Rachel Maddow tells the history of how Mitch McConnell decided not to allow President Barack Obama to fulfill his constitutional duty to name a Supreme Court justice to the seat vacated by Antonin Scalia, setting up a caustic showdown over replacing Ruth Bader Ginsburg.» Subscribe to MSNBC:
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How Mitch McConnell Broke The Process For Naming A New Supreme Court Justice | MSNBC
mitch “the chinless wonder” mcconnell should be impeached for multiple violations of his oath of office going bavk two decades at least
don juran Trump 2020



@don juran tup SaAHN
Y’all should try that.
Work so good, the last time.
This is one of the most disgusting thing I’ve ever heard in America that judges are political if that is the case you are broken and always will be

@Constantly Correct So you’re saying that he’s effectively made it harder to get a judge who is likely to be centrist and accepted by both the left and right (and therefore representative of the majority of Americans) by excluding the scenario where the president and senate majority are of opposing parties (and therefore have to work together, with the election year just giving them added motivation to find an acceptable compromise)?
If that’s the case, then whilst he’s technically being consistent now, I’d argue that this rule was certainly not for the benefit of the American people and should never have been added in the first place.
@David see, and then Trump, and others that follow him say it was China.
@David I didn’t because I heard that it was China. Well, now I know and thank you.
@David Why don’t you do a little background work on what Trump has done for this country and compare it to the previous administrations and what they did while in office to get the real facts. You can keep spouting off nonsense all you want but the educated knows different.
@Ken White that is just a stupid comment.
History will remember them as self serving individuals and and for their exceptional lack of integrity and abuse of power.
@My Own Private Idaho I can agree to that. May she rest in peace.
mstfal lmao CBS News is fake news sorry your quote is disqualified
My Own Private Idaho My Own Private Idaho McConnell”s full precedent only applies to lame duck presidents who don’t have the majority in the Senate. Obama was termed out. Unethical….maybe…but legal
. Stop crying and vote!!!
@My Own Private Idaho she couldn’t. Although Obama was President, the Senate was controlled by Republicans both terms.
@tonya harper …of course she could have. Obama appointed Sotomayor and Kagan with a Republican Senate so I don’t know why you’d say that.
I can’t stand what is happening any longer. It’s all revolting.
turtle & cat sis What people need to remember is that this President has been impeached PERIOD,and we the people can vote him out of office.Sincerely from a Puerto Rican guy
Turtle and cat
Odd and appropriate wording. Why in Gods name should We the People stand for this insanity.
Stay safe, be well. Vote.
my suggestion, join Ruth Bader Ginsburg!
What can’t you stand?
@Anna probably talking about the hypocrisy. What do you think she/he can’t stand?
In Melania’s RNC speech, she said, “Your word is your bond.” Obviously, Moscow Mitch was not listening because he is not a man of honor. There is nothing worse than someone you can not trust. LOCK HIM UP!!!
@Dillards Shopper — Kelo v. City of New London go read about it … you’re the crazy one.

