Families across the U.S. will get a portion of money from the federal government's sweeping $2 trillion stimulus package.
RELATED: How to help the elderly during the coronavirus pandemic
Consumers are not going to need to sign up for the stimulus checks.
Under the program, all U.S. residents with an adjusted gross income up to $75,000 ($150,000 married), who are not a dependent of another taxpayer and have a work-eligible Social Security number, are eligible for the full rebate check.
They would receive $1,200 per adult — or $2,400 married — as part of a stimulus rebate. In addition, they are eligible for an additional $500 per child.
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They should be looking at freezing payments, mortgage, vehicles, utilities and reset the economy once we are over with this. We don’t need crumbs, we need help! We are talking about helping other countries and fail to protect our own citizens.
@Reach41 Oh but it can be done. There is so many ways and trust me, these companies would never lose. Again, I am not saying we shouldn’t pay. They just need to give us a break while we all endure this crisis because we will recover. We will but they need to have our backs. What they are giving us now, isn’t enough for most Americans.
It is being done in other countries, where they are about putting their people first.
@eli hernandez I’m always willing to listen to rational, well thought out ideas. You suggested that there are “so many ways,” but just one way will be sufficient. Ps, political slogans aren’t a part of rational discussion. Their purpose is to divide people.
@Reach41Have looked at what governor Cuomo is doing for his state? I don’t think I have to explain it when there is someone actually doing or attempting to do it already. This has nothing to do with being partisan, fearmongering or division. We need to unite and demand that this time the citizens get bailed out.
@eli hernandez The term “bailed out” means “loaned money that you have to pay back.” Is that what you mean? Otherwise, they are “stimulus funds,” which is free money that the government borrows to give out (or take out of the existing budget for something else). In California, the state has made it illegal for anyone to get evicted for being behind on mortgage payments or rent, but it’s not a waiver, and eventually people will have to catch up. These are things that are already going on, do you have any new ideas to explore? Things that other countries who “put people first” are doing that we aren’t? Otherwise, we are just endorsing existing event, and there’s nothing to complain about.
the government is giving out “our” money and asking us to get on our knees in appreciation…seriously.
@INCA The Government functions by taxing”
1) Corporation
2) Small/medium businesses
3) Rich people
@Stephen I guarantee you, I pay FAR more taxes than you do!
TO all of you that don’t think that other’s don’t need that money because they pay a lower amount of taxs , REMEMBER THAT THEIR THE ONE’S WORKING FOR A LOW INCOME FOR BUSINESSES , THAT MAKE THERE RICHEST OFF THOSE VERY SAME LOW INCOME PEOPLE , stop looking down your nose at people because they have less then you , REMEMBER HISTORY , your ancestors left a country for that reason , I’m just saying ,
@Jonothan Doezer ; my Kenneth Lee , Please find my comment , and read it , it may help with you drinking that cup of Jim Jones special mix of kool aid , I’m just saying , GOOD DAY .
@Kenneth Lee I always find it interesting when someone impugns a comment without actually pointing out what was wrong in it. It usually connotes intellectual weakness at best and deceptive diversion at worst. Kool Aid comes in many flavors, don’t imagine that your flavor is somehow better than anyone else’s,
Americans excitedly waiting for their own money.
@E M next time, try harder to be a racist. Clearly you dont know what youre doing. Now do I need to redefine what the white alliance is or have you learned your proper footing? Dont change the subject now women, you will fall in line or fall down and confess your manipulation. You brought up my username now you know what it means so speak on that. I’ve seen women like you before on the computer. You think your craftier than you actually have to be… Always talking dum until you come across the right person. Now youre oblivious to why were chatting?
Typical. What was that about the 4th Reich in your other comment? ? Go ahead.
@White Alliance “Stay in my place for ever.” I get you are trying scare me but what does that even mean? Wait don’t answer I don’t even care. I don’t have time for this.
@E M very good. Be silent and move along. You are doing exactly what you should be. Take your sass with you dear.
