YOUTUBE_. you can’t be real. It won’t be pretty at all. Your guy can’t answer simple questions. This is real like and real shxt. That’s not your guy specialty. His job is insults. Oh yeah. This time ist not a woman.

    2. TRUMP= Law & Order, Low taxes, Protected borders, Patriotism
      biden = the complete opposite!
      Other blacks who support Trump;
      – Candace Owens
      – Leo Terrell
      – Shaquille O’Neal
      – Mike Tyson
      – Harris Faulkner
      – Herschel Walker
      – Don King 👑
      – Kanye West
      – Dan Bongino
      – Jimmy Walker
      – Stacey Dash
      – Jimmy McMillan
      – Jim Brown
      – Azealia Banks
      – Jason Nichols
      – Larry Elder
      – Terrell Owens
      – Diamond & Silk
      – Rev. James David Manning
      – Latrell Sprewell
      – Burgess Owens
      – Lawance Jones
      – Byron Donalds
      And many many more!
      There’s a very BIG movement called BIack voices for Trump. Maybe you heard of it. Where’s basement
      I can’t wait for
      DEBATE-BOWL 2020!!
      F_uck you Google. You  will never censor me
      b!tches!! 💙💚💜❤️🤗

  4. They need to leave that man alone and stop encouraging his mania. Shame on you! 😡 Kanye’s family? Don’t you think you should step in?

    1. Don’t blame mental illness on KW’s idiodicy, loads of people have BD and with help can live with it ok. The world is full people with mental illness now.

    1. @Lee Anderson all we need is the dome of the rock and the rest of you rotten christers can float up to wherever you think you’ll go

  5. Taking advantage of a mentally ill person for political gain…. Kind of like what Russia did with Trump 🤔

  6. We don’t need another mentally unstable person in the race one is plenty. Nothing against Kanye but get some help if you need it. No length’s the Nazi’s will go too

    1. Just the fact the we’re having a discussion about West, Trump and the word re-election is absolutely insane.

    2. @MilkCow No & you don’t seem to comprehend the comment. Hes saying if you support Trump, you’re probably a racist. Not questionably, probably.

  7. My God, please people do not waste your votes on K.West or especially Trump. This is dirty underhanded manipulation!!


  8. The people who would vote for Kanye are so out of touch with politics and the issues they probably don’t vote.

    1. @Whiten Lite I don’t live in la-la land like you. Biden is not the second coming of Christ. He is a politician who is rational, with whom is possible to play 🏀. The man has shown his capacity of evolving on issues. Politics is not about the vote only, it is about daily stubborn activism. So I will be among those who will push everyday for the progressive part of the platform. Not all will be reached but there is one secure way to not get anything is doing like you. Parading radicalism that sodisfy your little ego but screws any possibility of change

    2. @Ralph Boyd i think you have me confused with someone else? Like I said I only mentioned UBI once, which was just in reply to someone else, so I’m genuinely bewildered as to what you’re talking about when it comes to spam. One message ≠ spam.

    3. Yet the experts of the DNC and their acolytes in the alphabet soup of cable news networks conspired to screw Sanders and nominate a candidate that could loose Trump.

    1. Hang on to those Biden 2020 signs.They are so rare they may actually be valuable in the near future.
      Bring on Debate-Bowl 2020! Because the American people DEMAND to see basement J0€’S cognitivie abilities!!


    1. They used trump . They love the mentally unstable, because those are the ones easily impressed. And eay to manipulate

    2. livelove &laugh I see that the MSNBC cowards removed a recent story on the Kanye West Presidential bid. Obviously, we know that very few people would actually vote for him. However, it was removed because it revealed the hatred and racism of the many liberals that felt the need to post their ‘venom’ on the subject. The nasty comments ranged from calls for him and his family to be ‘cancelled’ to hateful claims on his mental state to “Trump/Putin puppet” to outright racism!! And guess what? ALL of these posts were from liberals who claim to be ‘tolerant, inclusive and accepting of all races’!! Once MSNBC realized the ‘Pandora’s Box’ they opened up on this African American, they realized it was surely an image they don’t want getting out!!! I

    3. Kanye now called Conye is in on it. They aren’t taking advantage of him. They are funding him and doing all the leg work to get him on the ballet. Conye is forgot where he is coming from and who made him. He is now supporting a party that slaughter young black men and women. He now supports a party Inline with the KKK

  9. They gave him 5 million in PPP money then he immediately claimed to break off ties and announced he was running. Wasn’t this absolutely obvious?

  10. Anyone stupid enough to vote Kanye for “anything” needs to join him in that rubber room mind he lives in!

    1. Anyone stupid enough to vote for Kanye are probably the same who voted for Trump. Could be that since Kanye is the only non Democrat besides Trump, the ones that aren’t White Supremacists might vote for him as protest vote against Trump.

    2. I’ll vote for him under 2 conditions; 1: is for donkey of the day or 2: if Biden chose him to be his VP running mate.

    1. Bush. Obama. Even Clinton. Everything we have seen has led to this moment.
      Transfer of trillions of public money to the Banksters.
      Bush’s bloated policing agencies in which Americans’ data is shared with Israel.
      Dual citizens heading those agencies.
      Obama’s targeted assassinations (Black Americans were the most successful Targets) mass murder sprees in Africa and ‘MidEast’, Obama’s brown-shirt genocide of African-Americans.
      Dumpf’s embedding Israel into the US constitution.
      Dumpf’s tax breaks for the richest. Parasitism on steroids.
      The Pandemic Op is supposed to seal our fate forevermore.

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