CNN’s Fareed Zakaria reveals what he says are Russian President Vladimir Putin’s key miscalculations about Ukraine ahead of committing his military to invade. #CNN #News
How Putin got it so wrong in Ukraine

CNN’s Fareed Zakaria reveals what he says are Russian President Vladimir Putin’s key miscalculations about Ukraine ahead of committing his military to invade. #CNN #News
What drove Putin crazy is that he expected his army of looters and rapists to be greeted with flowers and instead were met with bullets. Glory and peace to Ukraine.
@A W We would be scavenging and eating dog and cat meat too, My. my what a word!!
yeah, lots of bullets!
Prove that you are not an empire of lies, as they say about you!! Be objective! Show how Russian fighters are greeted with flowers and flags of the Russian Federation in the Kharkiv region! Testimonies of civilians about the atrocities of the battalions of Ukraine!!! Or is it impossible? Is this not on the agenda?
Putin: How’s my campaign in Ukraine?
Advisers: They love you, sire!..
@Writeous0ne Nope they will because green energy is already cheaper then oil and gas today. With perovskites solar energy will get x15 more cheaper. If you look at latest EIA when oil and gas was at the bottom both solar and wind energy was already cheaper.
@Writeous0ne For example as a Turkish I am waiting to build 7MW farm in Turkey. Electricty is x2.5 times cheaper than Germany but still you make your money back within 4 years which is insanely good. 7MW solar farm will cost around $4.7M now imagine it being less than $1M in coming years. Oil and Gas just won’t be able to compete against solar when perovskites enter our lives.
@Sam Ty none of what you said negates the fact that Russia will have plenty of buyers in africa, the middle east and asia…
@Writeous0ne I just said solar will become x15 more cheaper in coming years and you say it doesn’t negate the fact that africa will buy expensive energy rather than building basically free energy farms. You must be a Russian to believe that nonsense.
He understands he’s doesn’t care how many die it’s all about his legacy
Or is it billions .
@Bonnie Robinson they gonna go after his daughters
Every war since 1977 where Russia was directly involved was futile. Even Brezhnev proclaimed in 1977 that standard of living is ok. Afghanistan, Chechnya, now Ukraine… All meaningless and futile wars. These wars only breeded poverty, criminal and Depression in society.
@Fortnite and News Afghanistan and Iraq needed to be liberated from what exactly?
Might want to look into these countries and verify who installed those regimes in place end of 70s early 80s and for which reasons!
@Kennel Krøltoppen that’s the delusion about most beginnings of war. But the simple fact that it’s rarely the case and both sides lose their humanity and fortunes eludes them over and over again. .
Bot filled comment section. Proceed with wisdom.
In his shifting justifications for war against Ukraine, Vladimir Putin has rejected Ukraine’s right to nationhood, depicting Ukrainian national identity as a fiction resulting from errors made by his predecessors in the Kremlin, going back to Vladimir Lenin.
Any country, Ukraine included, that has been the target of aggression is likely to experience a “rally ‘round the flag” effect, a well-studied phenomenon that can help to fashion a larger civic and national identity.
Samuel P. Huntington had it the wrong way around. It’s not a conflict of belief between cultures or “civilizations” that leads to war; it is war that refashions our ideas of self, community, and belief. In this way, Putin may find that now, even more than Lenin, his legacy will be of the man who helped make Ukraine.
And Destroy his Economy Image and Military Status And God knows what else at the same time. Hey I we’ve got Bingo here!
Ukraine was first. It came long before Russia. Moscow was just a little baby village when Kiev was a full fledged city central to the area.
Except it wasn’t a russian city, it is now but it wasn’t back then..
@daniiel mlinarics love it
@Алла Зарудная Kievan Rus preceded Russia. Borsch and other Slavic customs come from Ukraine, Russia just stole them
I know, I know, he believed his own bullshit. All dictators fall for that eventually…usually leads to their fall or a lot of death around them, or both.
Someone is realizing his mistakes, regrets never to late…Helpless in thinking, missions are in damage.
I think so!
CNN host sounds just like it…

