In an interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer, NBA commissioner Adam Silver talks about the precautions the league is taking for the players and fans during All-Star Weekend when it comes to Covid-19.
#CNN #News
How NBA is keeping players and fans safe for All-Star Weekend

Mr Silver looks like he’s against sunlight..
Poltergeist Dude!!!!😳
Certain Semitic phenotype.
Ugliest man on the planet
@Grey Whiteman that’s anti Semitic
@Tom Beacher or is it anti ugly? It is our God given right to be ugly looking
funny thing…safest thing to do is just cancel this Weekend….it’s not like this will be the most exciting All Star weekend ever anyway!
They’ve prepared by putting out a product that is so bad that nobody goes to games or watches the games.
@Pixxie Stixx you do you champ!
@Pixxie Stixx you are being used. It’s the other way around you are part of the devil’s legions, we are the ones stopping the evil and traitors. God will judge you and find you wanting.
@Pixxie Stixx you are just so lost son, quit listening to who ever you are listening to. They are leading you to damnation. Much of what you are saying isn’t in the bible. Made up by 16th century preachers that wished things where that way, but nothing to do with Jesus. False profits- beware
@Pixxie Stixx you are so lost son.
@Pixxie Stixx preach Pixxie! Preach! May God have mercy on their blind little souls.
We have broken news…. Nobody is going to the nba’s bowling championships.
its all about the money revenue they dont really care about people catching covid they just act like they do
What? A business trying to make money? Shocker
They know there is virtually no risk of “Covid”.
Omg covid omg. Unfortunate for ppl that have pissed away an entire year pouting over this
@Pixxie Stixx – I agree. Nobody has proved to me that it actually is real yet.
@Pixxie Stixx – Don’t get confused about who is perpetuating the lies. Both D and R serve the same masters. Look up the Hegelian Dialectic. Covid, terrorism, the two party paradigm are classic execution of it.
NBA asked CNN to remind people there’s a game this weekend because everyone forgot.😄
@T Electronix 🤣🤣 in your soy dreams. Go have another cup of “chocolate” marxism.
@gin-N-aujus ^^ Proving my point. 😂
You maga seditionist defenders are such easily led rubes.
@T Electronix Sedition that is a good one considering who is burning and looting their own cities.🤣 Peaceful protest I guess. Chy NHA is looking for people just like you..pretty sure one extra commie won’t matter.
@gin-N-aujus “Sedition that is -a good one- attacking the US government and, specifically, as it was ratifying election results”
Yes, it is.
@T Electronix over a 100 days of rioting and trying to burn down FEDERAL buildings in Portland ….sedition??? Isn’t the CHAZ in Seattle with 3 to 4 deaths ..sedition??
Yes, it is.
The NBA vampire
Hey Fredo! you gonna put cnn money in your brorther’s jail commissary account?
Adam Silver looks like what I imagine the bad guy to look like in 300 Part 3 The movie.
Ewwwwwwwe done with CNN. I’ve been bamboozled for way to long . I may be dumb but I’m not ignorant.
The asymmetry in Adam silver’s face is astonishing. Needless to say he is hideous
Hideous is being generous
I agree – he can’t help how he looks, but I can’t wonder why he doesn’t grow a
mustache or something.
I will take his looks over David Stern giving the Seattle SuperSonics team to his buddy Clayton Bennett!
SAFEST PRECAUTION: Tell Andrew Cuomo to stay at home.
0 evidence
@Sebastian Liebmann clown 🤡
@Sebastian Liebmann 100% ignorance
@Tony Pitsacota send me the link
NBA has sold out to the CCP
Dude on the right looks like he actually eats Human Flesh
It’s OK he only eats white people
The NBA commissioner looks straight from out of space .
Damn dude needs a tanning salon and some facial hair or something. Ghostly appearance.
That thing is literally a human grey hybrid XD.
I’ve been protecting myself from the NBA for sometime now.
Marx eyeing Lenin suspiciously at the start…
The NBA has got the Communist Chinese Governments back. It’s that Chinese $ Money ”
T-Shirt sales are far more important the the Genocide the NBA gives Communists a pass for.