“One of the lessons here is bad governing, government neglect of the most basic functions,” says Chris Hayes on the failure of the Lebanese government, “that stuff can be more destructive to a population than even the most nefarious foreign actor.” Aired on 8/5/2020.
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How The Beirut Explosion Exemplifies The Dangers Of Government Failure | All In | MSNBC
Donald Trump quotes on covid:
February 10th – “By April, when it gets a bit warmer, it will miraculously go away”
February 25th – “We’re very close to a vaccine”
February 26th – “We have 15 cases and within a couple of days that’s going to be down close to zero so that’s a pretty good job we’ve done”
February 26th – “The infection seems to have gone down over the last 2 days. We’re going to be at 5 people pretty soon. And we could be at just 1 or 2 people over the next short period of time”
February 28th – “This is the democrats new hoax”
March 6th – “It’s going to go away, hopefully at the end of the month”
March 11th – “We’re more prepared to fight the virus than any other country. The virus doesn’t stand a chance against us”
March 13th – “I don’t take responsibility at all”
March 16th – “I rate my handling of the outbreak as a 10 out of 10”
March 24th – “We never shut the country down for flu”
April 10th – “I looks as though we’ll only have 60,000 deaths, which is substantially lower than what any of the scientists thought”
April 16th – “We are past the peak”
April 23rd – “We have one of the lowest mortality rates in the world”
April 23rd – “Suppose we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet or just very powerful light. Supposing you brought light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some way”
April 24th – “Disinfectant knocks it out in 1 minute. Can we use that? By injecting it inside the body?”
April 25th – “There might not be a 2nd wave once we reopen. It might not come back at all”
May 3rd – “We’re going to lose anywhere from 75,000 to 100,000 people”
May 5th – “With or without a vaccine, it’s going to pass”
May 13th – “If we did less testing, we would have less cases. So in a way, by doing all of this testing it makes me look bad”
May 21st – “When we have a lot of cases, I don’t look at that as a bad thing. I look at it as a good thing because it means our testing is much better. So I view it as a badge of honour. Really, it’s a badge of honour”
June 15th – “If you don’t test you don’t have any cases. If we stopped testing right now we’d have very few cases, if any”
June 17th – “The virus is dying out”
June 19th – “I have done a phenomenal job with covid”
June 19th – “Testing is a double edged sword. So I said to my people slow the testing down please”
July 1st – “I think that, at some point, it’s just going to sort of, disappear”
July 4th – “We’re well on our way to a tremendous victory over this virus”
July 10th – “Texas and Florida are going to have it under control very quickly”
July 13th – “Testing is a double edged sword. When you test you create cases, so we’ve created cases”
July 13th – “We have the lowest covid mortality in the world”
July 17th – “We are the envy of the world for how we’ve dealt with this”
July 27th – “The governors should be opening up states”
Vote this liar out!
@CShield I know, but in the meantime his comments serve a good cause.
Nothing I could ever write would better illustrate the deranged state of mind amongst the nationalist minority than his incoherent drivel.
@Bud Fudlacker Clintons not running for president. Trump is.
Video testimony of Katie Johnson detailing several sexual encounters with Donald John Trump at age 13, in Jeffrey Edward Epstein’s home:
Contains adult language!
Donald John Trump’s lifelong criminal career is finally about to catch up with him:
He is pure evil
America: You call that government failure?
World: Yes.
America: We just hit 161,000 deaths because our leader gave up on us 4 months ago.
World: You make a good point.
No badly run government is any worse or better than the next.
If you use your eyes;we all can see this huge plume of gray smoke,small red and black fire-balls spread out on or near the ground with a vast sprinkles of multi fire-works of rainbow colors at the bottom:the huge gray plume is aminium-nitrate which has already explodeed;the small red and black fire-balls are separate expulsions that set off the nitrate and fire works,which has been there for years:But the huge red and black fire-ball with the mushroom cloud followed by the after-shock,3.1 was a tactical nuke.Much smaller than Hiroshima as you saw the day after on the anniversary of the bomb;they showed the many different nukes but very little of.Libanon it’s as if it did happen for a day.But the red smoke from the nuke and gray smoke from the amonium-nitrate are vastly different and only partially mixed,became badge and still remained red or grey.Plua high amounts of radiation reported by real tv stations not the fake.
What I want to know, is why did Donald Trump make a public statement just yesterday that his generals believe that this may have been a bombing in Beirut without any proof at all, but he won’t make a public statement or even address the possibility of Putin having our American soldiers killed and he has proof or at least some Intel suggesting that there may be some truth to it!
Trump doesn’t care about American soldiers, but Putin is useful. If Trump found evidence of Russia paying bounties then he would have to confront Putin.
Why waste a tragedy when it can be used for his own personal political purpose
@Mandrake and The Dragon confronting someone and doing something about it are two different things!
Agreed Jamie. The point I was trying (badly) to make was that by denying straight from the beginning that Russia was involved, Trump could avoid any situation with Putin.
Sky News in Australia did the same thing when the Beirut reporter said that there were people who thought it may have been a terrorist attack. And then went on to praise Trump. Murdoch’s Mules are alive and kicking here to.