Speak like Yoda, you do. Think, you do not.
@Ogier The Dane He’s done
@Juan Villanueva Exactly
Love Fareed, he’s always so good, so spot on in his assessments and commentary. Class act.
Point on
What level of intelligence? Cesar was absent from class the day the teacher handed out the brains.
as napoleon said never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake, and Putin and his military is sitll doing it.
@A W I have been trying to explain this to people forever. No superpower is perfect, but there IS a difference. A difference worth to die for.
Unless it’s propaganda and your definition of winning is like this. If victory is losing a number your population and concession of territories. That’s an awful victory. That’s like a kid getting punched in the face and then taunt the other kid like it doesn’t hurt while he is crying.
He’s the only one who’s right
The other 150 that he ordered to be jailed are all wrong…..
@Robert Pruitt Not just that but Also Their Air force is also Lacking, They’re rarely ever being deployed, The Russians mainly use LRM Artillery fire for Support, Which we’ve seen is utterly useless but providing Ukraine more of an incentive to Kill every Russian in sight. Not what you’d call a scare tactic, These Missiles have also being extremely in accurate or Being operated by Storm troopers. Finally their “Tank” Armor is actually very thin I wouldn’t be surprised if you got a 25mm Through that “Armor” Reactive armor is good .. for one time use, But the Weapons used make the Armor Obsolete and useless. and sense These things are (correct me if I’m wrong) Cheaper than the amount of tanks Russia can muster. so yeah, Talk about a “Formidable opponent” Heroes of the world everyone… woopdy-god damn- Doo…
@Jonsson the worst kind of smell that lingers for ages. You dont wanna know.
@Katzen sind weich
Get to bed kid, it way past your beddy by time!
3rd mistake: not understanding how inferior and unprofessional his army actually is.
Prove that you are not an empire of lies, as they say about you!! Be objective! Show how Russian fighters are greeted with flowers and flags of the Russian Federation in the Kharkiv region! Testimonies of civilians about the atrocities of the battalions of Ukraine!!! Or is it impossible? Is this not on the agenda?
Don’t make me laugh!
@Michelle Hunt

You fell for cnn’s propaganda! When are you people gonna wake up to the truth?????
In WWII Winston Churchill had generals, admirals, and air commanders who were not afraid to give frank advice. And as the war went on Churchill realized he had to take that advice. Putin has generals who probably don’t dare to do the same.
Who need advice if u got hypersonic nuclear missile? It can solve all problems
Better example is Stalin. Soviets started turning the tide when Stalin allowed his professional officers to take over the planning.
@Scott Krater if putin nuke kiev will nato retaliate? After all ukraine is not nato member?
That’s the problem with any dictatorship. In the end it’s one person surrounded by a cult of personality against the best of the best minds working together.
The human spirit is the strongest weapon on earth ,and is unbreakable when your fighting for your country ,freedom . The Ukrainians are showing us how powerful this spirit is . The are a example to the world , there courage and determination are outstanding. God bless them
Бла бла
Russia must face the consequences of her actions and that sadly must include ordinary Russians.
@Pluto N. Uranus You better not embarrass yourself, keep your mouth shut
When someone starts to believe in his own lies pathological delusion is already established.
@Nash Democratic trolls still obsessed with President Trump lol
The MSM is classic example …
“His primary rules were: never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never leave room for alternatives; never accept blame; concentrate on one enemy at a time and blame him for everything that goes wrong; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; and if you repeat it frequently enough
people will sooner or later believe it.”
–A Psychological Analysis of Adolf Hitler: His Life and Legend”
(Hitler, Putin, and Trump. Who else?)
*Russia’s strategy is to lose a conventional war but win the nuclear one — if there’s any country willing to engage them in one.*
@Wahyu Indrasto complete corruption might choose mutual destruction over admitting one could be completely fucking wrong.
A Psychological Analysis of “Megalomania”. Exactly!
Putin told his troops that the Ukraine peoples would greet them with flowers and kisses, boy did he get that wrong ! Go Ukraine !
Hatred is what he got and always will
President Zelensky is a highly intelligent and strategic leader, Putin didn’t count on that.
Go Texas!
It is ironic that Putin claims there are nazis when his primary philosophical influence is from far-right philosopher Aleksandr Dugin (widely seen as a facist philosophy).
But Putins rise to power closely resembles that of Hitler.
He got it all wrong because turns out he is not quite a genius after all. Unfortunately, the people under him never had the guts to tell him he was a moron because doing so would end you in prison, poisoned or killed.