Acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney went in front of the press yesterday and undermined weeks of the president’s denials about a quid pro quo in Ukraine by saying it happens all the time in foreign policy. Stephanie Ruhle breaks down what happened yesterday and how much damage it caused to the president’s defense. Weighing in: Former Assistant Secretary of State Joel Rubin, Reuters White House Correspondent Jeff Mason, and MSNBC Political Analyst Elise Jordan. Aired on 10/18/19.
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How Much Damage Did Mick Mulvaney Do Yesterday? | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC
“He’s not crazy”. Meaning he doesn’t have dumps excuse?
You see how things are bad when the freaking US president has the excuse and permission to be a nutjob.
this is not PRESIDENCYthis is SCANDALENCY ..
VAGA Official TV copyright that .
Nah…an attempt at being witty, but it really doesn’t work. If comments on youtube videos are ever going to bring Trump down, they will need to be better than that. Sorry.
The comments vary, as far as wit; but at least they’re aimed at the most deserving recipients.
That’s what counts. essentially.
@MrDino1953 true
This is a dictatorship in the making.
Saying it ain’t so, Mr Trump, doesn’t make it not true!
Unfortunately the dumb will fall in line, the Russian trolls burning the midnight oil.
You have to keep repeating then the stupid masses follow blindly.
Disney Land is hiring. Mickey Mouse Mulvaney needs to apply. He’ll be a hoot.
Mulvaney looks like the kid that was
always the last one picked.
You all missed the news. Iger has announced Disney is reducing the percentage of their of their employees who are white men. You can find it on youtube.
Alvin the chipmunk
They are already printing the Mick Mulvaney tee shirts. They say… “NEVER IS THE NEW ALL THE TIME”.
Mulvaney forgot to take a spoonful of Trumps poop for breakfast.
Mike Young Jedi mind trick works. Next get him to state, I love Putin and I want us to be part of Russia.
How embarrassing his friends and family must feel….
A great job on that one.
@Mike Young It’s a little of both, actually. He tried to normalize it by throwing in that quip about there being politics in foreign policy when this has NOTHING to do with whether or not there is politics in foreign policy. And he’s that stupid because he works for this administration.
What about Mulvaney saying “get over it” why are they NOT addressing this comment?
@Sandra Caster LoL. Exactly!
Good point. How can you say you were misquoted if you admit to a crime and then say get over it. You essentially doubled down.
@G Manloh Get over it. You sound like your having a flashback to defending your little (lol, see what I did there) brother.
The Trump administration has been arrogant and corrupt for so long they don’t know when to stop .
I have been saying from the beginning of this mess it is coming off as if Trump wants to be impeached. They just keep saying things that are handing the impeachment over to the dems on a silver platter. Either that, or they are not a very bright bunch.
@Rabble Wolf I thought his comment was a clever joke.
@blob darkass Yeah! I tend to agree he’s just normalizing criminal behavior to inoculate the masses. It seems to be working.
Its easy misreading comments at times, heat of the moment, my bad.
@Rabble Wolf You are NOT alone. Been there done that. Cheers
Two words will suffice: Pearl Harbour [for the GOP Greedy Ole Phuckers!]
The White House is worried about secret whistleblowers, when they should be worried about WH staff talking into microphones in front of recording cameras.
Civil Villain I don’t think they will ever worry about that. They don’t know or care to learn about how photos, tape or video recordings or memory works in reference to putting together this mess. People going to the polls have the ability to bring it all together. Canadians not only voted the Conservatives out of power, they voted the party out of existence. To be a recognized party you need to win ten seats in the national election but they only got three. And one seat was lost when the candidate crossed the aisle. They have come back but it took a lot of years. You can dump trump and the party.
@Mary Elizabeth
You give me hope. Thank you for that.
Civil Villain What they should be worried is a nonsense media making little girls and boys like you very confused about who to vote for.
@K Korona
Weak. Just so weak. You go on with your head in the sand, believing all that your mighty lord Trump says. Who cares what you see and hear with your very own eyes and ears, right? You dummies are the most gullible and ignorant people on the planet.
Even your troll game is depressing. I give you a 1/10.
Before I never respond to you again, here’s a quick impression of you:
“Uh duh… I know I saw Mulvaney repeat himself three times, but now he says he never said those things, and the dirty media is taking him out of context! Well, Trump believes in him, so so do I. Recorded audio and video be damned! MAGA 2020!!”
That’s you. That’s what you sound like.
Sad. Gullible. Moron.
*I assume you meant, “What they should be worried *about*…”
…Just so very very dumb. I’d almost feel bad for you people if you weren’t so abrasive in your willful ignorance.
