Israel is the biggest recipient of United States aid funding. Watch Ali Velshi explain why this is important amid the conflict between Israel and Congresswomen Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar.
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How Much Aid Does The U.S. Send To Israel? | Velshi & Ruhle | MSNBC
Maybe the USA should stop helping other countries and work on OUR failing economy.
Jake Mcewen Or at least stop supporting countries that suppress others.
@Ver Coda I can support that
Jake Mcewen they also have free healthcare, free college and they also don’t have an annual debt since we pay for their military aid!
@Dee That is frustrating to learn
Completely agree!
We send TOO MUCH aid.
we should send them aids instead
Suicidal Expenses they also have free healthcare, free college and they also don’t have an annual debt since we pay for their military aid!
Any nation, specially one with its hand out for my tax dollars, that disrespects our elected representatives can kiss my sass.
Vox Nihili
The oppressed becomes the oppressor…
US should cut off aids to Israel. Israel doesn’t have the same values with American people, why should we support them?
@Mandy Last You have it right. Judaism is as bad as Islam. It’s just in the U.S. we have Reformed Jews as the majority, and Orthodox Jews are the minority. In Israel it the reverse. Nowadays, it’s hard for Reformed Jews to get Israeli citizenship. Whether it’s Orthodox Jews, Fundamentalist Muslims, or Fundamentalist Christians, they claim to be Gawd’s chosen, and have Gawd’s mandate to subjugate the infidels.
That is not the Jewish citizens, that’s Bo Bo Nuttinyahoo and his Zionist mafia.
Americans deserve free health care from Israel.
You will need somthing when you start giving your healthcare to the world with your open borders
why are we sending them this money when so many of us, who worked hard and paid taxes all of our lives can’t afford clean running water?
Yes I agree.So much double standards.tRump calls a person fat.Hello face hamburger breath.

Y’all suckers
Eileen Harrington they also have free healthcare, free college and they also don’t have an annual debt since we pay for their military aid!
Perhaps we can give Israel the last of this aid as food and designate it for the Palestinians’ I would suggest we sent them the crops that China no longer imports due to Trump’s stupid tariffs.
Only $142 billion? It’s good most cities in the USA don’t need that aid for clean water, better schools, healthcare, and so on.
38feet well with all those local tax dollars going to unions, pensions and bloated pensions that’s what you get.
Yeah. Flint, MI should be happy. Having water you can set on fire, right out of the tap, is way cooler than a burning bush.
@Moe Snert Troll.
Our aid to Israel is also illegal according to the Symington amendment….
Miss Amazon they also have free healthcare, free college and they also don’t have an annual debt since we pay for their military aid!
And we can’t even help our own people
MADSAINT they also have free healthcare, free college and they also don’t have an annual debt since we pay for their military aid!
Because Democrats want slave labor with illegals!
Maybe we should stop sending cash aid and instead send hamberders
Democracy and free speech is allowed as long you don’t tell the truth about Israel
most of your politicians are the Zionist puppet so don’t expect any thing from them
Great idea Bernie.
I don’t know why Bibi and the Israeli government is acting like America needs them, instead of the other way around. They seem to be confused.
Not with the Jeffery tapes
David J they also have free healthcare, free college and they also don’t have an annual debt since we pay for their military aid!
It would be amazing if we gave that money to the deficit instead of Israel.
Yeah, now there’s a thought . . . .pay off our debt.
We should be spending that money on ourselves. Why are we paying taxes to support a country involved in human rights violations?
you mean put America first?
@ღSwnsasyღ _ Thank you. Please tell your friends/relatives. Those women are not against Jews at all, they are only against corrupt Netanyahu. That’s why Trump’s behavior is so un-American and petty.
That’s what the Squad have been trying to tell you. (You plural – not you personally!!!)
America is not about human rights violations. Whwn it happens we fight it. That is the america the world loves and looks up to. We arent what trump wants us to be.
Vox Nihili::: Exactly
All AMERICAN congress members should refuse to go,
unless All our Representative are treated equally.
Richie Rich or Bernie should go since they cannot block a Jew especially one running for President
We should stop giving any foreign aid to all countries. After the mossad blackmailing operation that Epstein was running has been uncovered most Americans would be ok with stopping future payments to Israel.
Soooo…Omar says nearly the same, and the media goes nuclear. But Bernie,…..(Crickets)
He’s white and non-Muslim. And a man.
It’s what I’ve been saying to everyone. Why do we continue sending them money? It’s bananas
No it’s money, bananas is what we should be sending them.
Why does a first world nation still need aid?