@jayme lee
Does your mommy know that you’re playing with adult toys? Get out of your sandbox, get your Teddy Bear, climb into bed, and take a very long nap. Go on. Don’t keeps the Sandman waiting. Here’s your Teddy.
What happened? I don’t feel your love anymore.
We have a republican senate and president is well in the constitution for this president to pick the judge no foul play here. And if the democrats had both the presidency and senate you bet your bottom dollar they would be picking the judge!! Hypocrites!!!!!!
@AThanksgivingBaby Talking S out of your A! Like you would know who is voting for what party.
@Dillards Shopper Has nothing to do with being crazy. It has everything to do with knowing the difference with stupidity and logic. You need to go look up what has been done compared to what you believe has been done from MSM.
Why do Americans always say they have a brilliant democracy when judges are political appointees and someone like Mitch McConnell has the power that he does???????…
@Leo Yohansen uum, because America is a Republic, not a democracy, your statement is actually exactly what we vote for.
Susan Williams
So tell me, Ace
What other country
Is taking in a million
immigrants a year.
Guess what
I won’t lose any sleep
If the number of immigrants
drops to zero.
you certainly don’t want the democrats to have ‘the power’ now do you??
We see you, well enough, sparky.
That George Floyd incident
That was
A democrat PD
A democrat City
A democrat State
A democrat Riot
@Zen Namaste Hello moron none of us consider America a democracy we’ve known it’s a corrupt cesspool of people much like yourself, no moral or guiding principles other than hate and greed….A Republic is NOT a dictatorship but idiots like you are happy for it to be one
“Toto, I have a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore!” Judy Garland (1939 film)..
Wayne Norris It wasn’t the constitution, it was an amendment to the constitution. And it was by Abraham Lincoln, a republican. Are you a democrat or a republican?
@AL Sloan it’s actually in the declaration of independence 1776. I’m Democrat, and you?
@Carl Carlson HEY!
Mr. Rogers in Universal.
@Carl Carlson is Carl Carlson a Simpson reference that’s pretty chilish
No, just under the influence of corporations with tremendous powers all supporting liberal democrats.
I honestly don’t get how corrupt this country can allowed to be, WILD.
M.K It’s not the country that’s corrupt! It’s Mitch McConnell and the current crop of GOP sycophants who are lining their pockets and supporting an impeached president
@SWSIREN Are they running the country?
@M.K – It would seem though because the Senate has more Pull than The House of Representatives and they are in Cohorts with “Don The Con” running amok “lawlessly
Evil Moscow Mitch single handedly carried out his evil agenda for last 20 years. We need billionaires to stop his train.
Try 35 years.
God comes like a thief in the night Mitch should start praying for his soul. God help him
@Purity Central abortion is not a problem in the USA…..starving kids, and uninsured children are! Someting conservatives do not care about…go figure!
@Unknown Valor Nope. The states takes enough money and also doesn’t need to be paying for it.
I’m all for private entities like churches and non profits taking this responsibility.
@David Rodriguez With several thousand abortions a year, it is a problem.
Who are you kidding? You Marxist don’t even believe in God.
To late, he sold his soul to the devil
Five books every US citizen should read:
– ‘The Dictator’s Handbook’
By: Bruce Bueno de Mesquita and Alastair Smith
– ‘On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century’
By: Timothy D. Snyder
– ‘Our Time Is Now: Power, Purpose, and the Fight for a Fair America’
By: Stacey Abrams
– ‘Surviving Autocracy’
By: Masha Gessen
– ‘Black Earth: The Holocaust as History and Warning’
By: Timothy D. Snyder
@mik3ymomo what rules did they change?
Steve-O_88 In November 2013, Senate Democrats led by Harry Reid used the nuclear option to eliminate the 60-vote rule on executive branch nominations and federal judicial appointments. In 2017 Mcconnell extended it to include Supreme Court nominees which was the only judicial appointment excluded in the original rule change by democrats.
Greg M how about that forgotten classic, Eichmann ln Jeruselum by Hannah Arrendt?
Since then, we have travelled from the “..banality of Evil..” to the “..Evil of Banality..”
All of Our villains are mediocrities.
Dan Packard who’s bringing peace to the Middle East without warfare? That’s something politicians have been trying to do for a century. Maybe millennia’s. Better trade deals, accountability for allies to pay the debts instead of the American tax payer taking the load all the time. What about all time low unemployment including minorities and stock market all time highs? Did I mention tax cuts for everyone?
If not for the China virus we would have had an epic 4 years. I mean short of countless and fruitless investigations…
@Common Sense It has nothing to do with a cult following or lack of common sense (which you clearly don’thave)! It has everything to do with accomplishments. Maybe you should look them up.
“Times have changed “. This is why people hate politics.
moscow mitch was kicked out of the army as a young man for being a homosexual
@ryan b “ratified”
@Bob Cannon well THAT’S a stupid thing to write
Rich Mitch is a spineless crook. Please vote him out.
ALL Federal Judges should NOT be elected by a political process or be given LIFE TERMS…They must be accountable
“Give the people a voice”
Hey, Fukturtle! The people ELECTED Obama, that was their voice!
The Electoral College
Is here to stay.
Too bad
Sooo sad.
Here is a song for ya
End of Obama’s second term.
Not his first
Dems made that rule.
@Ams B4DaFunk
@Aaron Boone
@AL Sloan
The comment includes _electoral college_ but the comment is not about the electoral college. You three attempted an argument in response to a comment which you three misunderstood.
@D C wow! What a cry baby! You will say anything just to try and get your way.
@D M What’s my way?
Republicans’ GANGSTAR AND MOB MENTALITY is definitely NOT going to work this time.
Got that right we not going to let it happen
Everyone needs to vote! Do not hesitate, just do it and get it out of the way.
I like how the they’ll take a whole month off and screw everyone over. But, there’s alway time to shove a new judge in when one dies.
It is pathetic.
Politicians should be arrested for lying and hypocrisy.
That would eliminate our entire government.
especially democrats!
Moral of the story: ” no one should trust a turtle!”
what do you have against turtles ?
@Lee M they are privileged! All of them have their own house, and my family don’t have!
HEY change to something else I have a snapping turtle
HIS name is SNAPPY and he looks WAAAAAY better than MITCH the Ditch just saying.
Americas’ horizons are shrinking daily around the gangrenous black hole that is Donald Trump, and that could never have happened without the hypocrisy and treachery of Mitch McConnell.