1. And yet through all the obvious suspicious behavior Trump’s base will continue to deny any wrongdoings and worship him.

    1. @Jokers Wild it amazes me that the Democrats are accusing Trump of exactly what they done to him since he took office and even before just amazing

    2. @Billy Pardew my previous comment speaks for itself. What democrats are you referring to that have done the same Hillary or Hunter Biden to my knowledge they have been investigated . And like I said the Republican held house and senate had ample opportunity to get it all resolved while they held power. And Bill Barr has a vendetta to get anybody that has caused the slightest issue for Trump so if there is anything Hunter and Hillary will be held accountable.  And neither of them hold any office now so they certainly have no protection from prosecution

  2. Probably the only person in the pockets of a foreign power to ever successfully infiltrate and take office of the enemy

    1. @Hildebeast Clinton Sanity is nice so is not being a racist turd. Pick one I dont think you are capable of attempting both.

    2. Aa and that’s exactly what you are being fed. At the end of the day Hillary or Trump was the options given to US citizens, it’s no secret that trump won the presidency due to electoral college, thus blaming Russian on this for years sounds more like hysteria and reasoning presented to you by msm channels.

    3. 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% correct!

    1. That never going to happen. WTF is wrong with you people? Get away from CNN. Its destroy your brain with lies. Watch actually good news that has nothing to with CNN or Fox or MSNBC that debunked all this russia stuff. Show what is really going on. Shows cnn being lying to you the whole. Their great people on youtube on left who have debunked russia stuff.

    2. We Believe What alternative reality do you live in? That’ll never happen, the only reason IQ45 was/is used by other leaders is to destabilize the US to gain political clout in the world. The war machine is on the way out, as people and governments move on to the next money making venture, as societies change and that seems to be the climate issues.

  3. Traitor Trumps love for Russia/ Soviet started in the 80’s and also two of his wives come from the former Eastern Block of the Soviet. There is no question for the person that has checked into this matter that everything in majority that Tavaritj Trump done so far has benefited Russia, so for those still supporting and defending him must be either Russian trolls, stupid or co conspirators.

    This is why Traitor Trumps behavior is not only dangerous to America but to the whole world because what he does is paving the road for Putin to go all in over Europe. So what does that have to do with America says the Maga Clowns? Well the thing is that Europe will stand without America even if it will be harder and have issues but America alienate it self from the world will not work well, having Russia as an ally, well we seen how well that goes for those countries.
    So America is more in need of its allies then the allies are of America and that is not only the military aspect just look at the trade war he started, it is hurting US and the deficit is skyrocketing!

    If there was only a few things that benefited Russia I would just blame Trumps ignorance and the fact that he is a moron, but someone is “handling” him for sure and like I and several more says, everything he does leads to Russia…so if it walks like a duck…..
    Trump is a menace to the world and a cancer, as we know cancer needs to be removed or it will kill the whole body, if removed his small tumors like Jordan, McConnell, Graham, Nunes, Popeo and others will follow. However, how many of these are appointed by the recommendation of Putin? These people need to be imprisoned if so or removed and see to that they never ever hold an office as public servants again.
    Traitor Trump is the cancer of the world and Russia is the anus of the world!

    1. @Penny Hardaway yes, beautiful country, rich on resources, lovely people. Leadership is rotten, many dirty businessman, no respect for national and international laws. Ideal partners for Trump.

