Vice Chair of Global Public Policy at Bloomberg, Mary Schapiro, joins Morning Joe to discuss how the finance sector can help battle climate change.
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How The Financial Sector Can Help Battle Climate Change | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Dont mind me. I just stopped by to count
Me too and it looks like I’ve already spotted one
Go back to FAUX News and get more Russian disinformation you sap! LOL
@Friedrich Der Große BAAAAAAA BAAAAAA
@Donnie And The Oathbreakers BAAAAAAA BAAAAAAAAA
@Donnie And The Oathbreakers I see you’re having a hard time with facts sheep
Give 30m likes.
Only on this channel only.
They could care less about the planet.. It’s all about their next billion dollars. “…capitalize on the opportunities…”.
You do realize that the Usa is in the top five lowest of emissions.
It does no good if you don’t go after China India Russia. That have the highest levels of harmful emissions.
What do you think about this news?
This is not news it’s an opinionated talk show very left-leaning
Yes sorry
Roger Ailes strategist for Nixon 1970: People are lazy, we need a republican news agency so we can tell them what to think
Murdoch 1995: Roger come work for me you and I think alike.
DJT 2016: Fake News!
(I love lazy people!)
There is no Republican news agency. Remember what WikiLeaks told us about the compliant main stream media that is in bed with the corruption entrenched political class and the globalists. Turn off the main stream media. Use your clicker that has an off button.
@T. R. Campbell they started a right based media, then other media started both left and right for ratings. It’s like what Charles Barkley said about politicians on both sides of the aisle divide and conquer for power. Media does it for money and power.
@HotSauce I think any right based media died off with the death of Limblow. All the main stream media is in bed with the corruption entrenched political class which is why I use my clicker and turn them off.
Never more proud to be a Democrat!!
@Josef Jerbils *Wear both OF your masks. Take a grammar course.
I am still waiting for a Tucker Carlson fan to complain about my wearing a mask so he can meet Mr. Sig Sauer
The toll your going to take from those of the middle-class is going to be massive.
@Friedrich Der Große RUSSIAN operatives don’t have proper English grammar.

To all those who believe that MSNBC is a far-left outlet. LOL
they are far left
@Paul Wilson only for people on the far right
Try telling China that
( Justice Please )

” The First Time in American political History ,,
Dear, Democrats and Republicans and all, Since Apr 2016 Until now i requesting emergency help and justice , please make Justice Great, Humanity Great we proud to be American, With liberty and justice for all, on Twitter @Jamalch11 God Bless All.
The liars club and the commision, working on commission, why is all these hot shot politicians still worried about the commission? I spose it is possible to create something of the nature of me with induced psychosis conditioning. Controlling the condition of the commission yes, what is up with all the D.C. chicken wire? The resplendent of the majestic yes vs. the THING of psycho systematic engineering. The devil and his insecurity complex.
Nuclear is the way of the future
“What’s your opinion of the climate issue”… “oh that’s such a great question…” Who says that!?
Change is coming.
Those who don’t want to progress must want to give up progression like, give up cell phones, medical technologies and fast food joints.
Far-right is a contradiction.
The Pathological and the Resplendent yes, similar psychotic sub routine capabilities within the arena of killer’s Inc. The arena of the commision.
Pro trick: watch movies on Flixzone. I’ve been using them for watching all kinds of movies these days.
@Janetta Helms yea, have been using Flixzone for years myself
Which one is Mika Brzezinski?
By making Rich investors and politicans in Washington even richer. Those Multiple 50 thousand square foot homes will be more energy efficient. And Boy those new Luxury Yachts are way better on fuel.