Biden wants to raise the corporate tax rate to fund his infrastructure bill. Here’s how some of America’s largest corporations avoid paying taxes. RELATED:
The Biden administration unveiled details of a plan to raise corporate taxes and discourage U.S. multinationals from shifting investment and profits overseas to reduce their tax burden.
The “Made in America Tax Plan,” which would require passage by Congress, expands on Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen’s call this week for a global minimum tax to prevent countries from cutting their tax rates to attract multinational firms.
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Section 936

Puerto Rico
I once saw this image that said that if someone lived for 80 years and earned an average of $5,000.00 every day of their life, they still wouldn’t be a billionaire, but rather have about $150,000,000.00. At the bottom of the image was a line that said that no one works to become a billionaire. So yeah, we should be taxing multi millionaire and billionaire individuals and corporations in this country more then we currently are! And if you want to argue that taxes shouldn’t be raised on the wealthy and corporations, how can you defend them when they send their U.S. dollars to other countries so they can’t be taxed and help fund domestic programs to help poor people here in the U.S.?
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The corrupt politicians act helpless. I consider any country with laws that allow companies to evade taxes. I will embargo each country until they change their laws.
Problem solved.
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