That’s basically the biggest explosion you could get without it being nuclear.
@A Republic If You Can Keep It. But there weren’t any smartphones, so it kinda doesn’t count.
It looked nuclear to me when I first saw it.
1,125 times the Oklahoma City bombing. 4,400 pounds vs. 2,700 tons.
@Stacia Smith A nuke would’ve had extreme city fires and nuclear fallout, of course.
@Stacia Smith Nukes are far hotter and far brighter.
Beyrouth was already under economic duress before the blast, hardship as basic as people going hungry. The grain silos sitting right beside the blast were blown to smithereens. The port, the main point of entry for the country’s food is now unaccessible. The blast left 300K people without shelter. Lebanon is heading towards a major human crisis. Americans, watch and learn.
Is Beirut,
& America cannot see their faults. The delusion of perfection is all that keeps them going. Now corruption rules & millions still believe everything is fine. Fight each other because they refuse to read & get truly informed.
Now you know why Democrats like regulations. They save lives, not take them.
The Republican’s were able to make the word “regulations” a dirty one. They’re actually protections, like you said. So let’s just call them what they are.
I wouldn’t give dem’s credit for regulations — unless you want also to give them credit for enforcement of regulations. Huge FAIL.
With those chemicals there was no room for natural disaster, error, or even regular life happening without intervention. In essence, they should have recognized the strictest handling of the chemicals was necessary bc of its potential… but they’re too self-absorbed and don’t reaaaallly want to do their jobs. They want to be politicians and be seen rather than serve, lead and protect.
@TokenOtaku Then Border Patrol will take you away. Clown of trump Cult.
A F Unfortunately, Republican inspectors usually do not report criminal activity or negligence. I have seen this first hand. Never trust a Republican.
I though Jared Kushner was going to fix the Middle East.
John, I thought Obama fixed the middle east?
@Bud Fudlacker Actually “fixed” by GWBush and his illegal action in Iraq in 2003. It set the further and total destabilization of the Middle East.
Along with the fireworks and ammonium nitrate, they’ll likely discover that the grain from the grain elevator contributed to the magnitude of the explosion. I worked in grain storage where grain elevator explosions were a concern. It is one reason they’re made of extremely thick concrete. When grain dust is disbursed into the air it is also extremely explosive. Who knew? It is amazing seeing photos of the initial cloud of smoke. Within the first split second of that cloud there are definite layers. White smoke ( the fireworks fire), red smoke (the nitrate) and a light brownish smoke (likely the grain burst). Three highly and potentially explosive products all in one relatively compact space.
The future of America – division, strife, rich people at the top profiting from the misery of the poor and what’s left of the middle class.
That was Reagan’s dream
What future it’s happening now. Hope you are all going to vote the Little Dictator out.
This is why we have regulations/codes etc, because we have had things like this happen here.
Andy Smitty – Never trust business to regulate itself. Corporations care about money, not safety, their workers, the environment, etc., etc.
Things like that happen in Texas
James Ricker Texas has had several bad chem explosions, the worst was pretty darn near what happened in Beirut happened in Texas City. Two ships carrying ammonium nitrate. One ship caught fire, eventually exploded, causing the second ship to explode. Corporations are willing to sacrifice people for profit, it’s government’s job to ensure that companies are not putting lives at risk in exchange for profit.
Had regulations… They have been lifted. Trump buys tons of asbestos from Russia. Has been for two years. Using it here in the US, because it’s cheaper than other insulation.
John Steward
That is exactly what trump is letting corporations do !!!!! Regulate themselves. If they poison the land, water and air, they are not required to clean it up, especially if it interferes with their profits. Trump opened the door for more blatant irresponsibility of toxic chemicals with his deregulations polices. Once polluted stays polluted and continues to pollute everything it comes into contact with.
The leaders of Lebanon are an oligarchy and direct responsible for this mess
Government failure when the leader don’t care about there citizens
What is so tragic is that Lebanese culture is so extremely rich, the food divine, the people beautiful…everything. To see all that depth laid to wastebover so many years…is truly tragic.
It is mostly because of outsiders intruding into their affairs. Whether it would be Israel, Syria, USA, mostly distantly Iran, and in the past France, Turkey, etc. as the cause, Lebanon cannot unite and grow into a prosperous stable nation.
Of course Donald Trump immediately started flapping his face without bothering to inform himself.
the first thought i had was hey little donny shut up and let the adults talk
I thought of Max Headroom infected by a virus.
Or maybe he is fully informed, but the media has brainwashed you into believing otherwise…
He has diarrhea mouth.
He said it was a bomb. It wasn’t. So he’s not informed.
Beirut now = America 4 years from now with another Chump term.
The enemy within is always far more insidious and deadly than the enemy from without.
“This is the result of negligence, incompetence and corruption.”
Are you listening, America?
Unlike Trump, the government in Lebanon has claimed that they were to blame!
Republican way: de-regulate everything… Things will go well, for the people who are not going to pay but will get rich!
Trump: Yeahhhh terrorist attack. This can help me get elected.