    2. @Michel Willems that has nothing to do with the allegations directed at Trump himself.
      If there was any irrefutable “smoking-gun” evidence, it would withstand all scrutiny. Nothing has so far, it’s been pure speculation as far as Trump is concerned.
      Others were charged with petty process crimes but none of them corroborate any of the allegations directed toward Trump.
      This current impeachment hearing has no chance of success. The Dems are aware that their case is hollow but that isn’t the intent. Since the liberals control most of the US media landscape it’s about how Trump is unfairly smeared & portrayed in mainstream media.
      The aim of this is to attract potential defector voters and those on the fence.
      However Trump has called the Dems bluff and has welcomed a move to the senate where this has literally no chance of sticking since there is no evidence for the specific allegation of quid pro quo on the basis of zelensky making a public announcement into the reopening of the Burisma investigation in return for US aid.
      The announcement was never made and aid was approved while zelensky was vetted out by US intelligence agencies.
      Not a single one of the witnesses produced by the Dems can provide solid proof of this allegation.
      Now, Trump has turned the table on Schiff, Biden et al to testify under oath before the senate.
      This is a smart move since we the public shall really learn what they know, if anything, and therefore determine if their case is credible or hollow, moreover if it was hollow from the beginning and part of an elaborate scheme to unseat a democratically elected president.

    3. @Michel Willems Granted there is still corruption among businessmen but Putin has cracked down enormously compared to all the previous Rus leaders.
      There are corrupt individuals in all nations, many in the West too with perhaps even more elaborate and sophisticated methods of operating in the shadows.
      However, the economic outlook of the Russian economy is looking extremely healthy as reported by the big 4 financial firms and many ratings agencies which are critical when examining the overall health and state of the current governing body and state officials.
      The 10 year government issued Russian bond pays 4.5%+ interest compared to US Bonds offering less than 1.7%.
      There has undoubtedly been a huge concerted effort among the top brass in Russia to ensure socioeconomic stability and prosperity for future generations.

    4. @Penny Hardaway % interest rate on roubles must be seen in relation to inflation rate.
      Putin is a ruler, not a president. The political system is different, human rights are not respected, nor the rights of other sovereign countries. Occupation of Crimea was unlawful according international law. Hardly any freedom of press. But, fabulous country, nice people.

    1. b  putin reached most of his goals, but will drop Trump as soon as Trump isn’t useful any more for devising western allies. One word of Putin and Trump goes broke and to jail in the US.

    2. @Michel Willems the bull has been released in the china shop. next step is to sit back and watch the shop burn down.

    3. @Nevyn of OZ 1973 listing to the sound of breaking glassware, pots and pans, cups and plates, splintering bamboo, hoping that the fireworks will be impressive.

    1. John Martinuk, don’t let the maggots eat your teeny weeny brain.Donald tDump withheld the military aid to Ukraine and used it as leverage to dig dirt against VP Biden.The military aid was appropriated by Congress NOT Donald tDump.

    2. @T J Congress also appropriated Millions to go to the Ukraine under Obama and you know what they ended up getting blankets LOL it’s funny that the Democrats are actually got the nerve to accuse Trump of doing exactly what they did to him before he got elected LOL pitiful

    3. @Billy Pardew Ukraine got the funding from Obama, but it was their corrupt government that misappropriated the funds and gave its own people blankets.

  4. Donnie won’t like this, he will attack for sure, whatever happened to the pee pee tape thing?
    Let’s find that tape.

  5. It would be nice to have a president that isn’t in love with Russia. Crazy idea. Maybe the next Republican presidential candidate could be pro United States?


    2. Ask Hillary to be president instead 😀 wth you on about, you are given Trump or Hillary both idiots who want to make the rich richer, thank god Hillary is not president otherwise you’d already be in a war 🙂

    1. It’s necessary to join forces and work together it’s need to know Intel they can’t fight each other it will destroy the world so they are joining forces it’s that or do nothing the NWO and the elite is world world with superpower country’s elite are the farmers the peasants r the cattle and food it’s how we do

    1. Democrats who bck impeachment are Traitors to this country. Need to be removed from office and locked away. The reason is impeachment is not meant for political vengeance for losing an election and to interfere in next election. That this is always been about. Never been about criminality or anything. You can tell because of the same Democrats history of protecting corruption in DOJ, Obama administration, and their own party.

  6. Trump is a “Traitor!” What did he talk to Putin in Hellsinki!! We are in Danger!!!He has Sold Out America & it’s Citizens!!

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