@White Alliance You are threatening me calling me names. I am sorry if your narrative gave me a neo nazi vibe my bad. Now you have stated your covens affiliation in the same comment that you are threatening my safety and slandering my name. Now I need to worry because I messed with the wrong person. I don’t know why you think you are a white witch if you perform hexes. Even the weakest binding spell is borderline in wicca white magik groups. When you do work that controls the will of others it is a very thin line. Do what you wish as long as it does not cause harm. Every action comes back times three. So call me names hex me I know how to protect myself.
I felt something was up with the comments you were making and yup I guessed the wrong philosophy of hate, but my intuition was right on.
Fyi making threats against someones safety online is very illegal so please don’t do it to me.
It will hurt you more then me. I am done please do not respond to any posts I make on this platform or try to contact me in anyway.
@E M learn how to read. My comments are not edited and no one threatened you, that’s your own flawed imagination. You look dum.
“We got money for war , but can’t feed the poor” PAC
Wizard of Oz it’s not theft if it legal genius
MAGA COUNTRY <~Not true if you receive any form of SS & didn’t file taxes because that’s your only income - they will receive the stimulus check as well
Sam Rogers With smart phones no less.
Does anyone know where to call to update a direct deposit option to receive the $1200 relief check ?
Days Trump has spent at Mar a Lago:
Cost of flights to Mar a Lago (30 so far):*
Days Trump has spent at Bedminster:
Cost of flights to Bedminster (23 so far):*
Trump loves the uneducated or inbreds supporters(they’re one of the same)
Trump has visited his clubs once every this many days since his inauguration:
Projected visits to golf clubs in four years:
Projected visits in eight years:
Instead of sending stimulus check too Trump supporters, they need to send too send them 25&Me test kits, cause the majority ( you’ll know who I mean eyewink majority) are products of incest ,and their AUTOIMMUNE SYSTEM won’t do Jack sheets ,Why you think EUROPEANS aka the COUSINS were hit harder than Mexico, Korea, China, Japan etc…
Total times Obama played golf during his eight year Presidency:
The stimulus shud be 6,000 to each american. This package is trash and like giving out breadcrumbs .
Why stop a $6000. You are an idiot.
Aren’t you going to be upset when you find out you’re not even getting anything it’s all lies wake up
@The Grudge i alredy got mine so u wake up lol
@Dawn Fizzle lie to me I don’t care
@The Grudge then y r u still talking…get over it. Americans deserve money money money for all this …period
I’m getting dumber reading these comments.
Accurate statement
Can you hear me now!
Kylie smith
I feel like a genius.
you were an idiot before you got here
$1,200 isn’t enough. You can bailout corporations but not the people.
N i c o l e
Stop having all those kids.
And guys should take red pills and avoid single mothers and marriage.
@Rick Lawson good luck to you and your wife! Saving money is the best financial advice!
@BlackWorldTraveler shows the amount of empathy you have, oh right none.
N i c o l e

Well duh!
I’m also immune to divorce rape,weaponized child support,and the corrupt family courts.
You’d be surprised how little your government cares about your life.
Some of you people are ignorant.
@Kim Wallace how Brown of you
@TrollPriestZandum the reason the bill was delayed at all was because Democrats wanted unrelated non relief items in the bill. Like funding the Kennedy Arts center, and reducing airline carbon footprint etc etc.
Not so much. Unfortunately it has been way too clear for way to long. I worry about the folk who think they care bout us. Scary.
That is the absolute truth and when I said that earlier some really rude person told me to move to the UK that I wasn’t wanted or welcome here anyway. Considering I grew up in New Jersey till I was 32 years old and now I’ve lived in Florida for 11 years I would have to argue that I am very much in American and am entitled to my opinion of My Dysfunctional government just as the next person is, this is a free country last I checked.
How much would it cost to get the entire government to just retire and go away?
hopefully most of them get this virus …yeah I said it
The same as it cost in 1776……….Are you ready?
500$ for children UNDER 17. College kids still claimed by parents? Good fing luck.
I wondered how that worked for college kids who were working due to their school but still lived with the parents. Would they receive nothing?
@Bree M nope, were not getting anything as long as a parent is claiming
And what about married couples taking care of an aging parent?Haven’t heard Bo Diddley on that one!
