The chain-link fence surrounding Lafayette Square and the White House is now seen as a bulletin board of art and artifacts dedicated to George Floyd and hope, according to new reporting from Mark Leibovich. Aired on 06/15/2020.
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How Lafayette Square Has Become 'Hallowed Ground' For Protest Movement | Morning Joe | MSNBC
When police are asked to do what they are supposed to do, and being accountable to the people they sworn to protect and serve, their police union feel that we are asking for the impossible.
Dulcie Gray really ? That’s all you could come up with ? Seriously you just dropped your mask ,
@Wes Bernard okay children here we go again, one more time for the slow. never, never, let your gun pointed be at anyone, that it should unloaded be matters not the least to me.
Arresting a drunk driver at Wendy’s and shooting him when he resists IS protecting the rest of us. Mullet.
Wes Bernard I would add flame throwers and frag grenades.
way2kool89 the courts police the police, as well as BIA.
Trumps wall around himself made a great billboard right
@Wes Bernard Great Point because Trump is the greatest president of all time for Russia
John Winslow sorry for your low IQ , seriously when it comes to factual reality of Russia, ,talk to Biden , he knows
@Wes Bernard Great Point because Joe knows that Trump already has a house in Russia ready to go infact he has a child with an underage girl at the time in Russia
I pitty the fool who blindly follows a man who rapes a 13 year old Virgin in 1984
Google it
John O keep the blue wave in the toilet where it belongs , end the false narrative of divisional hate from the Dems , look how bad they govern cities , they can’t run a lemonade stand
@Wes Bernard Bahaha bahaha divisional hate bahaha good one
The whining on FAUX about this is awesome.
If our President Donald J. Trump is supposedly so racist why did he focus on getting the unemployment rate for Black Americans to its all time historical low. Why would he hire several of the most prominent Black Scholars in his Cabinet. aka: The Surgeon General and Head of the Housing Authority. Why is he the only President who did not only just talk about Prison Reform but went in and cleaned up the jails by Pardoning and releasing those persons who were wrongfully given extreme sentences per the crime committed. Think about it.
Frayed military relations – being called out by over 20 retired four-star commanders. But most importantly Milley’s statement was a ‘No’ to Trump’s wanna be Hitlerism. Knowing he was sulking/fuming somebody convinced West Point to buy him some icecream in the form of an honorary cadet sword. Cadet Bonespurs is now a reality.
Paul Wilson OF COURSE we’d be upset!! why are you so partisan? REAL AMERICANS support the Constitution, not this pissant wannabe Hitler
If our President Donald J. Trump is supposedly so racist why did he focus on getting the unemployment rate for Black Americans to its all time historical low. Why would he hire several of the most prominent Black Scholars in his Cabinet. aka: The Surgeon General and Head of the Housing Authority. Why is he the only President who did not only just talk about Prison Reform but went in and cleaned up the jails by Pardoning and releasing those persons who were wrongfully given extreme sentences per the crime committed. Think about it.
@Sheila Hardy First ‘token’ Carson was the only black person in his cabinet for most of the term. Trump did not give jobs to black people. They got them themselves … there were jobs avail. and they applied and got them.
@Radwulf Eboraci So what. If he were truly “racist” he would not have hired them. Think about it.
@Brian Fergus Wow, you really changed my mind by name calling. How obtuse.
This weeks new battle cry “Remember Lafayette Plaza.”
Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness are noble principles, but most importantly, the constitutional right of every American.
Those are not negotiable. The American people are to be respected. Or else.
The only fear I have as a veteran is the military and police (which shouldn’t be in the same category) splintering to pro-t and anti-t. The confederacy never left us.
At one time I shared that concern. But with all the Former Generals coming out against the military being politicized, I don’t think it will happen.
Learn about People’s Park. This happened in the 60’s. Helicopters spraying gas on protesters.
End the gop swamp’s hate and division agenda in november. VOTE Blue!!
Justice Boofer Just did .thanx. Now I dislike Reagan even more.
@sean h thanks for learning. You rock.
We need a repeat but with kerosene and flares.
Well Trump finally got his wall and the crowd sizes he’s always wanted.
End the gop swamp’s hate and division agenda in november. VOTE Blue!!
@John O

I bet the Mexican government would have paid for the WHITE HOUSE WALL if it could keep TRUMP inside.
He couldn’t climb over the fence
To be fair, even Americans would donate
@Evan Devries perfect
@Evan Devries I’ll set up the go fund me.
@Carol Sitzberger He would tunnel under it from his bunker.
Carol Sitzberger You mean the wall that is able to be sawed through with a circular saw from any hardware store… or has trump wasted even more taxpayer money on walls that very obviously aren’t working?
Somewhere in the afterlife Richard Nixon is jumping for joy. Because he’s no longer considered to be the worst President in the history of the United States.
GW Bush in his lifetime would agree.
Nixon and Harding.
If our President Donald J. Trump is supposedly so racist why did he focus on getting the unemployment rate for Black Americans to its all time historical low. Why would he hire several of the most prominent Black Scholars in his Cabinet. aka: The Surgeon General and Head of the Housing Authority. Why is he the only President who did not only just talk about Prison Reform but went in and cleaned up the jails by Pardoning and releasing those persons who were wrongfully given extreme sentences per the crime committed. Think about it.
@Sheila Hardy What Have You Done?
It Was A Good Idea At The Time trump 200 point lead no problem.
Republicans are mob bosses the cops are Gangsters with badges.Just like Russia. Wake up America
so then what are the actual thugs and gang members like the crips and bloods?