Trump is a lying clown, but to anyone who stills supports this lunacy, you are the problem.
deplorable idiots
Worse than enablers
I would rather be your problem than to join the pathetic ranks you are in, trump2020
ACTING chief of staff, like most of his cabinets they are all ACTORS, and quite cruel inhuman beings.
@Kwum aix No. Thank GOD for Nancy Pelosi. If not for people like her and Schumer, this would be Nazi America.
Trust me, she is getting all her ducks in a row, and by the time Nov. 2020 arrives, Trump will be not only out of office, but probably in jail.
@ido ntknow I don’t know what country you’re in but here in America the government is infested by Klan & a plethora of dangerous extremists. The more brazen in dangerous Trump’s behavior is the less he is held accountable between the cult Republicans in the do nothing Democrats we are headed over a Cliff no breaks .
@Kwum aix I’m in America. Texas, unfortunately. I fear Wal-Mart’s, School campuses and churches.
@ido ntknow I am counting on this. I believe Mr. Dump will be not running 2020 for 2nd term.
“how stupid do they think the american people are?” – unfortunately they know exactly how stupid about 50% of them are so they will continue to feed them lies that they want to hear
@K Korona I don’t understand your argument. Your English is not good comrade.
Oakley Moodie calling other americans russian because you didnt understand basic English is probably the most embarassing thing you can do all year lol
I would not say 50% are that “stupid” but perhaps overly gullible. About 20% are really stupid and those are the hard core Trumpers.. the ones that would not care if Trump shot people on 5th ave. The ones often referred to as the “deplorable” segment of Trumps base. These are not rocket scientists and are fine with Trump bringing us and the rest of the world down as long as it also spites liberals. Grade a morons and a lot of this mess is their fault.
@Maureen Perkins others have guns to. I think it seems more if them because they are the ones who brag and rant about their guns.
Trump, the Administration, and the Republican Party are a complete joke!
‘cept nobody is laughing. They are corrupt to the core.
sue bee True dat!
Mike Young again total lack of arguments and positions. typical democrat voter gas no thoughts only slogans.
K Korona Grow up! The proof of my statement is blatantly obvious. One, Trump can’t maintain an operational cabinet! Two, no one in his cabinet is capable of doing their job. Three, not one elected Republican is willing to perform their constitutional duty and preserve the independence of the 3 separate branches government. You really should examine your thought process.
What Dumbo Trumpsky meant to say: “There was no Larry, Curly, and Moe.”
Frank Winkhorst But he be lying again, your for got about, the, “Three Amigos”
Lmao, no tres stooges
Trump is a treasonous traitor.
photoshopknight Which means youll vote for him next election to stand with China and unchecked mexican immigration and efforts to globalize the country. Remember your partys message democrat – you hate your own country. If Trump is a traitor, you will vote for him next election.
Don’t be dumb.
@K Korona How do you know he/she is a democrat? I feel the same way and I’m a conservative, recently ex repub member but not a democrat.
@K Korona you dont know them or how they feel about anything. I am guessing you are totally wrong and that they love America. That is why they are concerned.
If you didn’t do anything wrong then why withholding documents
Golden Warrior Because you dont have faith that documents will be treated correctly and not spun.
I don’t think they are withholding documents out of fear we might find out they are actually smart and ethical lol.
blob darkass they are withholding documents because they know they did nothing wrong so the right thing to do is to stall an investigation that really shouldnt exist.
@K Korona baloney !!!
Trumps base is not real smart..Watch a GASLIGHTING EVENT. Listen to people interviewed when walking into a rally. The things they believe are scary.. Like Trump, do not care about FACTS..
Like God
John Edward Jones Its deadly when Top Officials do not care about facts. They cannot lead with opinions. I cannot believe we all still in this mess. When are we going to get the relief that we earned!
Very scary
His base is 30% . we the 70% need to do our job send them back to the shadows.
Republicans: your eyes & ears are part of the deep state
Deep state of psychosis.
Your cerebral cortex is out to get you!
GOP gonna pay for a Donald trumf presidency. History won’t be kind to that party
This is American government at its lowest point in our history. Every other nation on this planet looks at the US of A with complete shock.
……and loose again !
Can’t wait
Brian Smith Oh, you’re one of those.
evolvedape Looks at the US with shock while relying on our military for stability. Yeah something aint right with what you said there mister lemme fix it for you.
@SuperSonics Return
Realists ?
Brian Smith delusional beings. ISIS hasn’t been terminated… the Kurds were the ones guarding thousands of them in prison. Which is why everyone with a brain was upset when trump abruptly pulled out.
Somebody should warn Mulvaney of the bus heading his direction.