@Wyatt Smith from my understanding and what I have read/been told we get nothing. My tuition isn’t even being reimbursed which is complete bull hockey. I have no job, due to being a full time student, and the money paid to the school won’t be returned. I’m doing great.
anybody curious what they’re going to do about the following months? The $1,200 is going to be spent the day it arrives on bills and groceries.
Scorpio1964 Wines wait does 2018 tax return mean if you filed last year? Cuz I filed last year but didn’t file this year should I hurry up and do my own taxes??!!
That’s IF you can get groceries in the cities. Organizations like Freshdirect and instacart aren’t fulfilling their shopping speeds efficiently. Those of us who live in the inner cities (NYC, etc) need to have a better solution to shop groceries (affordably) while staying indoors.
@Rin R yes last year’s 2018. If you haven’t filed 2019 yet then they will go by 2018
PeachesRGreat thanks
Negotiate again…and again…and again…
They should talk about how much corporations who have let go their employees are receiving.
@Alex Mercer This is a safe space. You are NOT allowed to bring in facts, only puppy dogs – and they’d better be cute.
Wait until the creeps start crying about CEO’s taking huge bonuses and pay increases and stock buy backs – both of which are prohibited by the bill (now law, or whatever it’s called).
Oh, the corporations that have been either restricted in the hours they are allowed to operate, or shut down completely? You mean THOSE corporations? Corporate-bashing doesn’t prove a thing, other than the one doing the bashing is utterly devoid of clues as to how the free market economy works.
Corporations should not get any thing the worker should come first period
Take the money and vote to send trump and his cronies home
yabbadabba1975 except companies by the president are not eligible for the loan and the money can’t be used by anyone for stock buybacks but whatever ORANGE MAN BAAAAAD
This stimulus check is really unfair! I’m a single parent of two college students (ages 19 and 22) who are my dependents, and I don’t get a dime for them, nor do they qualify for a check as individuals How are we gonna survive on $1200? I spend more money supporting them now than when they were younger.
@TastyCritters is your wifi in africa, or are you that mentally incompetent that you can’t realize that most people can’t work during an epidemic despite incoming expenses…i guess logic isn’t really a suit of yours
@TastyCritters and if they do have jobs still????? No answer huh lmao
Many won’t get a coronavirus stimulus check https://www.aol.com/article/news/2020/04/06/falling-through-the-cracks-many-americans-wont-get-coronavirus-checks/23971146/
@David your logic is foolish. School started in August which came before the epidemic. Dont have to wait for an epidemic to start looking for a job.
@Andromeda Bloom then maybe they should try saving or helping out. Did you comment just to see your comment?
I understand that it takes time to get the cash out to people but God only knows what position we’ll be in by the time we see it.
So we’re getting paid 2 weeks of work but we’re going to be off for the next 6 months.
“How much money families will get from stimulus?” Not nearly as much as the 1%
In Canada, they give out 2,200, some EUROPEANS countries are waiving rent and utilities, the U.S a one time check for 1200??????? WE GOT MONEY FOR WARS BUT CAN’T FEED THE POOR —– TUPAC
danielangel vega Save me a lot mate
Yes sir, just remember who’s Canada’s daddy
2200 Canadian dollar = $ 1,547 US Dollar. That’s about 300$ difference which equals out with market prices. US is giving people another 1,200 on top of that so $2,400 for US.
@Tae Kim dude,I am in the U.S, and it’s a 1time payment, not another check afterwards
You aren’t “getting” anything. You’re getting 1200 dollars of your money back after they give you 18,000 dollars of debt and 16,800 of it is given to corporations. This was a very stupid idea and an absolute disaster for everyone except the top 1%.
It’s all lies nobody’s even getting the $1,200 wake up
Exactly what economy are we going to stimulate with the money? My “economic” options at this point are go to the half stocked grocery store again or order a pizza.
Or you can order stuff from Amazon and wait 6 months to get it but there’s no money coming anyhow so I don’t know what you’re complaining about
Families: nickles
Corporate: $Billions