CTV medical specialist Dr. Marla Shapiro breaks down some of the preliminary news about the COVID-19 vaccine.
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Wait a minute, what happened to those with additional complications like age + reduced immune response? That isn’t even on the list!!
Marla should take it every month
@Jon the lamb and how are you sure you’ll be fine?
@Jon the lamb Are you so sure of yourself.
@Jon the lamb Better stop brushing your teeth – after all, some scientist told you to do THAT, too. Pray away your tooth decay!
@TheToledoTrumpton “are”. Your English is remedial.
Who the hell knows

Don’t mind me, just here for the dislikes lol
@Bob Johnson same
@Bob Johnson Why though? I’ve noticed this for all their videos but I don’t get why. Do you dislike their take on the news or do you just dislike them in general?
I dont even bother to watch the video. Just make comments based on the title and other peoples comments.
@Jack underated comment !
3:06 so you don’t have to watch the whole thing
Bless you.
“So we don’t really” *closes video*
@LocoLens xD
Thank you for your service

I remember her when i was in high school!
Hey they may have a big dislike, but hey at least they leave comments on.
Justin Trudeau first.
@Finnan Cahill “probably”, these right wingers spend literally every day crying about their prime minister from their mother’s basement, they have no achievements in life
@Hannibal B I mean I’m not the biggest Trudeau fan I just think that every Canadian problem isn’t the direct fault of Trudeau
@Finnan Cahill Lol no need to lie, you’re definitely a Trudeau fanboy the way you are defending him.
@Finnan Cahill That’s too reasonable of a take, please get out of these comments
@Shinn18 seek therapy, cons are laughably unhinged
I can’t believe its not butter!
What does the FDA have to do with public health guidance in the UK and Canada?
i love the news channels’ videos
theres always a high dislike to like ratio in almost every video that i watch
Yes, “news”.
She’s not a doctor. She’s Patricia Steere. The flat earther.
3:08 They have no idea. It may require a booster after a year.
And one or two annually like the flu shot that never works.
No one knows! But how would they? It hasn’t been studied long enough!
Exactly. I’m not going to blindly trust anyone.
@NhlProShawnPS4 I’m not gonna take it either
@NhlProShawnPS4 Who knows the side effects it may cause a year from now
@Mike By the time you or I have the chance to get it, it will probably have been almost a year since the first trial participant got theirs. I think they’ll be fine.
“Do we know how long immunity lasts.”
“We don’t”
Now go have a drink with that five and a half minutes I saved you.
You rock. You took one for the team.
Thanks. I am not letting anything be put into my body when they don’t even know the long term effects.
That’s methed up. I don’t trust it.
We knew that before the interview was even made. How convenient that, like diabetes and cholesterol, they want their clients coming back forever
@Digitalhunny fellow Canuck!!
This video in summary: We don’t know.
Now go enjoy the 5 minutes I have saved of your life.
This does nothing to save your life. You are more likely to get killed by murder hornets.
yeah thanks. actually skipped this bs
Of course it will be annual.. they want to make Monnah!$$$$$$$$
“We don’t know how long immunity lasts”…. sounds pretty useless.
If you don’t know the basics of efficacy, imagine the dangers they don’t know about too.
why would anyone volunteer to get injected with an unknown substance ?
I just glad all ppl that get mad at me for not wearing on balcony when , line up get so they stfu
We’re not taking it until it’s properly tested