If our President Donald J. Trump is supposedly so racist why did he focus on getting the unemployment rate for Black Americans to its all time historical low. Why would he hire several of the most prominent Black Scholars in his Cabinet. aka: The Surgeon General and Head of the Housing Authority. Why is he the only President who did not only just talk about Prison Reform but went in and cleaned up the jails by Pardoning and releasing those persons who were wrongfully given extreme sentences per the crime committed. Think about it.
@Paul Wilson young kids that come
From throw away parents. Those are the kids that end up in gangs.
But let us spend more money on
A bunch of corrupt dirty cops .
Trump got his ‘Wall’ . . but it was a Fence around the WH . . as POTUS hid in the bunker.
Paul Wilson
Just as a matter of interest what part of that comment was a lie? There was a fence around the White House and Trump himself said he went into the bunker.
He was instructed by his detail to go to the bunker.
Anyone else in USA who finds it funny that Trump built his wall—-around himself??
@wee huddy You do know Trump’s Depends were full when he was on that ramp?
@David Hale Jealous Cozy Bear APT29?
@DC Means I Tottering on his two inch lifts , his corset cramping his Mac filled interior , make up running , granddaddy diaper full … thank Thoth his industrial strength hair spray is holding … can someone tell me why this wannabe drag queen is perceived as an ‘ alpha male ‘ ? anyone ?
@GoT fan 2320 Trump is a psychopath leading sheep to their slaughter. The hospitals are already expecting overflow from the protests. Now this. Once hospitals reach capacity people will die by thousands, young and old. Madness.
@David Hale Cozy Bear APT29
This is an indictment against trump and his ideologies. A failed leader who seeks to oppress a free people.
@itgetter9 Shelia hardy is a clueless individual who will be blocked in 24 hours.
@Sheila Hardy think about all the giant lies you believe
@Sheila Hardy girl get a dose of prozac cause you are in the twilight zone.
Singing Justice Yes you are correct. Trump is doomed for the history books.
Auckland. NZ
@itgetter9 Wow, you just totally changed my mind. Read an actual government doc or two without someone elses opinion and then make up your own mind.
Ignorance is the cement in trump’s wall around the W.H. and it is about Racism, Inequality and Injustice, and his ignorance is the leading cause of Death from the pandemic!

Looks like the protesters are making lemonade out of “Trump’s real wall” where he hides behind in his bunker!
Trump has been making lemonade out of liberal tears for a while now and will continue for four more years pumpkin lips!
If our President Donald J. Trump is supposedly so racist why did he focus on getting the unemployment rate for Black Americans to its all time historical low. Why would he hire several of the most prominent Black Scholars in his Cabinet. aka: The Surgeon General and Head of the Housing Authority. Why is he the only President who did not only just talk about Prison Reform but went in and cleaned up the jails by Pardoning and releasing those persons who were wrongfully given extreme sentences per the crime committed. Think about it.
TRUMP built the WALL fast
It was such an eye sore the people tore it down even faster
Trump’s racist hate rhetoric speeches finally awakened the American people against racism
God works in mysterious ways.
Hurray, the wall is built.
If Trump is reelected.. Then he will declare himself King of America.
@Sheila Hardy
He didn’t.
President OBAMA dropped black unemployment from 16.8% to 7.8%.
– Obama created 3 million jobs for African Americans.
– Obama revitalised the Civil Rights division of the DOJ which was dormant under Bush.
– Trump’s Justice Department has sought to unwind consent decrees aimed at reining in police who apply unequal treatment to African Americans.
– Obama’s Justice Department, by contrast, worked to implement a number of those consent decrees. In 2010, Obama signed the Fair Sentencing Act, reducing the sentencing disparity for crack and powder-cocaine crimes that, he said “disproportionately filled our prisons with young black and Latino drug users.”
– Obama signed legislation funding a billion-dollar settlement between the Agriculture Department and African American farmers, resolving a case that had languished for years.
– Obama’s White House brought in and developed a cadre of black political talent. Trump delegated black outreach to Omarosa Manigault Newman, a reality-TV personality who now calls Trump a racist and suggests the rumored n-word tape really exists.
– 20% of the judges appointed by Obama were African American, compared with 3% of Trump’s.
– Obama implemented HUD policies that allowed black people to go to better schools and move to better neighborhoods. Trump rolled back these policies.
– Obama cut the number of uninsured black people by 1/3. Trump is in court right now trying to take healthcare away from 30 million Americans.
– Obama launched My Brother’s Keeper.
– Black owned businesses and black home ownership went up under Obama.
– Obama commuted the sentences of 1200 African Americans and Latinos.
– Under Obama black poverty decreased from 24.2% to 18%.
– One of Obama’s biggest feats was helping rescue the nation’s auto industry. His efforts helped save roughly 1 million jobs and kept thousands of suppliers — including some of the nation’s largest black businesses – from tumbling.
– The racial wealth gap is now worsening under Trump and his administration has done nothing to specifically address this challenge.
@Sheila Hardy
The first order of business Trump’s HUD secretary saw to was ROLLING BACK Obama era policies that allowed black people to go to better schools and move to better neighborhoods.
@Sheila Hardy
Trump did not contribute ONE LINE to the prison reform bill.
@Sheila Hardy
Obama commuted the sentences of 1200 black and Hispanic people, that is more than his five predecessors and Trump COMBINED.
@Sheila Hardy
You need to get your information somewhere other than Trump’s Twitter.